Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (06/19/2024)


Climate Emergency strikes Islam’s Holy Ritual, with nearly 600 dead of Heat stroke at 124.24° F. in Mecca

Climate Emergency strikes Islam’s Holy Ritual, with nearly 600 dead of Heat stroke at 124.24° F. in Mecca

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – As the temperature in Mecca reached 125.24° F. (51.8° C.) on Tuesday, word leaked out that nearly 600 pilgrims had died of heat stroke and 2,000 have been hospitalized for treatment. A virtual clinic treated more thousands remotely. Some 324 of the dead were Egyptians,, while dozens were from Jordan. […]

Unprecedentedly Hot: Why we Need a National Climate Action Plan

Unprecedentedly Hot: Why we Need a National Climate Action Plan

By John J. Berger ( ) – While April and May are usually the hottest months in many countries in Southeast Asia, hundreds of millions of people are now suffering in South Asia from an exceptionally intense heat wave that has killed hundreds. One expert has already called it the most extreme heat event […]

Thank you for sharing!


The campaign AGAINST TRUTH & ISRAEL'S GENOCIDE continues!

The rest of the WORLD KNOWS! 

When you silence the TRUTH, you are COMPLICIT in GENOCIDE! 

Protesting the U of Minnesota Reneging on Job offer to Genocide Specialist Raz Segal over Gaza

Protesting the U of Minnesota Reneging on Job offer to Genocide Specialist Raz Segal over Gaza

Committee on Academic Freedom | Middle East Studies Association | – Jeff Ettinger Interim President University of Minnesota . . .   Dear President Ettinger and colleagues:    We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its Committee on Academic Freedom to express our grave concern about your decision […]

Old posts you may have missed

A Baby born in April 2023 has never Experienced a Month that wasn’t the Hottest on Record

Biden Administration concerned Israel will drag US into War with Lebanon, Officials reveal

Is Earth Really Getting too Hot for People to Survive? A Scientist Explains

Far Right Supreme Court enables Mass Murder in Service to Republican Ideology

Gaza: Weaponizing Aid beyond Starvation

Trump or Biden on Israel?

Israel, Defying UNSC Ceasefire Order, “Completely Dehumanizes” Palestinians (MSF), Shooting Fish in a Barrel

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