Thursday, February 13, 2020

Stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline from destroying our environment


In less than two weeks, the Supreme Court will begin considering a case to determine whether to allow the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to transport fracked gas across the Appalachian Trail -- one of America’s iconic protected areas.
This case will not only determine the future of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. If the court blocks the ACP, it will send a strong message that the fossil fuel industry can’t relentlessly bulldoze through our communities and environment. This is a critical opportunity to put a meaningful check on the power of pipelines and the fossil fuel industry.
That’s why Friends of the Earth Action is going to the Supreme Court on the first day of oral arguments to show the Court and the public what’s at stake. We’re organizing a direct action to demonstrate the resolve and power of impacted communities and allies to stop the ACP and all pipelines, no matter what. But we need to raise $3,500 in the next 24 hours to pull this off. Can you pitch in ?
Donate $15 or more to fund an action at the Supreme Court. Your gift will help stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline -- and all future pipelines!

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will pollute our land and waterways and cut through communities across Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. It will even cut across the Appalachian Trail -- scarring its pristine landscape and proving even our most protected wild places aren’t safe from fossil fuel infrastructure.
The ACP would carry enough fracked gas to generate over 67 million metric tons of climate pollution per year. That’s the equivalent of 20 average U.S. coal plants. It would require 38 miles of mountaintop removal. And it would damage farm and forest land.
What’s more, the ACP would disproportionately harm poor, African-American and Indigenous communities all along the route. Part of the project would involve opening one of the largest fracked gas compressor stations ever built in Union Hill -- an African-American community of great historical and cultural significance in Virginia. And thirty thousand Native peoples live in census tracts considered part of the project area in North Carolina alone.
The Supreme Court must prioritize these communities and the environment over the fossil fuel industry. This case is a tipping point that could rein in the power of Big Oil and Gas. We need to pull out all the stops to show the Court and all federal decision makers that we stand with the people who live along pipeline routes, and we’re counting on them to do the right thing.
Please rush a $15 or more gift by midnight tonight to organize an action at the Supreme Court to stop the ACP!

While the Supreme Court claims that it’s not influenced by public opinion, we know actions at the Court make a difference. After people demonstrated at the Court in favor of LGBTQ+ rights, the court had no choice but to make same-sex marriage the law of the land.
Now, while the legal teams make their case to the Justices inside the courtroom, we will demonstrate that a majority of the public outside the court wants a check on the power of fossil fuel and pipeline companies.
A $15 gift will allow us to print signs and banners, provide jail support for those risking arrest, arrange housing, meals, and meeting space for front-line pipeline fighters traveling for the event, and train activists on the action logistics. If just 233 people like you make a $15 donation today, we’ll raise enough to pull off the action. But we can’t do this without you.
Donate $15 or more to print signs and banners, support activists risking arrest, and cover travel and training expenses to show the Supreme Court that the American people oppose fracked gas pipelines!

Standing with you,
Donna Chavis,
Senior fossil fuels campaigner,
Friends of the Earth Action
Contact Us:
Friends of the Earth Action
Washington, D.C. | Berkeley, CA

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