Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Sacklers may not Get away with Opioid Grift after all, as SCOTUS strikes Down Bankruptcy Settlement


OxyContin was aggressively promoted as NON-ADDICTIVE 

How many DIED to enrich the SACKLERS?  The numbers are STAGGERING! 

The Sacklers may not Get away with Opioid Grift after all, as SCOTUS strikes Down Bankruptcy Settlement

Gainesville, Florida (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Allen Frances, M.D., distinguished former chair of psychiatry at Duke University school of medicine wrote in a Oct., 2017 New Yorker magazine expose, “Their name (Sackler/Purdue Pharma) has been pushed forward as the epitome of good works and of the fruits of the capitalist system. But, when it comes down to it, they’ve earned this fortune at the expense of millions of people who are addicted. It’s shocking how they have gotten away with it.” Long overdue, the Sacklers and Big Pharma are finally starting to pay for the opioid crisis.

In a recent 5-4 decision, the U.S.Supreme Court rejected Purdue Pharma’s controversial bankruptcy settlement that protected the billionaire Sackler family from further liability for the opioid epidemic in the USA. The Harrington v. Purdue Pharma SCOTUS case blocks a ruling by a federal bankruptcy court in New York that was first rejected by a district court but later appealed before the US Department of Justice finally challenged it before the Supreme Court.

The original deal allowed Purdue, the Sackler owned pharmaceutical company behind the prescription opioid OxyContin, to restructure and protect Sackler billionaires without requiring them to declare personal bankruptcy. From the huge fortune they made from OxyContin the Sacklers agreed to contribute $6bn to the settlement from the vast fortune they made from OxyContin plus relinquish ownership in Purdue Pharma.

In a bankruptcy filing, a New York Times article,”The Sacklers Could Get Away With It,” reported, “debts are forgiven — “discharged,” in legal terms — after debtors commit the full value of all of their assets (with the exception of certain types of property, like a primary home) to pay their creditors. That is not, however, what the Sacklers want, and indeed the members of the family have not filed for bankruptcy themselves. What they proposed instead is to be shielded from all OxyContin lawsuits, protecting their tremendous personal wealth from victims’ claims against them. What’s more, a full liability release would provide the Sacklers with more immunity than they could ever obtain in a personal bankruptcy filing, which would not protect them from legal action for fraud, willful and malicious personal injury, or from punitive damages”.

CNBC Video: “Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement”

By using the bankruptcy agreement, Purdue/Sackler wanted to resolve lawsuits, including those filed by state and local governments, alleging that Purdue Pharma caused a crisis killing half a million Americans when it asserted that OxyContin was non-addictive while it promoted massive over-prescribing via pill mills. Elizabeth Prelogar, U.S. solicitor general, argued that “the release of the Sacklers from future liability is not authorized by the bankruptcy code and constitutes an abuse of the bankruptcy system.”


With charitable foundations on both sides of the Atlantic, the Sacklers, who are based in New York, have donated millions to the arts and sponsored faculty at Yale and many other universities. In each case, the family’s name is displayed prominently as the benefactor. Forbes listed the collective estimated worth of the 20 core family members at $14bn in 2015, partly derived from $35bn in sales revenue from OxyContin between 1995 and 2015. The name Sackler is displayed in the forecourt at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and was noted in the Sackler Gallery at the Serpentine in 2013. The ancient Egyptian Temple of Dendur has a Sackler Wing in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The Sackler Centre for Arts Education at the Guggenheim and many other arts institutions around the world have galleries or wings named after the Sackler family.

But few know Sackler wealth comes from Purdue Pharma, a private Connecticut company the family developed and wholly owns. In 1995, the company revolutionised the prescription painkiller market with the invention of OxyContin, a drug that is a legal, concentrated, chemical version of morphine or heroin. It was designed to be safe; when it first came to market, its slow-release formula was unique. After winning government approval it was hailed as a medical breakthrough, an illusion that many now refer to as “magical thinking”.

It was marketed to physicians, many of whom were taken on lavish junkets, given misleading information and paid to give talks on the drug . Patients were wrongly told the pills were a reliable long-term solution to chronic pain, and in some cases were offered coupons for a month’s free sample. DEA data says that the US has been flooded with about 10 billion pain pills a year. Most pain drugs were sold by a small number of pharmacies, with prescriptions for these drugs written by a small number of physicians at pill mill clinics that charged cash for prescriptions. Data has shown these clinics were good OxyContin customers for the Sacklers/Purdue Pharma. Launched in 1996, Purdues OxyContin sales strategy was highly successful for twenty years because it alleged concentrated aggressive OxyContin marketing programs on what Purdue labeled ‘supercore clinics’, i.e., pill mills.


