Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trump Gets MERCILESSLY BOOED at Speech



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MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump getting booed at the Libertarian Convention in Washington DC. Visit for more! Support the MeidasTouch Network:   / meidastouch   Add the MeidasTouch Podcast: Buy MeidasTouch Merch: Follow MeidasTouch on Twitter:   / meidastouch   Follow MeidasTouch on Facebook:   / meidastouch   Follow MeidasTouch on Instagram:   / meidastouch   Follow MeidasTouch on TikTok:   / meidastouch  

Florida Watch: tipping point










Florida Watch

Here at Florida Watch, we’re keeping watch of our Republican-dominated state government to ensure they’re held accountable to hardworking Floridians.

So, let’s take a moment to remember what Florida Republicans have done to our state:

  • Near-total abortion ban
  • Highest property insurance rates in the country, FIVE TIMES the national average
  • Worst teacher shortage and 50th in the nation for teacher pay
  • More than half a million kids kicked off their health coverage
  • $900 million sent to corporate-run schools with no accountability, while neighborhood schools are threatened with closures
  • Local heat protections banned for outdoor workers
  • Unconstitutional book bans
  • Millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on losing court battles

And the list could go on, but we’d be here all day, can you help us end this madness?

Please rush your first donation to help us reach our $10,000 goal before our urgent midnight fundraising deadline. Your support allows us to continue providing our proven effective support to Democratic candidates in flippable districts to help break the GOP supermajority before we reach a point of no return.

Hardworking Floridians can’t handle much more of this. We’re at a tipping point, and you can help us bring our state back from the brink.

We must take back our state to address the real issues we’re facing before it’s too late.

— Florida Watch



Now is the time to address the real issues facing the people of Florida — lowering costs, raising wages, protecting reproductive freedom, and building an affordable future for all of us — but we can’t do that as long as the Florida GOP is holding us back.

The support we provide to Democratic candidates in flippable seats across the state has already been proven effective. so please pitch in what you can right now to provide the resources we need to help break the GOP supermajority and take back our state.

We’re fighting to ensure all Floridians have the freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe. It’s a fight we must win, and any support you can provide will help us support Democrats in close, can’t-lose races across our state.



Florida Watch
PO Box 61784
Jacksonville, FL 32236
United States

The Curious Money Trail Behind the Supreme Court/Clarence Thomas Decision to Rescue a Federal Agency that Wall Street Hates



The Curious Money Trail Behind the Supreme Court/Clarence Thomas Decision to Rescue a Federal Agency that Wall Street Hates

Donald Trump, Jones Day Law Firm, Billionaire Charles Koch and the Assault on the CFPB

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 20, 2024 ~

Last Thursday, in a stunning 7-2 win for the little guys and gals in America, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau et al v Community Financial Services Association of America, Ltd., et al. Making the decision all the more stunning, it was written by Clarence Thomas, the sitting justice who has been under withering attack in the press for selling out to special interests. (There is speculation that the Thomas name is on the decision to quiet the media uproar against him.) The two dissenting votes came from Justices Samuel Alito (target of a ProPublica investigation in 2023) and Neil Gorsuch, around whom conflicts of interest controversy is also swirling.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been the target of Wall Street lobbyists since before its birth under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 and every year since. Dodd-Frank and the creation of the CFPB came as a Congressional response to the greatest fraudulent wealth transfer from the middle class to the 1 percent since the Wall Street frauds of the late 1920s. Both periods devastated the U.S. economy for years and left millions of Americans unemployed and their savings wiped out.

Wall Street megabanks and other bad financial actors are particularly hostile to the fact that the CFPB allows consumers who have been victimized by financial firms, even where small amounts of money are involved, to file a complaint with the CFPB, which then demands a timely written explanation from the alleged wrongdoer. Bad actors dislike the fact that these complaints go into a permanent database at the CFPB, which can be mined by the public, reporters, attorneys and prosecutors looking for patterns of fraud.

On May 15 of last year, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, led 144 current and former members of Congress in filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case. Their amicus argues that when Congress established the CFPB after the 2008 financial crisis, a judgment was made that the CFPB, like other financial regulators, needed independence from unpredictable annual funding cycles to be effective. As legislated in the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFPB is funded through the Federal Reserve. Congress maintains oversight authority of the CFPB, and the Director of the agency testifies regularly before Congress.

The Community Financial Services Association of America, the opposing front group in the Supreme Court case, which cleverly put the homespun word “Community” in its name, is the evil twin sister of the CFPB. It’s a pool of financial sharks, including payday lenders, who don’t want a well-funded federal investigatory agency looking into their predatory practices against financially-strapped and/or financially unsophisticated Americans. 

The case arrived at the Supreme Court reeking of stench from a decision handed down by a three-judge panel at the radical right-wing 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. All three judges on the panel (Don Willett, Kurt Engelhardt, and Cory Wilson) were appointed by former President Donald Trump. The 5th Circuit effectively ruled that the CFPB’s funding system, legislated by Congress, was unconstitutional.

