Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread to 16 States: Study


Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread to 16 States: Study

Fires after the February 2023 accident caused plumes of toxic chemicals to spread farther than researchers anticipated. "I think we should be concerned," an expert said.

Toxic chemicals released during fires following the Norfolk Southern train derailment in Ohio last year spread to 16 states and likely Canada, according to a study released Wednesday.

The pollution, some of which came from the burning of vinyl chloride, a carcinogen, spread over 540,000 square miles, showing clearly that "the impacts of the fire were larger in scale and scope than the initial predictions," the authors of the study, published in Environmental Research Letters, found.

Lead author David Gay, coordinator of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, said that he was very surprised by the way the chemicals had spread. "I didn't expect to see an impact this far out," he told The Washington Post.

Gay said the results did not mean "death and destruction," as concentrations were low on an absolute scale—"not melting steel or eating paint off buildings"—but that they were still "very extreme" compared to normal, with measurements higher than recorded in the previous ten years.

"I think we should be concerned," Juliane Beier, an expert on vinyl chloride effects who didn't take part in the study, told the Post, citing the possibility of long-term environmental impacts on communities.

A Norfolk Southern train crashed in East Palestine, Ohio, a village near the Pennsylvania border and the Appalachian foothills, on February 3, 2023. Dozens of train cars derailed, at least 11 of which were carrying hazardous materials, some of which caught fire after the accident and burned for days. Fearing a large-scale explosion, authorities drained the vinyl chloride from five cars into a trench and set it alight in a controlled burn.

A former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency official later said that the controlled burn went against EPA rules; the head of the National Transportation Safety Board said the deliberate burning was unnecessary.

The local impact of the fires was felt acutely in the month after the accident—a "potent chemical odor hung in the air for weeks," according to The Guardian, and people reported nausea, rashes, and headaches.

The new study helps explain the wider environmental impact. The researchers looked at inorganic compound samples in rain and snow at 260 sites. The highest levels of chloride were found in northern Pennsylvania and near the Canada-New York border, which was downwind from the accident. The authors also found "exceptionally high" pH levels in rain as far away as northern Maine. They did not look at organic compounds such as dioxin or PFAS, which likely also spread following the accident, The Guardianreported. The elevated inorganic chemical levels dropped two to three weeks after the accident.

Norfolk Southern has agreed to pay nearly $1 billion in damages following two settlements reached in recent months. In April, the company reached a $600 million deal with class action plaintiffs living within 20 miles of the derailment site. That deal won't be finalized until the residents officially agree. In May, the company reached a separate $310 million settlement with the federal government. The company has said that it has already spent $107 million on community support and removed the impacted soil.

Norfolk Southern makes billions in profits every year, and the company gave its CEO a 37% pay hike last year, drawing widespread criticism. The company also spent $2.3 million on federal lobbying last year, according to OpenSecrets data reported by Roll Call.

Norfolk Southern derailment in East Palestine, Ohio

Norfolk Southern train cars carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, on February 3, 2023, starting fires that lasted several days.

 (Photo: NTSB/Handout via Xinhua)

Amid Carnage and Ecological Damage, Greenpeace Demands Gaza Cease-Fire


Amid Carnage and Ecological Damage, Greenpeace Demands Gaza Cease-Fire

"We call for the bullets and bombs to be silenced so that the growing voices for peace can be heard," said the group.

As part of its quest for "a green and peaceful future," Greenpeace International on Tuesday urged the Israeli government and Hamas to "unequivocally agree to support and abide by" a recent United Nations Security Council resolution and declare "an immediate and permanent cease-fire" in the Gaza Strip.

"We call for the bullets and bombs to be silenced so that the growing voices for peace can be heard," the environmental advocacy group said in a statement that acknowledges "the horrific events" of October 7—in which Hamas-led militants killed more than 1,100 people in Israel and took around 240 hostages—and the over 37,000 Palestinians who Israeli forces have slaughtered since.

In addition to the rising death toll and at least 85,523 Palestinians injured by the war, "the majority of Gaza's 2.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes," Greenpeace highlighted. "Much of Gaza has been reduced to rubble, famine and disease are rife, nowhere and no one is safe. Sanity and humanity must be restored in the face of this unfolding genocide."

"Beyond the urgent need to end the civilian suffering and ecological devastation, all parties must resume peaceful negotiations."

The organization pointed to South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice as well as a U.N. commission's report from last week that concludes the Israeli government and Palestinian militants have committed war crimes.

"We call on Hamas to immediately release all hostages," Greenpeace said. "We call for the Israeli government to immediately end the blockades on the supply of food, water, medicine, and fuel to the people of Gaza and release all illegally detained civilians."

"Violence is never the answer, it only brings more violence," the group emphasized. "Beyond the urgent need to end the civilian suffering and ecological devastation, all parties must resume peaceful negotiations towards a lasting peace built on safety, justice, and equal rights for all. International law must be upheld."

The United States and European countries that are arming Israel have faced international pressure to use their leverage to halt crimes by its forces. Greenpeace called for "a global embargo on all arms sales and transfers that could be used to further increase the toll of war crimes to be answered by both sides once this war and conflict ends."

