Sunday, June 30, 2024

Oklahoma’s ILLEGAL ORDER For Classroom Bibles INFURIATES Me

 OKLAHOMA education ranks 49th of 50 states. (Louisiana promoting the 10 Commandments in classrooms ranks 50th).

How about focusing on EDUCATION? When the phony evangelical preachers tell you "GOD spoke to me & told me...." you know you've got a problem! What is interesting is that MUSLIMS place a high value on EDUCATION, unlike other religions. They also insist that animals be humanely slaughtered. There's a great deal we can learn from studying other religions - it doesn't belong in public schools especially those in OKLAHOMA that rank so poorly. When the phony evangelical preachers tell you "GOD spoke to me & told me...." you know you've got a problem! What is interesting is that MUSLIMS place a high value on EDUCATION, unlike other religions. They also insist that animals be humanely slaughtered. There's a great deal we can learn from studying other religions - it doesn't belong in public schools especially those in OKLAHOMA that rank so poorly. The MAYFLOWER COMPACT was adopted by a mostly religious group that essentially fled persecution & recognized that they required 'governance.' To ensure their survival, they practiced what was essentially communism by sharing their animals. They would not have survived otherwise. We can thumb through the BIBLE - any version - and find absurdities that are no longer appropriate.

Tennessee Brando

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Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Waters believes the Bible should be taught in classrooms to provide “historical context.” Support Tennessee Brando: brando Buy Tennessee Brando Merch: Follow Tennessee Brando on Instagram: Follow Tennessee Brando on Twitter: Follow Tennessee Brando on TikTok: Follow Tennessee Brando on Spotify:

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