RFK JR is a longer term HEROIN ADDICT or maybe it's mercury poisoning or the BRAIN WORM....no science education & WHACK-A-DING babble....
contradicts himself endlessly & LIES!
Some RIGHT WING LIES don't matter, but RFK JR's LIES caused DEATHS in SOMOA due to MEASLES!
The last POLIO SURVIVORS who have spent their lives in IRON LUNGS are dying....who can imagine spending a life in an IRON LUNG?
POLIO has a long incubation period during which it's contagious - who knew that in the 1950's?
In 2022, there were POLIO CASES in NEW YORK!
How polio came back to New York for the first time in decades, silently spread and left a patient paralyzed
Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen reacts to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lawyer petitioning the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine.
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