Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (07/23/2024)


Israeli Parliament Rejects any Palestinian State, Exposing US Gaslighting

Israeli Parliament Rejects any Palestinian State, Exposing US Gaslighting

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Biden administration, and all its predecessors, have attempted to deflect questions about the concerted Israeli land theft from Palestinians in the Occupied Territories since 1967 by underlining Washington’s commitment to a “two-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The last time, however, that a US president put himself on the […]

US pays Lip Service to a Palestinian State — But Blocks it in Practice

US pays Lip Service to a Palestinian State — But Blocks it in Practice

By Dennis Jett, Penn State | – Spain, Ireland and Norway recognized a Palestinian state in May 2024, bringing the total number of countries that do so to 144. The United States is not one of them. The U.S. has officially favored a two-state solution, meaning both Israel and a Palestinian state would be recognized […]

What is the Impact of the Int’l Court of Justice Verdict against Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories?

What is the Impact of the Int’l Court of Justice Verdict against Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories?

By Michael Jansen ( Gulf Today ) – The resolution said a Palestinian state would pose ‘an existential danger (Israel), perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilise the region.’ This is nonsense, as Israel possesses the region’s most powerful military as well as the only arsenal of nuclear weapons Anticipating last Friday’s International Court of Justice […]

Old posts you may have missed

Like LBJ, Biden let a Catastrophic Foreign Conflict Stain his Domestic Legacy: He must end the Gaza War Now

Massive IT Outage spotlights major Vulnerabilities in the global information Ecosystem

‘Ticking Time Bomb’: International Alarm as Poliovirus Found in Gaza Sewage

Trump’s Project 2025 abolishes Medicare; We need to Fight Back and Expand it

World Court Finds Israel Responsible for Apartheid, says its Presence in Palestinian Territories is Illegal

Israel’s Eilat Port has been Bankrupted by the Houthis supporting Palestinians of Gaza

Over half of Turkey’s Electricity now comes from Renewables as it seeks to Escape Energy Dependence on Russia

Bye Bye Bibi, Bye Bye


Dear Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

In a few minutes you will enter our United States Congress to give a rare speech by a foreign leader to a joint session of Senators and Members of our House of Representatives.

As you approach the podium, you might notice that the President of the Senate will not be seated there above you presiding, as per tradition, over the chamber. That’s because the President of the Senate is Vice President Kamala Harris. She has decided not to attend. It is extremely rare for the President of the Senate to skip a big event like this. She will not be there to applaud you or stand with you. She’s decided instead to spend the day in, um, Indianapolis. At a sorority meeting. 

In one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington, Kamala Harris has for months been quietly urging President Biden to end your war on the people of Gaza. Biden has funded this war for you and has supplied you with your weapons of death. And with that you have murdered over 40,000 innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the abhorrent massacre of October 7th. 

Harris has been the voice of peace within the administration, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the assault on Gaza’s civilian population. She has also pushed to get the Palestinians all the humanitarian aid they need immediately.  

But nothing has happened in over 9 months. The rain of death continues each day. Mass starvation is underway. And Democratic Party insiders know all too deeply how this has contributed to Biden’s decreasing poll numbers and has virtually guaranteed the loss of Michigan to Trump. A damning article in today’s New Republic warns that if Harris picks pro-war Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro as her running mate, this may sink her election chances, especially with young voters and the large progressive wing of the Party. 

This is how toxic you are, Mr. Netanyahu — you hugging Mr. Biden did him no favors. And anytime Indianapolis looks more inviting than you, well, I guess you gotta be from the Midwest to get the joke. 

Dearest Bibi, with blood on your hands, you, the indicted felon — bribery, fraud and breach of trust — the Trump of Israel, blood caked all over your face, you the funder of Hamas — billions of dollars you’ve arranged to flow to them in order to sow the chaos that would allow you to conduct an ethnic cleansing you now so joyfully lead, knee deep in the blood of the children you’ve slaughtered. 