"Greenpeace recognizes the deep historic roots that need to be discussed and negotiated if a permanent peace is to be established," the group said. "Greenpeace calls for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine. Greenpeace supports the UNSC resolution ambition that 'Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders, consistent with international law and relevant U.N. resolutions."

The Greenpeace statement was released the same day that the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) published a preliminary assessment of the "environmental impact of the conflict in Gaza," which features three main sections. The first part addresses the state of the environment and natural resources in the Hamas-governed enclave before October 7.

The second section discusses topics including water, wastewater treatment, and sewage systems; solid waste collection and treatment; destruction of infrastructure and related debris; energy, fuel, and associated infrastructure; marine and coastal environments; terrestrial ecosystems, soil, and cultivated lands; and air pollution.

The third section focuses on chemicals and waste associated with armed conflicts as well as construction, destruction, and flooding of tunnels in Gaza—which, as the report notes, "is a small, densely populated coastal area, the environment of which has been affected by repeated escalations of the decadeslong conflict, unplanned urbanization, and population growth."

"We urgently need a cease-fire to save lives and restore the environment."

Inger Andersen, UNEP's executive director, said in a statement that "not only are the people of Gaza dealing with untold suffering from the ongoing war, the significant and growing environmental damage in Gaza risks locking its people into a painful, long recovery."

"While many questions remain regarding the exact type and quantity of contaminants affecting the environment in Gaza, people are already living with the consequences of conflict-related damage to environmental management systems and pollution today," she continued. "Water and sanitation have collapsed. Critical infrastructure continues to be decimated. Coastal areas, soil, and ecosystems have been severely impacted."

"All of this is deeply harming people's health, food security, and Gaza's resilience," Andersen added. "We urgently need a cease-fire to save lives and restore the environment, to enable Palestinians to start to recover from the conflict and rebuild their lives and livelihoods in Gaza."

The UNEP report and Greenpeace's statement followed a study that was posted to SSRN earlier this month and is currently under peer review. Ben Neimark, a co-author of the preprint and lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, said that "while the world's attention is rightly focused on the humanitarian catastrophe, the climate consequences of this conflict are also catastrophic."

As Common Dreams reported, Neimark's team estimated that up to 200,000 Gaza buildings were destroyed or damaged during just the first four months of the war, and the resulting climate costs were greater than the annual emissions of each of the world's 135 lowest-emitting countries.

Children walk amongst the rubble

Children walk amongst the rubble during the Eid al-Adha celebrations in Gaza on June 15, 2024.

 (Photo: Khames Alrefi/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)

Rights Groups To Sue as Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments Displayed in Classrooms











Rights Groups To Sue as Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments Displayed in Classrooms

"Our public schools are not Sunday schools," the groups said, "and students of all faiths, or no faith, should feel welcome in them."

Rights groups expressed outrage and promised legal action on Wednesday as Louisiana became the only state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms.

The law requires all public classrooms, from kindergarten to university-level, to display the commandments in "large, easily readable font" by the start of 2025. Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed House Bill 71 into law Wednesday after declaring recently that he "could not wait to be sued."

Rights groups immediately condemned the law and vowed to challenge it. In a joint statement, the national and state ACLU as well as the Freedom from Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State called the law "blatantly unconstitutional"—a violation of the separation of church and state.

The religious diversity of Louisiana schools must be respected, the groups said.

"Our public schools are not Sunday schools," the statement said, "and students of all faiths, or no faith, should feel welcome in them."

To strengthen the law against legal challenges, Republicans framed the requirement as a way of teaching American history. The law's language declares the Ten Commandments to be one of the "foundational documents of our state and national government"—a claim many critics dispute.

The commandments must be displayed with a "context statement" declaring that they "were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries." The law offers schools the option to also display the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, or the Northwest Ordinance.

Lawmakers in Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah have recently proposed similar bills regarding the display of the commandments, The Associated Press reported.

In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar law in Kentucky, citing the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution, which allows for no laws "respecting an establishment of religion."

Landry took office in January, replacing Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, who had for eight years stymied the agenda of Republican lawmakers. This year, they've brought forth a "flurry of conservative legislation," according to The New York Times.

It is not clear how the U.S. Supreme Court will treat the 1980 precedent. In recent years the court has consistently supported religious rights. In 2022, the six conservative justices ruled that a football coach in Washington who prayed with his players after games was protected by the First Amendment.

The new law—enacted Wednesday amid rising fears of Christian nationalism and its proponents crafting laws across the United States—sparked anger and mockery on social media.

"Apparently Louisiana has enough surplus budget money to defend ridiculous laws?," X user Patti Ringo wrote on the platform.

"The regression of America continues," another X user, David Poland, wrote. "How long will women and people of color be trusted with the vote?"

Even Christian groups have come out against the law. In late May, a group of more than 100 pastors and churchgoers sent Landry an open letter calling for him to veto the bill, arguing that it was not the place of the government to control religious education and that the law "disrespects religious diversity."

