Tuesday, May 17, 2022

TOP NEWS: 'Dark Money Is Dark Money': Sanders Calls on DNC to Ban Super PAC Cash in Primaries


May 17, 2022
Top News

A burned Valero gas station smolders during the Creek fire in an unincorporated area of Fresno County, California on September 8, 2020.
Earth's Atmospheric CO2 Hasn't Been This High In Millions of Years
"Either we drive the fossil fuel industry into extinction—or the human race."
by Kenny Stancil

Durham County Commissioner Nida Allam, a Democratic candidate for North Carolina's 4th Congressional District, stands with campaign volunteers on February 25, 2022.
With 5 States Holding Primaries Today, Here's a Rundown of Progressives on the Ballot
Several races feature left-leaning candidates who could help shift the balance of power in the House and Senate.
by Kenny Stancil

Sen. Bernie Sanders
'Dark Money Is Dark Money': Sanders Calls on DNC to Ban Super PAC Cash in Primaries
"A super PAC is a super PAC, whether it is funded by Republican billionaires or Democratic billionaires," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
by Jake Johnson
More Top News
• Kremlin Says Russia Now Considers US, European Allies 'Hostile States'
Study Finds Many Existing Oil and Gas Sites Must Be Shut Down to Avert Climate Disaster
• 'Cancel It, Don't Means Test It!' Omar Says of Student Debt
• 'A Shameful Distinction': US Ranked World's Biggest Perpetrator of Financial Secrecy
Decarbonizing US Energy System Would Save 50,000 Lives and $600 Billion a Year: Study
AIPAC's Super PAC Spends Millions to Defeat Summer Lee, Other Progressives
• Progressives Vow to Fight as DeSantis Signs Bill Banning Protests at Florida Homes
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From SCOTUS to Shireen: Same Extremism, Same Threat
We're facing one thing: a struggle over power, and it's not over yet.
by Laura Flanders

Pro-choice demonstrators with posters showing bullseyes on women's bodies
This Is Not the Culmination of the Right-Wing Legal Movement—It's the Dawn of It.
The unelected hard-right faction now in power on the Court is poised to allow the most restrictive laws possible to be applied to women's bodies while ruling hands-off of regulating corporations whose products are harming our planet.
by Lisa Graves

Raul Castra and Barack Obama
For Biden's Summit of the Americas, Obama's Handshake With Raúl Castro Shows the Way
The U.S. president should invite all the nations of the region to the summit and shake the hands of every head of state to foster better dialogue and a brighter future for the hemisphere.
by Medea Benjamin

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