Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Make one visionary contribution and boost 19 surging Red-to-Blue candidates working to flip MAGA seats—while mobilizing a new generation of Democratic organizers!


We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
—Benjamin Franklin

I’m writing to ask for your help on an important project — our 2024 Democracy Summer Majority Fund.

The purpose of the Joint Fundraising Agreement is to supercharge the campaigns of 19 Democrats in critical red-to-blue races working to flip MAGA seats all across America. These inspiring leaders are not only fighting to bring us a new Democratic House majority — they are mobilizing a new generation of Democratic organizers and leaders through our Democracy Summer project.

Our fund will benefit breakthrough Democratic candidates in Arizona, California, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia.

This is the most consequential election of our lifetime, and we must flip districts from red to blue in order to win back the House from Trump’s MAGA extremists in 2024.

Will you make a generous and pivotal contribution to our 2024 Democracy Summer Majority Fund today?


All 19 campaigns in our JFA—along with more than 100 incumbent Democratic campaigns across America—are training high school and college student Democracy Summer Fellows to knock on doors, register voters and participate in online organizing. This is our secret weapon against GOP gerrymanders and voter suppression tactics.

Democracy Summer, which went national in 2021, has already trained thousands of young Americans in the arts of democracy, the history of American political change, and essential lessons for political leadership. In 2024, we are poised to send more than 1,000 Democracy Summer Fellows out into the field to organize a new Democratic majority through must-win districts around the country.

Motivating and turning out young voters in swing states and competitive red-to-blue districts is key to electing a Democratic Congress in 2024. If you agree with me, and want to support our joint fundraising efforts, please make a generous one-time contribution below!


I would be grateful for your continued support, and I am sending love and strength for the battles ahead.

With gratitude and nothing but great high hopes for America,

Jamie Raskin


Paid for by Jamie Raskin for Congress

P.O. Box 5418
Takoma Park, MD 20913

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