Thursday, February 13, 2020

The bad news—Georgia GOP keeps purging voter rolls. The good news—Dems are adding new voters even faster


The bad news—Georgia GOP keeps purging voter rolls. The good news—Dems are adding new voters even faster

02/13/2020 10:30 am ET Samantha Weller
Georgia Republican’s recent state purge created a 7% drop in voter registration.

However, a younger and more racially diverse population is rushing to register to vote even as the rolls are being purged.   Last year alone 322,000 new voters registered which is bad news for Republicans.

“In every way, that benefits the Democratic Party,” Scott Hogan, the executive director of the Democratic Party of Georgia, told the AJC.

Furthermore, the Governor of Georgia just lost a lawsuit as a judge ruled that he can’t hide the lists of GA voters he tried to purge:

“Kemp and the new Sec. of State of Georgia want to keep the lid on their methods for removing literally hundreds of thousands of low-income, young and minority voters on the basis of false information. They cannot hide anymore. This is a huge win and precedent for reporters trying to pry information from the hands of guilty officials.” 
Georgia Republican’s recent state purge created a 7% drop in voter registration.
However, a younger and more racially diverse population is rushing to register to vote even as the rolls are being purged.   Last year alone 322,000 new voters registered which is bad news for Republicans.
“In every way, that benefits the Democratic Party,” Scott Hogan, the executive director of the Democratic Party of Georgia, told the AJC.

Despite all the GOP’s efforts to purge voters, Georgia seems to be slipping out of their grasp.
Georgia Republican’s recent state purge created a 7% drop in voter registration.
However, a younger and more racially diverse population is rushing to register to vote even as the rolls are being purged.   Last year alone 322,000 new voters registered which is bad news for Republicans.




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Warren: We are watching a descent into authoritarianism

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a Democratic presidential candidate, said Wednesday that the country is watching a “descent into authoritarianism,” as she amped up her call for Attorney General William Barr to resign. 
“I have to say, I know everybody wants to talk about the horse race,” Warren said on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” on her performance in the Tuesday night New Hampshire primary, “but the thing that is really getting to me right now is what’s going on over at the Justice Department."
“The whole notion that we have people in our Justice Department resigning because of Donald Trump’s inappropriate influence, and the attorney general overturning a sentencing of Donald Trump’s cronies, right in front of our eyes we are watching a descent into authoritarianism,” she added. 
Four federal prosecutors resigned Tuesday after the Department of Justice asked a federal court to reduce the seven- to nine-year prison sentence lawyers had recommended in Roger Stone’s case. The department’s decision followed an early Tuesday morning tweet in which President Trump denounced the recommended prison sentence as “horrible and very unfair.”
Warren then called on Barr to resign “or face impeachment.” 
“This just seems like a moment to me [when] everybody should be speaking up,” Warren said on CNN. “Presidential candidates should be speaking up, people around this country should be speaking up.” 
She added that she’s “surprised” her primary opponents “aren’t out here talking about it.” 
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Warren about the political implications of launching an impeachment inquiry into Barr, on the heels of the Republican-controlled Senate’s vote to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. 
“No doubt there’s political considerations, but what are the political considerations of sitting on your hands?" Warren responded. “You started this with talking about how democracy dies, that it doesn't just die in darkness it dies on television with nobody doing anything. Enough of this. We can't just sit by and watch this happen.”
Stone, a 67-year-old right-wing provocateur, was found guilty in November of lying to Congress and witness tampering related to his efforts to provide the Trump campaign inside information about WikiLeaks in 2016.

Bill Barr Takes 'Control Of Legal Matters Of Personal Interest' To Trump

Bill Barr Takes 'Control Of Legal Matters Of Personal Interest' To Trump

The Attorney General bulldozes anything that annoys Donald Trump out of his sight, but not out of his mind. Latest example? Buddy Roger Stone's sentence recommendations.

Tuesday's DOJ drama was just the latest legal atrocity committed by the highest law enforcement officer in the nation, Attorney General Bill Barr. His own prosecutors recommended a 7-9-year sentence (out of a possible 50!) for his crimes, but noooooo...that was too harsh for Trump's buddy. Barr stepped in and changed the sentencing recommendation. In response? 4 US Attorneys resigned from the case in protest. (Side Note: Judge Jackson is under no obligation whatsoever to follow that reduced sentencing recommendation, but it is an astonishing — and impeachable — breach of ethics for Barr to have done this.)
Unsurprisingly, this is part of a larger strategy that NBC reports as, "moves by Attorney General William Barr to take control of legal matters of personal interest to President Donald Trump." These include not only the pressure to reduce Stone's sentence recommendation, but also Michael Flynn's. Trump rescinded the nomination of Jessie Liu as Undersecretary at the Treasury Department, as she also happened to have supervised the attorneys who resigned in the Stone case. She couldn't go back to her job as U.S. Attorney because Barr had replaced her already with his pal, Timothy O'Shea.
That's not all. Not even one week after Trump's acquittal on impeachment charges, Bill Barr has helped him with a whole BUNCH of fun pet projects/revenge erections! Here are just a few...
  • Retaliation against sanctuary cities: The Hill reports that
    Attorney General William Barr announced Monday that there will be a “significant escalation” from the government against “sanctuary” cities, counties and states, including lawsuits against localities opposed to the Trump administration's hard-line immigration policies.
  • Private Pipeline for Rudy Giuliani: Apparently, now DOJ is the intake mechanism for information on Ukraine from Rudy Colludy. I mean, who needs all those 17 intelligence agencies anyhow? Just write sh*t down on a napkin and pass it to Bill Barr under the table, Rudy, we'll take care of Hunter Biden for ya.
  • Hookers For Jesus gets grant! No, sillies, that's not the name of a porn flick, that's a THING that actually HAPPENED! According to The Washington Post
  • In a new grant award, senior Justice officials rejected the recommendations of career officials and decided to deny grants to highly rated Catholic Charities in Palm Beach, Fla., and Chicanos Por La Causa in Phoenix. Instead, Reuters reported, they gave more than $1 million combined to lower-rated groups called the Lincoln Tubman Foundation and Hookers for Jesus.
    But, why, you ask? Because Catholic Charities and Chicanos Por La Causa had both aligned themselves and worked with some Democratic causes, like helping immigrants. Better to help the evangelical prostitutes. And I'm not talking about Joel Osteen or Franklin Graham, although, I'm sure they're happy about this, too.
Let's see, is there anything we missed?
In parenting, descriptions have evolved for some of the different types of parent. A helicopter parent hovers over their child needlessly, often creating a sense of helplessness and dependence in the child. That's annoying. A snowplow parent walks in front of their child and plows away any possible obstacle in their child's path, so that they never have to encounter any difficulties. This often creates a sense of entitlement in the child, and an inability to handle even the slightest adversity or pushback. That's a menace.
Bill Barr is more than Trump's Roy Cohn. He's worse than Trump's Roy Cohn. Bill Barr is Trump's Snowplow Attorney General, and woe to whatever or whomever gets in his way.

The GOP just tried to kick hundreds of students off the voter rolls

    This year, MAGA GOP activists in Georgia attempted to disenfranchise hundreds of students by trying to kick them off the voter rolls. De...