Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump's Racism Takes Center Stage & Kamala Is Karma | Guest: Anthony Atamanuik


Alien Super Show

27.8K subscribers

The aliens are joined by Anthony Atamanuik ("The President Show", "What We Do In The Shadows") who has been undercover as a Trump's ear bandage for the last week. AND WHAT A WEEK IT WAS! The aliens monitored Trump busting out a racist lie that Kamala Harris turned Black” and the Fox News attempt to spin THAT, JD Vance and Trump defend their obviously rotting chemistry, Senator Kennedy workshops some super lame jabs at Kamala Harris, Trump attempts to prove he's NOT weird and is SUPER TOTALLY COOL AND NORMAL but talking about "family" IN THE WEIRDEST WAY. ALIEN SUPER SHOW is a political comedy show unlike anything this world has ever seen. As part of pre-invasion prep, Gleep, Spornak and Zotox are tasked with the worst job in the universe... monitoring American politics and political media

Weekend Edition: 'No War With Iran!' IT'S TIME FOR ALL AMERICANS TO THINK!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

Michigan Secretary of State Probing Elon Musk Super PAC Over Voter Data Scheme

"Every citizen should know exactly how their personal information is being used by PACs, especially if an entity is claiming it will help people register to vote."

By Jessica Corbett

US Congressmen Say 'No War With Iran!'

"Israel's dramatic escalation is completely compatible with its past efforts to drag the U.S. into another war," one expert said of the Israeli assassination of a Hamas leader in Iran.

By Jessica Corbett

5 Years After El Paso Shooting, Calls for Fighting Gun Violence and Racism

"When politicians use 'great replacement' conspiracies and xenophobia to stoke fear and divide us, real people pay the price in blood," said Democratic Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro.

By Jessica Corbett

Sanders Says Possible VP Walz 'Understands the Needs of Working Families'

"I hope very much that the vice president selects a running mate who will speak up and take on powerful corporate interests, and I think Tim Walz is somebody who could do that."

By Jessica Corbett

Trump Dodges ABC and Demands Fox Debate With Harris

"Donald Trump is running scared and trying to back out of the debate he already agreed to," said the Democrat's campaign.

By Jessica Corbett

'Dirty Move': Pentagon Chief Ditches Plea Deals With Tortured 9/11 Defendants

One lawyer warned it will not only "push 9/11 victim family members over an emotional cliff," but likely lead "prosecutors to resign and defendants to seek dismissal of all charges for unlawful command influence."

By Jessica Corbett


As a people-powered nonprofit news outlet, we cover the issues the corporate media never will.

Your contribution supports this bold media model—free, independent, and dedicated to reporting the facts every day. Stand with us in the fight for economic equality, social justice, human rights, and a more sustainable future.

■ Opinion

Why the Left Must Resist Unconditionally Backing Harris

"Leftist leaders hope to prevent a wholesale abandonment of the transformative vision that has energized millions of voters, particularly young people."

By Peter Bloom

Defeating Trump Gives Us a Real Chance to Restore Sanity to the Tax Code

The Trump tax cuts set off a wave of corporate profiteering that never “trickled down” to the rest of us. Soon we’ll get a chance to fix that—but only if the Republicans are soundly defeated.

By Dr. Rakeen Mabud

The Gaza War in This Dangerous Era of Polycrisis

The events triggered by the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel show the irrationality, unpredictability, uncontrollability, and folly that human actions have acquired in the era of the polycrisis.

By Jeremy Brecher

UAW's Shawn Fain for Vice President

The labor leader would be able to draw a sharp contrast between the fascistic faux populism of Trump and Vance and real pro-labor policies.

By Michael Albert,Stephen Shalom

"R" VOTERS are lazy & conspicuously uninformed.....have you even looked up their voting histories? IT'S TIME TO THINK!

"R" VOTERS are lazy & conspicuously uninformed.....have you even looked up their voting histories?

MASS GOP & the ADOLESCENT LOGAN TRUPIANO are equally as uninformed... 


They BLABBER incessantly...mostly nonsense.... 

There was a time when WE as constituents could rely 
on elected official to INFORM....those days are gone 

Republican tax cuts for the WEALTHY created the DEFICIT...and much else....


Defeating Trump Gives Us a Real Chance to Restore Sanity to the Tax Code

The IRS, funded with President Biden's legislation, 
is auditing WEALTHY TAX CHEATS...this is YOUR 

IRS tops $1 billion in past-due taxes collected from millionaires; compliance efforts continue involving high-wealth groups, corporations, partnerships

REPUBLICANS want to SLASH IRS funding to protect the WEALTHY....



Michigan Secretary of State Probing Elon Musk Super PAC Over Voter Data Scheme ELON MUSK IS A BRAIN DEAD FRAUD!

 Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson speaks during the rally in Detroit on October 29, 2022.

 (Photo: Dominick Sokotoff/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Michigan Secretary of State Probing Elon Musk Super PAC Over Voter Data Scheme

"Every citizen should know exactly how their personal information is being used by PACs, especially if an entity is claiming it will help people register to vote."

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is investigating a super political action committee created by billionaire Elon Musk that's been accused of "misleading voters" because of how it collects personal data of swing state residents online.

"Every citizen should know exactly how their personal information is being used by PACs, especially if an entity is claiming it will help people register to vote in Michigan or any other state," a spokesperson for the Democratic official told CNBC on Sunday.

"While the America PAC is a federal political action committee, the department is reviewing their activities to determine if there have been any violations of state law," the spokesperson added. "We will refer potential violations to the Michigan attorney general's office as appropriate."

Sharing the CNBC article on X—a social media platform formerly called Twitter, which Musk bought in 2022—Benson said that she and Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel "take intentional efforts to mislead voters very seriously in our state."

Benson also thanked Michigan Senate Majority Whip Mallory McMorrow (D-8) "for bringing the website to our attention a few days ago."

CNBC political finance reporter Brian Schwartz on Friday had reported on the digital advertising and data collection activities of America PAC, which is working to elect former Republican President Donald Trump. The journalist detailed how people who enter ZIP codes for competitive areas are not sent to local voter registration pages, "they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cell phone number, and age."

Schwartz's reporting sparked accusations that the super PAC's scheme "seems like election fraud" and calls for the U.S. Department of Justice to launch an investigation. As with the initial reporting, Schwartz noted Sunday that a spokesperson for the group declined to comment and Musk did not return emails seeking comment.

After the reporter revealed Michigan's probe on Sunday, he pointed out on X that America PAC "took down their homepage links to register to vote and request a ballot."

Ben Gardner, All Voting Is Local's Michigan senior campaign manager, welcomed his state's investigation into the super PAC.

"Good," Gardner said Sunday. "Michiganders should feel confident knowing that Michigan's secretary of state will stand up to those who attempt to mislead voters."


Defeating Trump Gives Us a Real Chance to Restore Sanity to the Tax Code


Donald Trump

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in support of Republicans Doug Mastriano for governor of Pennsylvania and Mehmet Oz for U.S. Senate at Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre on September 3, 2022.

 (Photo: Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images)

Defeating Trump Gives Us a Real Chance to Restore Sanity to the Tax Code

The Trump tax cuts set off a wave of corporate profiteering that never “trickled down” to the rest of us. Soon we’ll get a chance to fix that—but only if the Republicans are soundly defeated.

Next year, we’ll have to make one of the most important decisions about the future of our economy. Will we hand more power and wealth to big corporations and the rich — or invest in a healthy and resilient economy that works for all of us?

In 2017, Republican lawmakers passed tax loopholes and cuts that primarily benefited the wealthy and big corporations. President Trump signed these giveaways into law, spiking inequality and setting off a wave of corporate profiteering.

Next year, parts of that law will begin to expire, which gives us the opportunity to make changes.

For decades, both parties have created an economy where big corporations and the wealthy aren’t pitching in like the rest of us. We’ve been sold a bill of goods known as “trickle down” economics. Trickle down goes like this: Feed the rich the best cut of meat and maybe we’ll get a bit of gristle that falls on the floor — and we’ll thank them for it.

The rich and most profitable corporations aren’t just contributing less and less to our collective coffers. They’re using their power to enrich themselves further while more of us struggle. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently described this as a “doom loop” for our tax code: the wealthy and corporations get richer from tax giveaways and then use their wealth and power to boost their profits — and then lobby for more tax cuts.

For example, the 2017 Trump tax cuts dropped the top corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent (compared to 40 percent in 1987). Supporters argued this would lead to better wages and supercharge economic growth. Instead, economic growth continued at about the same pace as before the tax breaksAnd while 90 percent of workers did not see a raise, billionaire wealth has doubled.

In the same period in which corporations have enjoyed lower taxes, they’ve also raked in record profits. As my colleagues at Groundwork Collaborative have highlighted, lowering corporate tax rates actually incentivized corporate profiteering in the wake of the pandemic, as companies that overcharged us got to keep more of their winnings.

Trickle down theory says these windfall profits and lower taxes should encourage companies to invest more in workers and innovation. But in an economy run by big corporations with enormous market share, that money ends up being funneled to shareholders instead of increasing worker wages, investing in new or more productive technologies, or holding critical inventories in case of a crisis.

If we want corporations to invest more in wages and productive investments, we should raise their taxes, since wages and research are mostly tax deductible.

In other words, corporate profiteering is not a foregone conclusion. Raising corporate taxes has the potential to boost investment, productivity, and economic growth — and get Americans some of their money back.

