Sunday, June 30, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (06/29/2024)


AIPAC’s Destructive Reach in American Politics: How it made an Example of Rep. Jamal Bowman

AIPAC’s Destructive Reach in American Politics: How it made an Example of Rep. Jamal Bowman

Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Rep. Jamal Bowman’s loss to George Latimer for the 16th District of New York in the Democratic primary illustrates the destructive reach of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Israel wading into American electoral politics. Their agenda is driven by a single issue, about which […]

Gazans’ extreme Hunger could leave its Mark on subsequent Generations

Gazans’ extreme Hunger could leave its Mark on subsequent Generations

Hasan Khatib, University of Wisconsin-Madison | – As Israel’s offensive in Gaza rages on, people across the entire Gaza Strip find themselves in increasingly dire circumstances, with nearly the entire population experiencing high levels of food insecurity, including malnutrition, hunger and starvation. A famine review analysis from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification reported on […]

Liberal Zionism and the woke facade of Israeli genocide

Liberal Zionism and the woke facade of Israeli genocide

( The New Arab ) – Israel’s ongoing genocide is part of a downward spiral for the Zionist project. In the words of acclaimed historian Professor Ilan Pappe: “We are witnessing a historical process – or, more accurately, the beginnings of one – that is likely to culminate in the downfall of Zionism.” Yet Zionism’s […]

Old posts you may have missed

Trump called Biden a “Weak Palestinian:” is the P-word the new N-Word?

Opposing a Bill Proposed by National Union of Israel Students to make Criticizing Israeli Gov’t a Firing Offense

An Election in Danger? The Fragile State of American Democracy

Bigger than Dobbs: The War on Women is a War on Democracy

US an “Open Field” for Manipulation by Israeli Propaganda: Mass Consciousness Activities

How Drones form part of Hezbollah’s deterrence Strategy against Israel

Wooing MAGA Billionaires, Fascist Felon Trump holds a Fire Sale on his Potential Presidency

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  The Lincoln Project 1.11M subscribers We've all watched Donald Trump's mental decline for years. It's time for Fox News to ...