Wednesday, May 6, 2020

RSN: FOCUS: Jesse Jackson | We Must Protect the Right to Vote in the November Elections


Reader Supported News
06 May 20

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"I'LL ONLY DONATE IF I THINK YOU'RE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS" A reader wrote in the other day saying, "I'll only donate if I think you are going out of business." Therein lies the problem clearly stated, no? What this funding drive and all funding drives are about is moving away from that way of thinking. Time to think. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News

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FOCUS: Jesse Jackson | We Must Protect the Right to Vote in the November Elections
Reverend Jesse Jackson. (photo: Getty)
Jesse Jackson, The Chicago Sun-Times
Jackson writes: "The coronavirus does not discriminate, but people do. The coronavirus is not partisan, but politicians are. When we should be coming together to address a shared crisis, some are intent on driving us apart and exacting partisan advantage in the midst of the crisis."

The Republican Party is doing everything it can to suppress the vote in November. Why? They fear higher turnout, especially among people of color, will cost them the election.

Across the country, Republicans are intensifying their efforts to make it harder to vote, with particular focus on suppressing the votes of African Americans and other minorities.

With the pandemic making in-person voting dangerous, Congress should move rapidly to provide resources to help every state create systems for voting by mail. The first rescue package, the CARES Act, included some money for vote-by-mail programs, but far short of what is needed.

Why not provide it? Republicans are worried that voting by mail may increase turnout, particularly among low-income and minority voters. Donald Trump voiced the fear, saying “They had things, levels of voting, that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.” Trump said this in March, dismissing Democratic efforts to expand mail-in voting, make registration easier, and extend voting days.

Republican voters in states that already have widespread vote by mail support the program overwhelmingly. Some sensibly argue that vote by mail might actually help Republicans this fall, because older voters — who tend to be more conservative — are more likely to be reluctant to expose themselves to the virus by going to crowded voting places. But Republican history, grounded in the Southern party base that has always sought to suppress the black vote, makes them fear efforts to make voting easier for all.

In Wisconsin, we saw the deadly effects of that. Wisconsin Republicans in control of the state legislature blocked the Democratic governor’s effort to allow widespread vote by mail in the primary. When state election officials were swamped by a staggering demand for absentee ballots, they refused to extend the time for voting, ensuring that thousands never received a response to their request for a ballot. 

At the same time, officials were slashing the number of voting precincts, worried they’d lack volunteers to staff them. In Milwaukee, the home of two-thirds of the black population in Wisconsin, the number of polling places was reduced from 180 to five. That guaranteed long lines that surely made it impossible for many still at work to vote and put those who did vote at risk. Dozens who went to vote have since contracted the coronavirus.

Simultaneously, conservatives in Wisconsin have joined with Republicans to push purging of voter lists. From 2016 to 2018, Wisconsin purged 14 percent of voters on its rolls (the national average is about 7.6 percent). In the most recent round, election officials sent letters to 232,000 voters who would be removed if they did not respond. One in eight voters in Milwaukee were at risk. Voters in black neighborhoods were nearly twice as likely to be flagged as those in white neighborhoods.

In Georgia in 2018, the Republican candidate for governor, Brian Kemp, was serving as the secretary of state. He sought to purge 300,000 voters, and 53,000 voter registrations were put on hold; 80 percent were people of color. Two hundred voting precincts were closed, most in areas with large black populations. The Democratic candidate, Stacy Abrams, lost the race by a margin far less than the votes that were suppressed.

As she noted, “Especially in states like Georgia, where diversifying demographics have us on the precipice of transformative political change, we are seeing Republicans employ voter suppression to limit who has access to the polls. Disproportionately, under GOP secretaries of state, this process affects Democrats, particularly in communities of color. The clear intention is to strip people of their right to vote.”

In state after state, conservative groups are suing to force purges. The Trump Justice Department has piled on: a June 2017 letter went to 44 states saying it would review how the states were planning to “remove the names of ineligible voters.”

Purging voters, blocking vote by mail, requiring official voter ID, closing precincts, limiting early voting, limiting the hours that voting booths are open, blocking same day or automatic voter registration, gerrymandering to segregate the minority vote — the list goes on.

Voting is the fundamental basis of democracy. Particularly in times of crisis, it is vital that the people’s voice be heard. The president and the modern-day Republican Party are convinced that if everyone votes, they will not fare well. Think about that.

Our last presidential election was marred by foreign intervention and WikiLeaks. We couldn’t stop that. But we should not steal from ourselves. We cannot allow the coming election to be scarred by homegrown intervention and TrickiLeaks.


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In case you didn’t know, a dog is backward spelled from God.

In case you didn’t know, a dog is backward spelled from God.

People think that many animals, pets, are related to God.

It is believed that a dog represents a natural spiritual teacher. Also, we are going to present you only five spiritual lessons, but there are many more.

1. Tender Touch is beneficial for the health

Tender touch is very natural for human beings, and that can be learned from the dogs.

We own the feeling to pet out pets. Many discoveries claim that hugging is highly beneficial for our health. This will boost oxytocin and serotonin levels. We are going to be happier and healthier. Sickness and disease, stress and lowering blood pressure, anxiety, all of them can be eliminated or at least reduced with hugging, tender touch.