The Biden administration has taken critical steps to push back against failed trickle down economics and corporate profiteering. It capped the price of essential drugs like insulin, empowered regulators to go after corporations abusing their market power, and made historic investments in a green future. But more can be done by raising taxes on the largest, most profitable corporations.

Fundamentally, the coming tax debate is about who holds the reins in shaping our economy: megacorporations and their wealthy shareholders, or the everyday people who keep the economy humming. Next year is an opportunity for Congress to stand firm against the rich and powerful and build the economy that we want to see.






Netanyahu receives a standing ovation from U.S. Congress.

Lawmakers stand and applaud as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol on July 24, 2024 in Washington, D.C. 

(Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

A Standing Ovation for Genocide

If a man like Netanyahu had walked through their home and mangled their children’s bodies so much that they could never forget the way they looked afterward—I wonder if members of U.S. Congress would still applaud.

There’s no mention of their duty to the people in the oath of office that members of Congress take. It says they will support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe, in some regard defending the Constitution would mean doing their job: representing the people that elected them. But today, the architect of the genocide against the Palestinian people walked in and out of the “people’s house” to a standing ovation. He was given more time with our lawmakers than any of us will ever get in our lifetime, and he used it to insist he was a good man that was commanding a moral army—insisting they have not killed anyone who did not deserve to have their life ended in the blink of an eye.

There are one thousand indications that our government has no obligation to us. This moment was just one—but it was one I will never let slip my mind. These people are no different than the settlers that gather in lawn chairs, eat popcorn, and cheer when the Israeli military drops bombs on apartment complexes in Gaza. For as long as they’ve been in office, they’ve had a front row seat to the carnage and all they do is gawk and cheer from the sidelines. Every once in a while, someone they are supposed to work for pesters them about their complacency and we are swatted away like flies.

The majority opinion in the United States is against continued support for Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. Stories come out every week that push the needle further. Last week, the story of Muhammad Bhar surfaced and was circulated around the world. Muhammad was my age, 24, and had Down syndrome. The Israeli military raided his home and let their dog attack him, tearing his arm to shreds. They separated him from his family and left him in a room all by himself. They ordered his family to leave the house and left Muhammad to die—alone, bleeding, and scared. His family found Muhammad starting to decompose in the room the soldiers left him in. He still had a tourniquet on his arm from when they tried to stop the bleeding. And they just left him there, like he was nothing.

There is bloodlust in the U.S. Congress—and bloodlust seems like the only thing they are loyal to.

The Israeli military confirmed this story days later, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gets a round of applause for his courage and leadership. They don’t even feel the need to lie to the world about their atrocities anymore—letting babies suffocate to death in incubators months ago was the litmus test for what the United States would let slide. Ordering an attack dog on a man with Down syndrome and locking him in a room to die without his loved ones there to console him wasn’t the red line—because there will never be one.

They gave a standing ovation.

If a man like Netanyahu had walked through their home and mangled their children’s bodies so much that they could never forget the way they looked afterward—I wonder if they would still applaud. I wonder if the screams of their family members burning alive in tents would potentially interrupt the thought that told them to clap, the thought that told them to give the man a standing ovation for his perfectly executed slaughter of thousands of human beings.

Some part of me still wanted to believe that these people may still be completely misled—that perhaps they don’t know about the 15,000 children that have been killed. Maybe they haven’t seen what I’ve seen—the little girl with her face falling off, the boy with a missing head, the child with no legs, the mother unwilling to wash her children’s blood off her hands because it is all that is left of them. Maybe they haven’t seen it at all. As thunderous applause rang out for the murderer, there were thousands of people outside trying to signal to the millions of people in Palestine that their turmoil isn’t being ignored. They were pepper sprayed, beaten, and arrested by cops who were trained in Israel.

When I saw the video of the standing ovation, something sunk in me—this is where I was born. This is where both of my parents were born. I have no nation to be loyal to but a nation tripping over themselves to kill my friends’ families. There is bloodlust in the U.S. Congress—and bloodlust seems like the only thing they are loyal to. If there are “enemies” foreign and domestic, I fear they view us as the latter.

I clap for my friends at their comedy shows. I clap for people after they finish a speech at a community event. I sometimes clap when the plane lands, if someone else does it first. To clap for an executioner of children, mothers, fathers and friends—how much did they sell their souls for?


Week in Review: The 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere


Saturday, August 3, 2024

■ The Week in Review

'Dirty Move': Pentagon Chief Ditches Plea Deals With Tortured 9/11 Defendants

One lawyer warned it will not only "push 9/11 victim family members over an emotional cliff," but likely lead "prosecutors to resign and defendants to seek dismissal of all charges for unlawful command influence."