How dare you enter our hallowed Hall of Democracy today, wiping your hands on the backs of the bipartisan political hacks who have funded your evil and armed you to the teeth. You relish at the thought of more dead Palestinians — “animals” your Defense Minister called them — no wonder so many of your own people despise you and want to see you behind bars — you, ironically, the jailer of 2.3 million Gazans whom you’ve kept tortured and suffering in an open-air prison for 17 years. YOU, whom history will judge as the destroyer of Israel, the true enemy of the Jewish people we love so dearly, a faith that sees no human being as an “animal” but rather as a gift from God. YOU who pulled reserve forces back from the Gazan border in the days before the massacre of October 7, knowing full well what would happen. YOU who’ve always hated your fellow Jews who live in those kibbutzim because they always vote against you and your party, because many of them are socialists, peaceniks, atheists, ex-hippies, putting on outdoor music fests, marching in the streets against your attempts to destroy the Israeli judicial system — yes, they despise you, and so like any good autocrat or fascist, you took away their protection and left them to the slaughter. Forced them to cower in their homes’ “safe rooms” for 14 hours hoping the Cavalry would come to save them, but few did, thanks to you. They were the sacrifice on your altar of crime and racism —and their deaths would allow you to cancel your upcoming criminal trial, allow you to form your own war council, allow you the justification to starve millions, cut off their water, carpet bomb their homes, the bodies decapitated, limbless children, elderly and the impoverished offered up as a necessary genocide in the name of hate, greed and the Big Lie that an ancient book contained a deed that said this land was given to you by God! God made the Earth for ALL, and Jews throughout the centuries knew this. Which is why they always fought on the side of Justice, on the side of the oppressed, the have-nots, the mistreated and the abused, the forgotten and the discarded. And for this, they were continually rounded up throughout history and led to their slaughter, the pogroms, the Holocaust. Little did they ever think that one of their own would one day do the same to others — especially to their own cousins — the Palestinians! The Muslims who revered Moses and Abraham and Jesus!

Bibi, you do not belong in our sacred space of Democracy today. Although, it could be argued, that you’ve come to just the right spot as we, a nation founded in genocide and built on the backs of enslaved humans, an apartheid nation that claimed to be a Democracy but would not let a single member of the majority of the population — women, people of color, the indigenous, those who didn’t own property because they were women, of color, here first and poor — and thus they were not allowed to vote or participate in the apartheid, de facto White Christian Nationalist patriarchy who ran the whole American show. No wonder we are the perfect model for your segregated and brutal Theocracy posing as a real Democracy — just as we have never truly attained our full and complete Democracy for 248 years. You are not You — you are US, the O.G. of slaughter! And you are soooo good at it! Of course we’ve rolled out the red carpet for you today! Welcome home, Bibi of Brooklyn!

But don’t be too quick to think our leaders really like you. Your nation was set up by predecessors of this Congress to be our puppet state in the Middle East so we could keep an eye on our favorite drug — oil!

And please remember you are standing in a chamber of power of a country that refused to let boatloads of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930s to dock in any U.S. city, thus sending back thousands of desperate Jews to their deaths in Europe. The same country that refused to bomb the German rail lines that led to the concentration camps (which would’ve saved many thousands of lives). The same country that was filled with establishments which posted signs that read “No Jews. No N-----s. No Irish.” 

But most Americans did not feel that way. It was the Jewish union organizers from New York who helped us create the United Auto Workers in Flint — the same union that this week issued its official condemnation of your appearance in our Congress. Most Americans are grateful to our Jewish brothers and sisters who have helped lead our civil rights, feminist and gay rights movements. And we know America wouldn’t be America without Steven Spielberg, Gloria Steinem, Bob Dylan, Arthur Miller, Judy Blume, Lillian Hellman, Jonas Salk, the Coen Brothers, the Warner Bros., the Marx Brothers, Barbra Streisand, Albert Einstein, Emma Goldman, and on and on. 

Bibi you have attacked your critics here by smearing them as antisemites. Again, remember — you are the antisemite, killer of the Semitic peoples.  Yes, there is antisemitism in the U.S. as there is everywhere. But you slander us only as a cover for your own vile crimes. Get a grip, Bibi. The people in a place like Georgia have voted to be represented in the U.S. Senate by a Jew and a Black man. For the better part of the past four decades around 10% of the entire Senate has been Jewish — when only 2% of the American population is Jewish. How did that happen?  

Each time Pew Research conducts a poll of Americans’ attitudes toward the country’s various religions, when asked the question, “Which religion do you have the most favorable feelings toward?”, the Number One answer the majority of Americans give is “JUDAISM!” And these are mostly Christians answering the question! Hiding behind the charge of antisemitism is a lie, and everybody knows it. Stop. You’re making it harder for us to deal with true antisemitism and bigots like you. 

