ONE LINERS “I realize there was a premium on getting the money out quickly, but modern banking technology surely could have done far better than it did.” Danielle Brian, Executive Director, in Business Insider “I’m sitting here in amazement. After 26 years in law enforcement, I've never seen anything with this level of sophistication. It literally sounds like a Hollywood movie.” Wayne McElrath, Senior Investigative Adviser, in the Daily Beast “If something falls into a gray zone, I recommend people seek OSC's Hatch Act advice before assuming something is either okay or a violation.” Nick Schwellenbach, Senior Investigator, in Government Executive “The well-banked, the well-lawyered and the politically well-connected did benefit from this program in a way that absolutely undermined the effectiveness of this program for those smaller businesses.” Liz Hempowicz, Director of Public Policy, in the New York Post “Just giving (the Pentagon) a blank check and not challenging them on how that money is going to be spent won’t make us safer.” Mandy Smithberger, Director of the Center for Defense Information at POGO, in the Washington Times “You'd almost think would be the other way around: the larger, more leveraged banks are able to take on this risk rather than the small ones.” Tim Stretton, Policy Analyst, in American Banker “Using people’s data is not expressive, and even if it is, courts have long treated commercial speech differently than other types of speech.” Jake Laperruque, Senior Counsel with The Constitution Project at POGO, in World Magazine “The overwhelming reason why people don’t use dissent channels, according to the people we’ve talked to, is they don’t think it would make a difference.” Nick Schwellenbach, Senior Investigator, in Federal News Network |