The untimely overdosing death of famous singer Tom Petty can be traced to the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma according to many addiction specialists. The family of Tom Petty said that the singer’s death was caused by an accidental overdose with a cocktail of prescription drugs and pain pills, including oxycodone and fentanyl. Although prescriptions for opioids fell in response to the crisis, Americans didn’t shake the habit or seek rehab; they turned to heroin instead. Four out of five people in the US who try heroin today started with prescription painkillers, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Alarmingly, street heroin started being secretly cut with the dangerous synthetic opioid fentanyl.

By misleading physicians about the safety of OxyContin in order to earn $35bn in sales revenue from the toxic pain drug between 1995 and 2015, many addiction specialists say that Purdue Pharma owners, the Sackler family, bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for many deaths and today’s opioid crisis. Legal experts, the NYT writes, conclude that “allowing the bankruptcy court to impose a global OxyContin settlement may at first appear to be an efficient way to resolve litigation that could drag on for years, the Sacklers will benefit from this expediency at the expense of victims. At stake is whether there will ever be a fair assessment of responsibility for America’s deadly prescription drug epidemic. Protection from all OxyContin liability for the Sackler family would be an end-run around the reckoning that justice requires”.

Just like all Big Pharma corporations, Sackler/Purdue pharma are dedicated to the bottom line of maximization of profit; everything else is of insignificant value compared to this. Their large and aggressive marketing campaign to sell the supposedly ‘safe’ pain drug OxyContin appears to have disregarded all boundaries and turned this dangerous drug into immense profit for themselves. There are always among us those self-serving and toxic individual and corporate predators who regard democracy/government regulation/community as an obstacle to their greed and avarice. The opioid epidemic is now burgeoning in the U.S. with millions of ruined lives, individuals, families. The Sacklers want to retreat back into their money and vast profiteering, and let other people clean up and pay for the overall and inevitable long-term suffering, death and destruction they allegedly created.

The SCOTUS decision recognizes plaintiff’s due process rights and the ability of plaintiffs to sue the Sacklers. The Sacklers, they argued, should not be rewarded for their contribution because they “created the need for that money” by taking it out of the company in the first place, setting up the situation where they would be protected from lawsuits “by piggybacking on the bankruptcy of their company.” In agreement with. SCOTUS, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement, “The bankruptcy court did not have the authority to deprive victims of the opioid crisis of their right to sue the Sackler family.”

About the Author

F. Douglas Stephenson , LCSW, is a retired psychotherapist and former instructor of social work in the University of Florida Department of Psychiatry. He is a member of Physicians for a National Health Program.


'Unprecedented' and 'Very Dangerous,' Hurricane Beryl Explodes Into Category 4 Storm


'Unprecedented' and 'Very Dangerous,' Hurricane Beryl Explodes Into Category 4 Storm

"The climate crisis is here. This is an emergency. Politicians need to start acting like it."

Meteorologists, climate campaigners, and extreme weather experts expressed shock and horror Sunday as Hurricane Beryl exploded into an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm as it headed into the warm waters of the southern Caribbean with a level of intensification characterized as unprecedented.

The National Hurricane Center on Sunday morning called it a "very dangerous situation" due to "potentially catastrophic hurricane-force winds, a life-threatening storm surge, and damaging waves" for the numerous mainland and island nations in Beryl's path.

According to the NHC, the Windward Islands of St. Vincent, the Grenadines, and Granada will be the first at highest risk from the storm as well as St. Lucia and Barbados. People on those islands and elsewhere in the region were told that all preparations for the storm "should be rushed to completion" without delay.

Weather Undergroundreports that subsequent locations that may face Beryl's wrath later this week could be Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Belize and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, though noted "there's uncertainty in that exact track" of the hurricane as detailed in the following graphic:

Possible storm tracks for Hurricane Beryl. (Source: Weather Underground /

Citing records going back to 1851, the Washington Postreported Sunday that there "is no precedent for a storm to intensify this quickly, nor reach this strength, in this part of the ocean during the month of June."

Eric Blake, a hurricane expert, said that Beryl on Sunday was "rewriting the history books in all the wrong ways," as he urged people in its path to "be very safe and take this hurricane seriously" as "very few will have experienced a hurricane this strong" on those islands.

"This is unreal," said Nahel Belgherze, a journalist focused on extreme weather. "Hurricane Beryl continues to defy all known logic, now becoming the first June Category 4 hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Basin. I can't even stress enough just how completely absurd that storm is."