By Jessica Corbett • Aug 3, 2024

As Venezuela Court Probes Election Results, US Declares Victory for Right-Wing Opposition

Venezuela's foreign ministry hit back at the U.S. State Department, accusing it of spearheading a "coup attempt."

By Jake Johnson • Aug 2, 2024

Schumer Introduces 'No Kings Act' to Undo Supreme Court's Presidential Immunity Ruling

"Congress has an obligation to act as a check and ensure that the president does not become a king," an expert said in praise of Schumer's move.

By Edward Carver • Aug 1, 2024

Fed Chair Accused of 'Trying to Get Donald Trump Elected' by Keeping Rates High

"That Powell's Fed still refuses to lower interest rates—after Trump said that rates shouldn't be lowered before the election—raises questions about the central bank's independence," said one watchdog.

By Jake Johnson • Aug 1, 2024

Outrage as Senate Panel Advances Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill

One campaigner called the Energy Permitting Reform Act "a shameless attempt by Sen. Joe Manchin to line the pockets of his fossil fuel donors, sacrifice communities, and endanger our climate."

By Brett Wilkins,Jessica Corbett • Jul 31, 2024

7 Green Groups That Didn't Back Biden Just Endorsed Harris as 'Our Only Choice'

"With a President Harris, we will have a chance to build the political power to move the bold climate initiatives we need."

By Jessica Corbett • Jul 31, 2024

UAW Rips 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere as Mass Layoffs Follow $43 Billion in Stock Buybacks

"John Deere's reckless layoffs and job cuts are an insult to the working class people of Iowa and Illinois," said the United Auto Workers.

By Jake Johnson • Jul 31, 2024

Trump's Repeated Efforts to Disavow Project 2025 'Not Fooling Anyone'

"These attempts to create the appearance of distance between Trump and Project 2025 are happening because Americans are starting to learn about this extreme takeover plan," said one Democratic congressman.

By Jessica Corbett • Jul 30, 2024

Fears of Full-Scale War With Lebanon Rise After Israel Bombs Beirut

One group responded to Israel's bombing of "a densely populated civilian area in Beirut" by urging governments to "condemn this dangerous escalation and immediately suspend arms sales to Israel."

By Common Dreams Staff • Jul 30, 2024

Working-Class Climate Protesters Arrested at JD Vance's Senate Office

"JD Vance says he is a champion of the working class. In practice, he's a champion of whoever wrote him the biggest check," said the Sunrise Movement's executive director.

By Jessica Corbett • Jul 29, 2024

Woman in Maine Thanks Bernie Sanders for $20 Inhaler That Used to Cost Her $300

"Wanna know why I've worked for Bernie Sanders for 25 years? Moments like this," said the Vermont senator's staff director following an interaction during a weekend tour focused on lifting up the working class.

By Jake Johnson • Jul 29, 2024


As a people-powered nonprofit news outlet, we cover the issues the corporate media never will.

Your contribution supports this bold media model—free, independent, and dedicated to reporting the facts every day. Stand with us in the fight for economic equality, social justice, human rights, and a more sustainable future.

■ Opinion

Progressives Speaking Out Loud and Clear Against Josh Shapiro as VP

It’s no wonder that progressives seem to be lining up in the VP contest behind Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who like Shapiro has some policy wins on cherished liberal issues like expanding free school lunches but isn’t lugging around political baggage like the Pennsylvania governor.

By Will Bunch • Aug 1, 2024

Project 2025's Terrifying Christian Nationalist Vision for America

The wholesale capture of the state is the ultimate goal of its Christian nationalist architects. If you're not frightened, it's because you haven't studied what they explicitly say they will do if given the chance.

By Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis,Shailly Gupta Barnes • Jul 30, 2024

Why Josh Shapiro Is Not the Right Choice for Harris VP

A running mate who intensely connects her to Biden’s policies on the Gaza war that are so unpopular with much of the Democratic base, party unity—and the chances of defeating Trump—would be undermined.

By Jeff Cohen,Norman Solomon • Jul 29, 2024

Hey Trump, Who’s the Real Garbage?

On a telephone call-in to Fox & Friends, Trump said Vice President Kamala Harris was “real garbage.” It is now fair game for her to take it up and use it against him.

By Robert Freeman • Jul 28, 2024

A Standing Ovation for Genocide

If a man like Netanyahu had walked through their home and mangled their children’s bodies so much that they could never forget the way they looked afterward—I wonder if members of U.S. Congress would still applaud.

By Danaka Katovich • Jul 25, 2024

10 Principles for Perpetual Peace in the 21st Century

The United Nations-based structures are fragile and in need of an urgent upgrade; we should consider this one at the U.N. Summit of the Future in September.

By Jeffrey D. Sachs • Jul 24, 2024

Georgia poll workers must hand count ballots

  Friday, September 20 Get ready for exclusive insights! In the lead-up to the election, Marc will unveil key voting stories you might have ...