It is a strange day indeed to see an actual war criminal addressing a joint session of Congress. In the future, let’s keep that honor reserved for our own war criminals (George W. Bush, Richard Nixon). As for you Bibi, enjoy your closed-door meeting tomorrow with our next President (I’m sure she’ll have some choice words for you). Say hi to The Donald for us on Friday at Mar-a-Lago. And we’ll look forward to your trial some day soon at the International Criminal Court. The irony that this court was originally set up to conduct the Nuremberg Trials won’t be lost on anyone. 

Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Top News: Protests as 'War Criminal' Addresses Congress


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

Harris Campaign Says 'Oil Barons Are Salivating' Over Second Trump Term

"Trump's promises to Big Oil would sacrifice good-paying jobs that are driving an American energy and manufacturing boom," said the campaign.

By Julia Conley

'Contamination Crisis': US Pesticides Contain PFAS, Endangering Food and Water

"This is truly frightening news," the author of a new study said. "Lacing pesticides with forever chemicals is likely burdening the next generation with more chronic diseases and impossible cleanup responsibilities."

By Edward Carver

'Guilty of Genocide': Tlaib Protests Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

"I will never back down in speaking truth to power. The apartheid government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians."

By Brett Wilkins

AFT Signs On to UAW's Push for 2028 General Strike

United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain applauded the teachers union for helping to push for a "mass movement" for workers' rights.

By Julia Conley

US Leads Global Surge in Oil and Gas Expansion, Analysis Finds

"The U.S. has become a petrostate and is still, even under President Biden, permitting new drilling," John Sterman of MIT said. "The developed countries don't show any significant efforts to limit drilling."

By Edward Carver

'Economic and Moral Failing': It's Been 15 Years Since Last Federal Minimum Wage Hike

"Voters understand that raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do, even if their elected officials in state legislatures and Washington, D.C. remain inactive."

By Jake Johnson


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■ Opinion

Why Does Netanyahu Get More Security Than NATO Leaders?

This increased security underscores the outrage of millions of U.S. citizens that he has been invited to speak at the U.S. Congress as he conducts a genocide in Gaza.

By Ann Wright

What I Learned at a Gaza Solidarity Encampment in the Heart of the Beast

We are most powerful when we dismantle the systems designed to isolate, disconnect, and distract us from uniting against the genocide in Gaza.

By Moataz Salim

Kamala Harris Is the Winning Choice for Seniors

As president, Harris will expand Social Security and Medicare and ensure that all benefits will continue to be paid in full and on time for the foreseeable future by requiring billionaires to pay their fair share.

By Nancy J. Altman

'Economic and Moral Failing': It's Been 15 Years Since Last Federal Minimum Wage Hike


Labor unions rally for higher minimum wage

Labor unions join forces to rally for a higher minimum wage in New York City on April 10, 2023. 

(Photo: Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

'Economic and Moral Failing': It's Been 15 Years Since Last Federal Minimum Wage Hike

"Voters understand that raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do, even if their elected officials in state legislatures and Washington, D.C. remain inactive."

Former U.S. President Barack Obama had been in office for just over six months when the federal minimum wage was raised to a paltry $7.25 an hour—where it remains today, 15 years later.

Wednesday marked exactly a decade and a half since the federal wage floor was last lifted, an occasion that advocates used to tout state-level pay hikes and make the case for a long-overdue national increase, particularly as the nation's billionaires and corporations do better than ever.

"Workers can't afford to wait for Congress to act; they need to feed their families, pay their bills, and take care of their loved ones," said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, a group that has backed ballot measures across the U.S. that have resulted in over $22 billion in additional earnings for workers.

"This year, we see a clear path to victory in Alaska and Missouri because when voters have the chance, they choose higher wages," Hall continued, referring to minimum wage ballot initiatives in the two states. "Voters understand that raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do, even if their elected officials in state legislatures and Washington, D.C. remain inactive."

"It's been 15 years since the federal minimum wage was increased," Hall added, "and while this is both an economic and moral failing, we believe the solution lies in direct democracy through the ballot box."