"The climate crisis is here," said the Sunrise Movement in a social media post showing the extreme power and historic nature of Hurricane Beryl. "This is an emergency. Politicians need to start acting like it."

The group took the opportunity to re-share its petition calling on President Joe Biden to "declare a climate emergency" as a way to unlock federal funds and escalate the government's response to the crisis of fossil fuels that are the main driving of surging global temperatures.

In May, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted that the 2024 hurricane season—which officially runs from June 1 to the end of November—would be "extraordinary" and "above-normal," largely due to rising ocean temperatures attributable to human-caused global warming couple with La NiƱa conditions.

Hurricane Beryl

A satellite image of Hurricane Beryl as churns toward the southeast Caribbean on Sunday, June 20, 2024.

 (Image: NOAA)

You know who’s NOT on this list?


Senator Elizabeth Warren has an impressive record of always fighting for her constituents and all Americans. She's the SENATOR we need!

Warren for Senate

Here are a couple of things I was very glad to learn recently:

Out of all the donations our campaign has received during this fundraising quarter, the majority have come from nurses, teachers, social workers, artists, and retirees, to name a few. (In case you didn't know, campaign donors are required to list their occupation information — it's just one of the ways the FEC ensures campaign finance standards.)

And our average contribution has been $25.

We’re building a grassroots movement funded by grassroots donors who know we need to put more power in the hands of working people.

Who are passionate about ensuring and providing health care as a basic human right.

Who fight for every child to get a great education.

Who look after families so they can get the support they need to thrive.

Who bring light to our lives.

Who’ve worked hard, and raised families, and strengthened their communities — and know firsthand the importance of bedrock promises like our government’s commitment to Social Security and Medicare.

Who know that we can fight back against powerful interests like the gun lobby, Big Pharma, and fossil fuel giants.

This campaign is funded by the people, and we’re fighting to make our government work for the people.

Will you continue to fight as part of this dedicated team by making a donation of $25 or any amount by tonight’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline? Every contribution will make our public FEC report that much stronger and show what we can achieve when working people band together.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:


I was heartened to learn more about the people who’ve recently donated to this campaign. We’ve got a terrific, unique team — Meals on Wheels drivers, blacksmiths, librarians, cheesemongers — and I’m deeply grateful for you and everyone else who makes this movement possible.

By the way — you know which professions aren’t on the list of our donors?

Federal lobbyists. Big bank executives. Executives from Big Ag, Big Tech, Big Pharma, hedge funds, fossil fuel companies, health insurance companies, or private equity firms.

That’s intentional. I don’t take donations from them, and I’m fighting to make sure Washington doesn’t only work for them.

But make no mistake: they know where to put their money.

Recently, a Super PAC started up to support one of my GOP opponents. It’s a vehicle for national Republicans, special interests, Big Tech moguls, Wall Street executives, and far-right ideologues to pour large sums of money into this race.

And they’ll be scouring our public fundraising reports for any signs of weakness and opportunities to invest more into this race.

After tonight, we’ll have to close the books on this quarter’s fundraising report. So let’s show them what this grassroots team is made of, and make it as strong as possible.

If it makes sense for you right now, please make a donation of any amount to fight alongside all the nurses, teachers, social workers, artists, retirees, and more who are funding this campaign. And let’s show that when working people fight, working people win.

Thanks for being a part of this,



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Oklahoma’s ILLEGAL ORDER For Classroom Bibles INFURIATES Me

 OKLAHOMA education ranks 49th of 50 states. (Louisiana promoting the 10 Commandments in classrooms ranks 50th).

How about focusing on EDUCATION? When the phony evangelical preachers tell you "GOD spoke to me & told me...." you know you've got a problem! What is interesting is that MUSLIMS place a high value on EDUCATION, unlike other religions. They also insist that animals be humanely slaughtered. There's a great deal we can learn from studying other religions - it doesn't belong in public schools especially those in OKLAHOMA that rank so poorly. When the phony evangelical preachers tell you "GOD spoke to me & told me...." you know you've got a problem! What is interesting is that MUSLIMS place a high value on EDUCATION, unlike other religions. They also insist that animals be humanely slaughtered. There's a great deal we can learn from studying other religions - it doesn't belong in public schools especially those in OKLAHOMA that rank so poorly. The MAYFLOWER COMPACT was adopted by a mostly religious group that essentially fled persecution & recognized that they required 'governance.' To ensure their survival, they practiced what was essentially communism by sharing their animals. They would not have survived otherwise. We can thumb through the BIBLE - any version - and find absurdities that are no longer appropriate.

Tennessee Brando

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