Thursday, July 4, 2024

PEOPLE POWER UNITED JUL 4: πŸ“’ With Freedom Comes Responsibility

πŸ“’ With Freedom Comes Responsibility

πŸ—½The power of the people is stronger than the people in power!

I object.

I'm always amazed at how weak, fickle, and petty people are. I have received emails and seen people on social media complaining about Democrats and Independents showing support for President Biden even after his poor debate performance. Do you know what Republicans love? Division!

Yes, Biden is older than Trump, by 4 years! Yes, Biden had a terrible debate performance and he should immediately fire the people who prepared him, because, while strong on facts, he was weak on convincing people to vote for him. Trump also had a terrible debate performance. He lied repeatedly, couldn't answer a question directly, and was delusional about what happened on January 6 and he would not commit to a peaceful transfer of power, should he lose the election. I object. 

Republicans don't want to represent America; they want to rule over us.

MAGA cultists don't want to fix the problems in America; they want to revel in transactional hatred and bigotry.

Crazed conservatives don't want to follow the lead of Jesus and convert people to Christianity; they want to use religious coercion to force their beliefs on all our communities.

And they are all lining up to support Donald Trump, a 34 Count Felon, 91-times Indicted, Insurrectionist, Rapist, Liar, Fraudster, Disability Mocker, Female Genitalia Grabber, Twice-Impeached President, Defamer, Wife Cheater, Sexual Harasser, confirmed liar of 30,000+ lies, and they want someone to lead us who called our U.S. soldiers "suckers" and "losers". I object. 

They are cheering, fundraising, and pushing for Trump, who is a clear and present danger to America even though he:

  • Invited Russia to meddle in the U.S. elections 

  • Sided with Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies

  • Revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

  • Threatened to pull out of NATO

  • Withheld aid to Ukraine so that Russian-backed separatists could amass power

  • Stole classified documents from the American people and refused to return them

I object. 

And if that doesn't send chills down your back, then consider Trump's next possible cabinet:

  • Vice-President Marco Rubio

  • Attorney General Ron DeSantis

  • Secretary of State Tim Scott

  • Secretary of Defense Mike Flynn

  • Secretary of Commerce Elon Musk

  • Secretary of Health and Human Services Joseph Ladapo

I object. 

And his trolls and sycophants are populating social media, while our folks can't be bothered to share, like, or comment on anything. Trump dominates social media, and Social Media Followers. As of July 3, 2024:

  • Donald Trump on TikTok 7.3 million vs, Joe Biden on TikTok 398,000

  • Donald Trump on Facebook 34 million vs. Joe Biden on Facebook 11 million

  • Donald Trump on Twitter 87 million vs. Joe Biden on Twitter 11 million

  • Donald Trump on Instagram 25 million vs. Joe Biden on Instagram 17 million

  • Donald Trump on YouTube 2.9 million vs. Joe Biden on YouTube 869,000

And let's talk about money, because money is always an issue in politics. Did you know that Trump had one donor who donated $100 million for Trump's reelection? Think about how many billionaires and special interest groups want to get in on the Trump Oligarchy. Biden had a great bump last quarter but still only raised $264 million to Trump's $334 million. I object. 

And what is Joe Biden guilty of? Besides being older by 4 years and having a terrible debate, here is what Joe Biden has done:

  • Jobs Created: 15 million (more than the past two Republican Presidents)

  • Presides over the Lowest Unemployment: Unemployment has been below 4 percent for the longest stretch in over 50 years

  • Passed the American Rescue Plan: Funded vaccination campaigns and reopened schools.

  • Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Rebuilt roads, bridges, and expanded high-speed internet.

  • Appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

  • Passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: Significant gun violence prevention legislation.

  • Passed the CHIPS Act: Boosted American manufacturing and created jobs.

  • Passed the PACT Act: Expanded health care for veterans.

  • Passed the Respect for Marriage Act: Enshrined marriage equality.

  • Passed the Inflation Reduction Act: Lowered costs for families and promoted clean energy.