Years of inaction and obstruction by corporate-backed lawmakers in the U.S. Congress have spurred states and localities to raise their minimum wages well above the federal floor.

This year alone, according to the National Employment Law Project (NELP), 25 states and 65 localities across the U.S. will raise their minimum wages, providing pay boosts for millions of workers.

"November 2024's election will provide even more opportunities for progress, as Arizona, Alaska, and Oklahoma will all likely have questions on the ballot on whether or not their state minimum wages should increase," Kyle Ross of the Center for American Progress noted Wednesday. "Voters in these states should take advantage of this chance to give workers a much-needed raise."

Twenty U.S. states still have minimum wages pegged to the federal floor, which is worth less today than "at any time since 1949," Axios' Emily Peck observed Wednesday.

Some lawmakers at the federal level have pushed, without success, for legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage. Last year, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) introduced a bill that would incrementally hike the national wage floor to $17 an hour by 2028 and index it to median wages in subsequent years.

The measure did not receive a vote in the House or Senate. According to the Economic Policy Institute31 million U.S. workers are paid less than $17 an hour.

"The minimum wage has fallen so far behind the cost of living that millions of workers are earning wages too low to live on at the minimum wage and above it," Holly Sklar, CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, said in a statement. "That's bad for workers and businesses."

"Local businesses depend on customers who make enough to buy their products and services," Sklar added. "Raising the minimum wage boosts consumer spending and helps businesses hire and retain employees. Businesses that are more invested in their employees benefit from lower turnover and increased productivity, and the kind of customer service that keeps customers coming back."


US Leads Global Surge in Oil and Gas Expansion, Analysis Finds



US Leads Global Surge in Oil and Gas Expansion, Analysis Finds

"The U.S. has become a petrostate and is still, even under President Biden, permitting new drilling," John Sterman of MIT said. "The developed countries don't show any significant efforts to limit drilling."

US Leads Global Surge in Oil and Gas Expansion, Analysis Finds
Construction cranes surround a liquefied natural gas plant in Louisiana in 2023. (Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

Five wealthy countries including the United States have led a global surge in oil and gas development in 2024, threatening international climate goals, according to an analysis published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

The U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Norway together are projected by the end of 2024 to have issued licenses for fossil fuel projects that will emit 11.9 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetimes—far more than in any of the previous five years, and roughly equal to a full year of emissions from China, the world's highest emitter—according to industry data analyzed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and shared with the newspaper.

The five states are responsible for more than two-thirds of all oil and gas licenses issued globally since 2020, with the U.S. alone accounting for half of the world total. President Joe Biden's administration increased oil and gas licensing by 20% over Trump-era levels, and issued a record 758 new extraction licenses in 2023, according to the analysis.

"The U.S. has become a petrostate and is still, even under President Biden, permitting new drilling," John Sterman, a climate policy expert and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's business school, told The Guardian. "The developed countries don't show any significant efforts to limit drilling."

Sterman pointed to a "fundamental contradiction" between rich countries' international commitments and their ongoing fossil fuel expansion. "We can't keep going on like this," he said.

The industry's grip on U.S. politicians has made significant policy change in Washington difficult. In the past decade, fossil fuel companies have spent $1.25 billion on federal lobbying and more than $650 million on campaign contributions, according to OpenSecrets data.

The Conservative-led U.K. government issued a surge of North Sea licenses in the first half of this year, but lost power to the Labour Party following a general election earlier this month. It's not yet clear if Labour will be able or willing to rescind licenses already issued. Currently the U.K. is set to finish 2024 with 72 licenses for projects that would create 101 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetimes—a 50-year high, according to the IISD analysis. Norway and Australia are also seeing major upticks this year.

Capital expenditure at the world's largest oil companies is up 60% since 2020, with $302 billion projected to be spent on well development this year, The Guardian reported. The fossil fuel expansion continues even though the reserves in rich countries are generally hard to reach, as more accessible reserves have already been tapped.

The expansion also comes in spite of disturbing climate news—2023 was hottest year on record, June was the 13th consecutive hottest month, and Monday was the hottest day, having broken a record set the previous day—and dire warnings from leading international institutions. No new fossil fuel projects can proceed if the world is to meet the 1.5° Paris agreement target, the International Energy Agency declared in 2021.