The tentacles of the former Trump administration and the invisible hands that had an outsized role in setting the agenda for it, fossil fuels billionaire Charles Koch and his corporate law firm, Jones Day, have their fingerprints all over this case. On Trump’s first day in office on January 20, 2017, Jones Day announced that 12 of its law partners were moving into the Trump administration. Among the 12 was Noel Francisco, who became Trump’s Solicitor General. Francisco became one of the five Jones Day lawyers that argued before the Supreme Court for the dodgy front group CFSA that brought this case against the CFPB.

CFSA is a nonprofit, which means that at least part of its annual tax filing with the IRS (form 990) is a public document. The 990s show that Jones Day is not just representing CFSA at the Supreme Court but that Jones Day has been its law firm dating back to at least 2016. The annual amounts received by Jones Day from CFSA are as follows: 2021 –  $751,150; 2020 – $377,019; 2018 – $571,822; 2017 – $516,150; and 2016 – $574,613.

Gutting the funding and power of federal regulatory agencies is something that Charles Koch and his myriad front groups have been attempting to do for the past 40 years. For Wall Street On Parade’s investigative reporting on the insidious ties between Charles Koch and Clarence Thomas (as he sat on the Supreme Court) see here.

Senator Sherrod Brown, Chair of the Senate Banking Committee, issued this statement after the Supreme Court decision was released last Thursday: 

“Wall Street tried to use the courts to kill the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and they failed. Powerful corporate special interests know the CFPB stands up to them, which is why they have been trying to gut the agency for over a decade. Today’s decision protects workers and consumers who don’t have high-paid lobbyists and lawyers to fight their battles for them. We created the CFPB to be their voice, and I will continue to ensure the agency is able to do its job protecting consumers from Wall Street greed.” 

One of the most outspoken members of Congress when it comes to actively engaging in investigating corruption at the U.S. Supreme Court is Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). In a message to constituents last Thursday, Whitehouse wrote this:

“This term’s docket is a reminder that the Court has the power to reshape Americans’ daily lives. Yet the highest court in the land still has the lowest ethics standards.

“In the Court That Dark Money Built, right-wing donors envelop favored justices in secret gifts, emoluments, and donations. Yet there have been zero repercussions for the right-wing justices caught receiving unreported gifts and accommodations from Republican billionaires with stakes in Court decisions.

“Even after all these ethical failures, the Supreme Court still does not have any method of enforcing a code of ethics — something every other federal court has. Not even an investigation.

“Then there’s the corrupt judicial fact-finding. This Supreme Court makes up phony facts to arrive at decisions that benefit Republican special interests. Even if we un-packed the Court the billionaires packed, and cleaned up the ethics mess the billionaires have made, the bad decisions based on false facts will live on like zombies.

“So, how can the American people trust they’re getting a fair shake in these cases that could fundamentally change life in America?

“I’m not sure they can. Not until we fix the ethics problem.”

And exactly how can Americans fix the problem? A citizen-focused Congress must be elected in order to pass campaign finance reform that will restore representation in Congress to the people instead of billionaires and corporate interests. And how is that going to happen when out-of-state money from millionaires and billionaires is flooding into Senate and House races that will be decided on November 5?

It can happen if every voting age American registers to vote and gets out to vote on November 5 and if every American who can afford it gives at least $5 to the Congressional candidate of their choice.



 Don't forget to check out the local news:


literally just a dollar


It’s Maxwell. I first need to thank you. I know there’s a lot of campaigns reaching out to you, so I’m beyond grateful for people like you who’ve paid attention and resonated with our message.

As the first Gen Z member in Congress, it's been the honor of a lifetime. The GOP establishment never expected us to be here, and will stop at nothing to defeat our youth-powered movement in November.

So today, I’m asking you for $1. Yup. Literally just a dollar.

I hate to have to ask but there is too much on the line - taking action on gun violence, protecting abortion access, and the bold change my generation is demanding - to give up now.

An astounding, and profoundly humbling, 74,757 people have donated to this campaign. If everyone reading this chipped in just $1 as their very first contribution to my campaign, we’d blow past our weekly fundraising goal, but we only have until midnight.

Can I count on you to chip in just $1 as your FIRST donation to my campaign before time runs out in 12 hours?


I can't thank you enough,


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Maxwell Frost for Congress
PO Box 772671
Orlando, FL 32877-2671
United States
Maxwell is an organizer representing Florida's 10th Congressional District in Congress. He isn't taking any corporate PAC, big sugar, or fossil fuel contributions. He needs your help to protect this seat for poor and working-class people. Will you become a Founding Donor of this movement today?