  • Provided Marijuana Pardons: Removed barriers for simple possession offenses.

  • Passed the Protecting Reproductive Rights: Ensured access to reproductive care.

  • Led International Climate Action: Rejoined Paris Climate Accords.

  • Provided Support for Ukraine: Rallied international support against Putin.

  • Improved the Affordable Care Act: Strengthened and expanded coverage.

  • Passed the Criminal Justice Reform: Promoted accountable policing.

  • Provided Student Debt Relief: Approved billions in loan forgiveness.

  • Improved Diversity: In white house staff, cabinet, administration, and appointments

Meanwhile, former President Trump caged children and families, separated babies from their mamas, bragged about it, and used words like "animals" and "poisoning our blood." to describe immigrants. He promises to "drill, baby drill", deport millions of our friends, families, and neighbors, and he is adamant about cutting Social Security and Medicare while handing millions in tax breaks to his cronies and the uber wealthy. And if that is not bad enough, he has promised to let states possibly incarcerate women seeking abortions, regulate birth control, and criminalize families seeking in vitro fertility treatments. I object. 

The next President is likely to appoint two to four new Supreme Court Justices, and so far, Trump's appointees on the Supreme Court have significantly harmed families by overturning Roe v. Wade — eliminating a precedent of 50 years and restricting freedom of choice. They have also damaged America's environmental protections by overturning Chevron, a 40-year precedent that safeguarded the EPA's authority. Additionally, the reversal of affirmative action has undermined over 60 years of progress. The Supreme Court just ruled to allow cities to arrest and criminalize our homeless folks, just for being unhoused. And certain Justices are now disguising bribes as gifts as if no one is watching. They extended leniency to January 6th insurrectionists which endangers our communities and our national safety. And to top it all off, they declared that the President is above the law and is free to commit any crime as long as he/she/they are acting in an “official” capacity. I object. 

Let's also be clear that not voting is a vote for Donald Trump, period. By not voting, you are doing exactly what Donald Trump, radical Republicans, and Maga extremists want you to do. A no-vote is more dangerous because it is a refusal of responsibility. I object. 

And a big NO to a third-party candidate at this moment in time. To have any chance of winning a presidential election, a third-party candidate would have needed to poll at least 20-30 percent a year ago. It's a pipe dream to think someone who polls at 5% will achieve the Presidency, especially four months out. History shows that America has yet to be inspired (and in some cases fooled) by third-party candidates (and, in some instances, grifters). At this point in time, only a fool would believe that a third-party candidate has a chance of winning the Presidency. I object. 

Lastly, people are saying they are "done" and they are quitting volunteering, activism, or supporting any one candidate. To me, this is the most dangerous and selfish of actions anyone can take. I object. 

We must do everything we can to defend our rights, freedoms, and democracy.

I will support Joe Biden without hesitation. If he decides that he wants to step down, I will support whoever he supports-Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Katie Hobbs, Pete Buttigieg. 81 million people came out to support Biden in his last election. We need that and more right now and if polls are to be believed; it will take everyone rowing together to stave off another four years of a Trump presidency. 

I ask that you take a moment and look at that photo below of the flag and our People Power United values. That is who we are, America is a work in progress, and a promise of a better tomorrow for all of us. We sent people to the moon, showed up on the beaches of Normandy to fight off Nazis, we developed a vaccine against and helped the world to overcome a worldwide pandemic. We are creative and technical and hardworking, we love our friends, our families, our faith, and our communities. We are better than our worst days and we can and we will right the wrongs of our past. I will not cower to bullies or fools, and I will do the work to fight for our rights, freedoms, and democracy and push for freedom over fascism. And I know that you will too! Happy 4th of July everyone!

Shout out to one of our members Debbie who shared this photo with our People Power United yard sign and her American Flag.

Today’s Calls-to-Action

  1. Click here to sign the petition: Stop the MAGA Power Grab and Expand the Supreme Court

  2. Click here to sign the petition: Denounce the Supreme Court for Letting Trump Off the Hook

  3. There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. Join us to push for Freedom over Fascism. Join us for Take Action Tuesdays! We're using our lunch hour to take action on issues, text bank, do letters and postcards to voters, and more! No supplies needed. Training on the spot!