The group also criticized the authors of the law, which mandates exact wording of the commandments, for choosing an official version of the Ten Commandments, when different faith traditions have different versions and interpretations.

"To me that is a clear case of the government saying this religion is more important than the others," Rev. Jon Parks, senior co-pastor at University Baptist Church in Baton Rouge and a signer of the open letter, told The Advocate, a Louisiana newspaper. "There are places where the Ten Commandments belong—and the classroom is not it."

Jeff Landry

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry seen testifying. Landry signed a law requiring all public classrooms in Louisiana to display the Ten Commandments on June 19, 2024.

 (Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

Trump SEVERE cognitive issue, thinks dead celebrity voted for him


Let's stop denying this! 

Dementia Don's cognitive decline shows. 

It's watching a relative decline....but he does not belong in 


David Pakman Show

2.19M subscribers

Paul Gosar Gets What He Deserves For 16 Minutes Straight


PAUL GOSAR is an Arizona dentist who's really pretty ignorant. Public Health in Europe is WELL FUNDED and during the COVID pandemic, they were testing some of the bogus cures that were promoted in the US. They were conducting those studies in hospital settings where they could address any unexpected medical issues, as well as analyze the efficacy. ARIZONA Paul Gosar defines IGNORANCE! comments:

Bobble head Gosar, More proof that stupid people elect stupid people.

WTF is really wrong with Arizona that they would vote for a brain worm infested zombie like this?

This dude gosar looks like a ghoul that scares kids, adults, animals and aliens.

Gosar always looks likes he under the influence of drugs. He needs to be drug tested Is Gosar drunk?? He slurs a lot. That would explain his cockamamie views.

Gosar needs medical attention I live in Maricopa County AZ and Gosar is a joke around here! His own family members disown him! Vote BLUE in NOV to save our NATION from TRUMP and his crazy MAGA circus of idiots!

Paul Gosar is mentally sick. His family says he has changed dramatically to the worse. PI wonder if those who vote for him is both deaf and blind, in addition to brainwashed.



TYT Investigates

438K subscribers

MAGA extremist Paul Gosar gets absolutely torched by Reps. Jamie Raskin, Katie Porter, Gerry Connolly, Sydney Kamlager-Dove and more in epic fashion. They bash Gosar for pushing nonsensical hysteria, continuing to support convicted felon and MAGA cult leader Donald Trump, spewing awful comments about retired General Mark Milley and so much more. For more from TYT Investigates, SUBSCRIBE at: You can read our stories at LIKE and FOLLOW us at And connect with us on Twitter @TYTInvestigates 240610__IV03_GOSAR GETS TORCHED THEM



Nothing of evidence....'whistleblowers' are SPIES.... MAGA MORONS can't even scrutinize their 'whistleblowers.

The MAGA MORONS are embarrassing CLOWNS! IDIOTS like FOX NEWS = FAKE NEWS LIARS just continue to regurgitate the vomit!

US firm that paid indicted FBI informant tied to Trump associates, records reveal Alexander Smirnov was paid $600,000 in 2020 – the same year he allegedly began lying to FBI about Bidens’ role in Ukraine business

Manhattan DA CALLS BLUFF of House GOP on Hearing




This has been previously explained to MAGA MORONS who continue to 

make baseless & false claims. Accusations are irresponsible! 

The MAGA MORONS don't even comprehend how government works.

It's all PRETENSE! 

Good reminder of JARED MOSKOWITZ!

MAGA MORON theatrics, nothing of substance...they have done NOTHING for Americans...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  


2.49M subscribers

Trump Lawyers Keep Getting Indicted; Epshteyn & Ellis Plead Not Guilty in Arizona Fake Elector Case

As always, Glenn Kirschner simply explained the issues! 

JAN 6: 





Here is the link to the democracy-saving work of Marc Elias and the Democracy Docket:

Glenn Kirschner

744K subscribers

Donald Trump's lawyers keep getting indicted. Two of his former lawyers, Boris Epshteyn and Jenna Ellis just pleaded not guilty to nine felony charges in Arizona state court involving, in substance, crimes they are alleged to have committed to try to help Donald Trump steal the 2020 presidential election. This video answers the question: why did Jenna Ellis plead not guilty when she already pleaded guilty in the Georgia state RICO case and agreed to cooperate against Trump and the other co-conspirators? This video also takes on the larger question of what will happen to the six unindicted co-conspirators in Trump's federal prosecution in DC once the Supreme Court decides the absolute presidential immunity question and returns the case to Judge Tanya Chutkan for further proceedings. Here is the link to the democracy-saving work of Marc Elias and the Democracy Docket: If you're interested in supporting our all-volunteer efforts and mission, you can becoming a Team Justice patron at: And you can find my audio podcast, Justice Matters, wherever you usually get your podcasts. And my website at Follow me on: Threads: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:


All the "King's" Men: Trump's lackeys and their disservice to America
by Glenn Kirschner

How Drones form part of Hezbollah’s deterrence Strategy against Israel