In December, at the United Nations COP28 climate summit, the world's nations agreed to transition away from fossil fuels, though the agreement was viewed by climate campaigners as weakly worded and ridden with loopholes.

Delegates from wealthy Western nations often present themselves as change-seekers in international climate negotiations, but the IISD analysis adds to evidence that such nations are in fact a big part of the problem.

"Fossil fuel corporations, and the governments that support them, will never stop unless forced to," Bill McGuire, a climate scientist at University College London, said on social media in response to the analysis. "Neither has any interest in the future of the climate, our world, or their own kids."


Arkansas Supreme Court Orders State to Count Abortion Rights Signatures


Arkansas Supreme Court Orders State to Count Abortion Rights Signatures

The limited ruling was called "a good start" by one pro-democracy group, as advocates hope to include an abortion rights amendment on November ballots.

Abortion rights advocates in Arkansas were cautiously optimistic Tuesday evening that the state government would count the signatures of more than 100,000 residents who signed petitions in support of an anti-forced pregnancy constitutional amendment, after the Arkansas Supreme Court issued a limited order calling on the secretary of state to begin the process.

Secretary of State John Thurston, a Republican, moved earlier this month to disqualify the petition that advocates had spent months gathering signatures for, claiming organizers had failed to provide information about paid signature-gatherers who had worked on the campaign run by Arkansans for Limited Government (AFLG).

On Tuesday evening, the court ruled that Thurston must begin "the initial count of signatures collected by volunteer canvassers according to A.C.A. 7-9-126(a)," but said nothing about whether signatures gathered by paid workers needed to be counted.

The order did not indicate whether Thurston is required to begin the second stage of the tallying process, in which his team would verify that the signatures are accurate and belong to Arkansas voters.

That stage would begin a "cure" period during which AFLG would be allowed to continue collecting signatures.

"We are heartened by this outcome, which honors the constitutional rights of Arkansans to participate in direct democracy."

AFLG turned in more than 101,000 signatures in time for the July 5 deadline, including an estimated 87,382 that were collected by volunteers and 14,143 gathered by paid workers, according to the Arkansas Times.

The state requires a petition for a constitutional amendment to have at least 90,704 signatures to qualify for the November election ballots—so if Thurston is required to count only the signatures collected by volunteers and does not have to initiate the cure period, AFLG's petition may fall short.

The state Supreme Court did leave open the possibility of an additional ruling on the matter, saying the panel "reserves the right to issue further orders and proceed in accordance with state law."

Despite the uncertainty, AFLG said in a statement that "the will of the people won" this round of the fight to ensure Arkansas residents can vote for abortion rights in November.

"On behalf of 101,000 Arkansas voters, 800 volunteers, and the AFLG team, we thank the court for upholding democracy in Arkansas," said the group. "We are heartened by this outcome, which honors the constitutional rights of Arkansans to participate in direct democracy, the voices of 101,000 Arkansas voters who signed the petition, and the work of hundreds of volunteers across the state who poured themselves into this effort."

The amendment proposed by AFLG would state that the Arkansas government "shall not prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion services within 18 weeks of fertilization" or in the cases of rape, incest, or "fatal fetal anomaly."

The pro-democracy group For AR People said the court's ruling was "a good start" and noted that at least three of the court's seven judges—Justices Courtney Hudson and Karen Baker and Chief Justice Dan Kemp—seemed "favorable to AFLG's arguments" that the count, the verification process, and the cure period should commence.

Matt Campbell of the Arkansas Times pointed out that AFLG could legally continue gathering signatures as they would during the cure period, before one officially begins.

"Just because a cure period was not explicitly granted doesn't mean AFLG cannot currently be gathering signatures," said Campbell. "The cure period just officially starts the clock, but signatures can be collected before that clock starts and still be valid."

AFLG said that although the matter is not entirely resolved, the court's decision was "reflective of our state motto: 'The People Rule.'"

"We look forward to that principle guiding the rest of the signature verification process," the group said.

Abortion rights advocates

Two advocates are seen at an event gathering signatures in support of a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in Little Rock, Arkansas on June 4, 2024.

 (Photo: Arkansans for Limited Government/Facebook)

Georgia poll workers must hand count ballots

  Friday, September 20 Get ready for exclusive insights! In the lead-up to the election, Marc will unveil key voting stories you might have ...