This kind of touch will eliminate all the negative energy from your body and mind and elevates the levels of happiness. You should pet your dog or cat, and you will be spiritually more productive.

2. Now is all that we have

Dogs don’t approach time. They are faithful, every moment. When the future is in question, they don’t think of it. Time is nothing for them, he is loyal now, and don’t think about the past or the future.

Dogs as creatures are enthusiastic, or they need to sleep, so they will place the head on the paws and take a nap.

The lesson is that we don’t always have to worry about our lives. You don’t have to explain everything that is happening. If you are feeling enthusiastic, it is OK, but if you aren’t, that is OK too.

3. A simple life is completely OK

We all need to learn to be satisfied with little things in our life. The importance in life is not what you own, but who you know.

We need to learn from the dogs about satisfaction. If a dog has food and roof, and someone who is going to play with them, they are happy. We should practice this more often. People need to be thankful if they have a roof on their head, food to eat, and friends and family to talk and share the happiness with.

4. Perfection doesn’t exist

No one is perfect. As the subhead explains, perfection doesn’t exist. We can only be closer to perfection, but we will never reach it.

You shouldn’t be disappointed if you are not perfect. Neither persons nor animals are perfect; you are not an exclusion. Do your best that is enough.

5. Entertain yourself

Our spiritual teachers, dogs, play all the time. They move the tail whenever they are happy. You can notice if you play with them the whole day, they will play even more. The lesson is that you need to take things and life, not so serious. You need to give yourself time to relax and to entertain yourself.

RSN: FOCUS: Robert Reich | Donald Trump Is Getting Nervous


Reader Supported News
06 May 20

We Need Reasonable Support - Pretty Badly

We have never served more readers or had more participation. That’s the good news. The bad news is it’s never been harder to raise the basic funding we need to run the organization.

The key is “reasonable support.”

Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News

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Reader Supported News
06 May 20

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WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN - Now more than ever we are faced with enormous challenges. These are the times that bring out the best in the best of us. We will stand as strong now as we ever have. We proudly ask for your support. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News

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FOCUS: Robert Reich | Donald Trump Is Getting Nervous
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page
Reich writes: "Donald Trump is getting nervous. Internal polls show him losing in November unless the economy comes roaring back."

But much of the economy remains closed because of the pandemic. The number of infections and deaths continue to climb. 

So what is Trump’s re-election strategy? Reopen the economy anyway, despite the risks.

Step 1: Remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work.

Trump’s labor department has decided that furloughed employees “must accept” an employer’s offer to return to work and therefore forfeit unemployment benefits, regardless of Covid-19.

Forcing people to choose between getting Covid-19 or losing their livelihood is inhumane. It is also nonsensical. Public health still depends on as many workers as possible staying home. That’s a big reason why Congress provided the extra benefits.

Step 2: Hide the facts.

No one knows how many Americans are infected because the Trump administration continues to drag its heels on testing. To date only 6.5 million tests have been completed in a population of more than 200 million adults.

But it’s impossible to fight the virus without adequate data. Dr Anthony Fauci, the administration’s leading infectious disease expert, warns that reopening poses “a really significant risk” without more testing. Not surprisingly, the White House has blocked Fauci from testifying before the House.

Step 3: Pretend it’s about “freedom.”

Weeks ago, Trump called on citizens to “LIBERATE” states like Michigan, whose Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, imposed strict stay-at-home rules.

Michigan has the third-highest number of Covid-19 deaths in America, although it is 10th in population. When on Thursday Whitmer extended the rules to 28 May, gun-toting protesters rushed the state house chanting: “Lock her up!” Rather than condemn their behavior, Trump suggested Whitmer “make a deal” with them.

Meanwhile, the attorney general, William Barr, has directed the justice department to take legal action against any state or local authorities imposing lockdown measures that “could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.”

Making this about “freedom” is absurd. Freedom is meaningless for people who have no choice but to accept a job that risks their health.

Step 4: Shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.
Trump is pushing to give businesses that reopen a “liability shield” against legal action by workers or customers who get infected by the virus.

This week, he announced he would use the Defense Production Act to force meat-processing plants to remain open, despite high rates of Covid-19 infections and deaths among meatpackers.

The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, insists that proposed legislation giving state and local governments funding they desperately need must include legal immunity for corporations that cause workers or consumers to become infected.

But how can the economy safely reopen if companies don’t have an incentive to keep people safe? Promises to provide protective gear and other safeguards are worthless absent the threat of damages if workers or customers become infected.

The Truth: The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic itself.

Any rush to reopen without adequate testing and tracing – far more than now under way – will cause a resurgence of the disease and another and longer economic crisis.

Maybe Trump is betting that any resurgence will occur after the election, when the economy appears to be on the road to recovery.

The first responsibility of a president is to keep the public safe. But Donald Trump couldn’t care less. He was slow to respond to the threat, then he lied about it, then made it hard for states – especially those with Democratic governors – to get the equipment they need.

Now he’s trying to force the economy to reopen in order to boost his electoral chances this November, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal. This is beyond contemptible.

What do you think?


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