Tuesday, November 12, 2024


 WE have MICHAEL POPOK to provide the legal explanations we never thought we needed....let's stay engaged & informed.

Isn't the greater issue WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? FOX NEWS = FAKE NEWS LIARS beat the drumbeats of WAR in the Middle East based on LIES & condemned those who spoke out with attacks & lies!
BUSH/CHENEY cost TRILLIONS, failing to raise taxes to fight WARS for the first time in US history, creating a massive DEFICIT that BILL CLINTON & AL GORE had addressed leaving budget surpluses into the future that BUSH/CHENEY squandered.

Trump destroyed the ECONOMY, increased a massive DEFICIT with tax cuts to the WEALTHY....did you hear CRICKETS?
DEMOCRACY IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! It's important for each of us to remain informed & speak out...not just in a crisis...but to PROTECT DEMOCRACY each & every time.
DISINFORMATION, LIES & RIGHT WING WACKOS convinced poorly educated Americans to vote against their best interests.

Legal AF

310K subscribers

You know who else is not going away based on Tuesday's election results -- Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes who declared that the state indictment arising out of the Trump fake elector scheme she obtained from an Arizona grand jury in April is not being dismissed and that at least 5 of the closest to Trump will go to criminal trial for the attempts to steal the election. Popok is @ The Intersection to outline what State AGs still have left up their sleeves to reign in Trump and punish his criminal co-conspirators. Subscribe: ‪@LegalAFMTN‬ Subscribe to the Legal AF by MeidasTouch podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...

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