  4. Sign-up and join us next week for Progressive Issues Activism which is our monthly People Power United meeting and/or our Letters and/or Postcards to Voters meeting. See below for details.

Shhh-don’t tell anyone. No just kidding. Tell everyone! We have a few other places to hang out in our People Power United community:


  • Think of Notes as your space for breaking news, fun facts, and brief updates with community members engaging by commenting, sharing, and giving hearts—similar to what Facebook and Twitter were before the influx of fake accounts, bots, and trolls. Here is an example of a recent post on Notes:


  • Chat is a live hangout space for People Power United members. We’re hosting a chat on Trump’s sentencing day so you know it will be lively!

Thank you for your unwavering support and for being the embodiment of people power. Together, we can continue to push boundaries and make a real difference.

You’re Invited!

Our communities are stronger when we come together, united in purpose and determined to uplift everyone in our communities to vote and thrive. I hope you can join us at one of our upcoming People Power United events:

Postcards and/or Letters to Voters

We can inspire voters and make a meaningful difference, one vote at a time.

Join us to learn more about our postcard and letter-writing-to-voters program. No supplies are needed. We will go over instructions and our current campaigns. We write postcards/and or letters to targeted voters to increase turnout in close, critical elections nationwide.

Then, we will take our campaigns into our neighborhoods by writing postcards and letters to voters with our family, friends, and other community members.

People Power United champions progressive values and power to the people. We are a group of people who believe in the possibility of change and work to make it happen. Join us to push for Freedom over Fascism!

Postcards and Letters to Voters, to sign-up and get more information click here.

Progressive Issues Activism

Whatever our color, background, or zip code, most believe everyone deserves to live their best life. In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism, transphobia, misogynoir, elitism, and bigotry!

We can not wait until the next election cycle; we must act now to protect our democracy. Join us to learn how to defend our vote and voice in our democracy. Join us for our next meeting to discuss the issues, what's at stake, and how to propel action so everyone can vote and thrive.

We must also push for strong leaders on the local, state, and federal levels to protect our rights and freedoms and hold them accountable.

Lastly, we must invest in our communities. Today's investments in our children, seniors, workers, housing, healthcare, environment, safe neighborhoods, and other areas will strengthen our nation.

Join us to push for big, bold solutions!

Progressive Issues Activism, to sign-up and get more information click here.

People Power United Updates

Our group is growing by leaps and bounds! Folks understand that with love in our hearts and hard work, we will reclaim our nation from cruelty, chaos, and confusion. We are having fun making impactful changes in our community! In case you missed it, this past week was busy:

  • We updated the home page of our Substack blog newsletter. Your feedback is always appreciated.

  • We issued several updates and statements on the Supreme Court.

  • Updates can be found here.

  • Bonus

    • Text FOLLOW PEOPLEPOWER to 50409 to follow People Power United on Resistbot

    • Click here to give us a review on Google (5 stars are always appreciated)

    • If you are reading this on Substack, can you kindly head over to Settings > Publication Details > Start recommending next to Recommend > Add Recommendation > Search for People Power United > add recommendation

    • Click here to follow us on Facebook

    • Click here to follow us on Twitter

    • Don’t see an issue you care about? Friendly reminder to search our website or our Substack for your issue.

Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,

Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests

Laurie advocating for Supreme Court accountability and democracy last week in front of the Supreme Court.

People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. The 2024 election depends on us, and we are attempting to persuade people to vote for Freedom over Fascism. If you wish to support our efforts, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Data disclosure: People Power United does not share information. We use the sign-up information to share current issues, events and calls-to-actions only. People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. The 2024 election depends on us, and we are attempting to persuade people to vote for Freedom over Fascism. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send, and you are also welcome to unsubscribe if there is no value to you.

You’re currently a free subscriber to People Power United: America's Progressive Voice & Actions.

If you wish to support our efforts, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.

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