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As he prepares to leave the Senate, and possibly American politics as a whole, Republican Senator Mitt Romney offered a warning to America: You don’t get to complain if Trump does what he said he will do. There is a lot of apprehension around the country right now as people reel from the thought of Trump’s economic policies, but Romney reminded us that Trump was very clear about what he was going to do, so we have no rooms to complain. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why Romney is correct.
Link – https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5...
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Outgoing Republican Senator Mitt Romney had some, uh, fairly harsh words for the United States of America after a lot of people over the last few weeks have, of course been freaking out, not only about Donald Trump's cabinet picks, but also about his threats to destroy the entire United States economy. And Mitt Romney just wants people to know that, uh, you voted for the guy, you picked him, he told you he was gonna do it. So don't you dare complain. And this may be one of the only times in my life where I actually agree with MIT Romney, but here is what Mitt Romney said on CNN's State of the Union this past Sunday. Donald Trump won. He won overwhelmingly, you know what? Go ahead and stop right there because no, no, he didn't. He got a plurality of votes. He didn't even get a majority of the votes. He did not cross the 50% mark.
He won by one and a half percent of the popular votes. So don't you dare try to convince people he won. Overwhelmingly he won, absolutely, but it was not by a mandate. So make sure you get that right next time, Romney. But he continued, he said what he was going to do, and that's what he's doing. I mean, people are saying, oh, I don't like this appointment or this policy that he is talking about, but those are all the things he said he was going to do when he ran. So you can't complain about someone who does what he said he was going to do.
And again, on those things, Romney's, a hundred percent right? We have already seen multiple different polls, we have seen posts on social media. You know, Buzzfeed did a, a big collection of posts less than a week after the election of all these people expressing buyer's remorse. A a poll came out just a couple days ago, an AP NORC poll that showed that a majority of Americans have already lost all faith in Donald Trump's decision making abilities. Like 60% of the country has no faith in Donald Trump's ability to make decisions. And that was, you know, a month after a plurality of people went to the polls and said, yep, let's put him back in the White House. Donald Trump is not going to cruise through an easy four years. I mean, I know he does have the media in his pocket now they're gonna do whatever the hell he wants him to do. But even with the media bowing down to Donald Trump, that's not going to convince most people in this country that their lives are better when clearly they will not be under these Trump policies. I mean, hell, if the media telling you that the economy was doing just fine during the Biden years, still led to them not voting for a Democrat, then the media telling you that Trump is actually okay is not gonna convince these people
Either. So, you know, it is a two-way street there that I guess kind of works out in our favor. But Trump, to his credit, did not spring all of this on us until after the election. He had been telling us for months and months and months he was gonna do these tariffs, that even conservative economists were warning like, Hey, that's going to destroy the economy. We're going to go into a recession, possibly a depression. The voters didn't care either they chose to ignore that, or they willingly chose to just not educate themselves. I don't know which one it is. Uh, I think it's a combination of both to a degree. But in the end, Trump told you what he was gonna do. He told you it was gonna, he literally sent out a fundraising email that said, I am your retribution. And now you're all terrified.