Samuel Alito is absolutely freaking out right now

The pro-insurrectionist flags that were flown at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's houses aren't just a public show of support for the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.1

They are a flagrant violation of the Supreme Court's own code of ethics, which requires justices to "act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary."2,3

Alito isn't the only one flouting basic judicial ethics. Justice Clarence Thomas has refused to recuse himself from cases related to January 6, despite the fact that his wife attended the January 6 Stop the Steal rally and was actively involved in the plot to overturn the election.4

Alito's pro-insurrection flags have sparked a loud public outcry — and now we must turn up the heat.

Will you donate $20 to help support our work, including demanding that Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas recuse themselves from all Supreme Court cases related to the January 6 insurrection?

Donate $20

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Donate $75

Or, donate another amount

The Supreme Court's code of conduct instructs justices to avoid even the appearance of bias in cases before the Court. And the Supreme Court has explicitly cautioned its employees against political displays, including signs and bumper stickers.5

However, because the code of conduct has no enforcement mechanism, Justice Alito faces no consequences whatsoever.6

Meanwhile, Justice Clarence Thomas is also hopelessly compromised in the January 6 cases, given that his own wife attended the January 6 Stop the Steal rally and sent a barrage of text messages to the White House chief of staff urging him to help Trump overturn the election.

And yet right now, Justices Thomas and Alito are sitting in judgment of Trump's claim of total immunity for the crimes he committed while in office, including those surrounding the January 6 insurrection.

Demand Progress Action has mobilized tens of thousands of people to contact their representatives to demand Supreme Court ethics reform, and we're now urgently working to mobilize our 1.5 million affiliated activists to hold Justices Alito and Thomas accountable for their blatant conflicts of interest and corruption.

Please donate $20 to help Demand Progress Action call on Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from all Supreme Court cases related to the January 6 insurrection.

With gratitude,

The team at Demand Progress Action

1. The New York Times, "Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home," May 22, 2024.
2. Supreme Court of the United States, "Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States," November 13, 2023.
3. Campaign Legal Center, "Alito Flags the Fatal Flaw of the Supreme Court Ethics Code," May 20, 2024.
4. The New Yorker, "Legal Scholars Are Shocked By Ginni Thomas's 'Stop the Steal' Texts," March 25, 2022.
5. The New York Times, "What Do Judicial Rules Say About Alito and a 'Stop the Steal' Symbol?" May 17, 2024.
6. The Hill, "Alito's inverted flag makes a mockery of the Supreme Court's code of ethics," May 21, 2024.

PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on Facebook or Twitter.

Lindsay Graham and others are casually talking about nukes in Gaza


Win Without War logo 

We’re witnessing a terrifyingly cavalier uptick in nuclear threats and brinkmanship:

Just this week, Putin launched tactical nuclear weapons drills near Ukraine. Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham and others are offering the U.S. use of atomic bombs in World War II as an example for how the Israeli government should do 'whatever' it wants to in Gaza.[1]

That’s not all: The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) also poured fuel on the fire, signing off on tens of billions to expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal — including the development of a bomb up to 24 times as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima.

No one will win this arms race. That’s why we’re gearing up to change course. It’ll mean pushing back during the upcoming Senate National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) negotiations that set the Pentagon budget. Then, fighting hard to stop Congress from spending even one dime on unnecessary, world-ending weapons during the appropriations process.

The problem is that with just six days to go, we’re still $12,678 short of our May fundraising goal. We can’t do it alone. So, are you in?


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Even before tensions ticked up with Hamas’ appalling attacks on October 7 and Israel’s devastating war in Gaza, UN Secretary-General António Guterres was warning of a “humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions” due to the global nuclear arms race.

Since then, from Ukraine to Gaza the situation has only deteriorated further. You wouldn’t be surprised that ALL nine nuclear-armed countries — the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel — are increasing their weapons spending as a result. Experts expect the global nuclear arsenal will only grow, too.

But with the Doomsday Clock already mere seconds away from a midnight that marks the moment of global catastrophe, this backward thinking only heightens the possibility of a nightmare scenario: nuclear war.

Last year, advocacy organizations like Win Without War helped hold the number of nuclear warheads largely steady, but with conflicts and crises deepening across the globe, this work is only getting more challenging.

It’ll take a massive effort from partners across the movement, key members of Congress, and every current and former defense official and expert who agrees that we’ve got to do everything we can to avoid doomsday. With HASC passing the House NDAA earlier this week, the first phase of this months-long marathon has just begun. What happens next will be pivotal, and activists like you will help ensure we have the resources necessary to push back.

Avoiding a nightmare nuclear scenario has been a huge part of Win Without War’s work for decades and with so much on the line, we won’t let up now.


A U.S. foreign policy rooted in human rights and justice won’t happen overnight.
If you’re with us for the long haul, consider a monthly donation.
Win Without War is a 501(c)4 organization and donations are not tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please visit the Win Without War Education Fund here.
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1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 |

How Drones form part of Hezbollah’s deterrence Strategy against Israel