Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sen. Warnock is fighting to end gun violence NOW! (AMAZING!!!)


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We’re SO grateful for Senator Raphael Warnock!


FIRST: The U.S. has more gun deaths than EVERY other developed country combined. There have been nearly 250 mass shootings in 2024 alone.

THEN: The far-right Supreme Court legalized “bump stocks,” which turn dangerous guns into even MORE dangerous machine guns. It’s disgusting.

AND NOW: Senator Warnock is taking a stand! He’s fighting to BAN bump stocks and finally put an END to the gun violence epidemic.

Raphael Warnock: It is clear we have not done nearly enough to protect our communities.

Our CBC members are all on board — but the GOP is trying to stop Senator Warnock’s plan in its tracks!

We’re racing to collect 30,000 signatures to force the Senate to pass comprehensive gun safety legislation and prove massive support for ending mass shootings immediately. Please sign >>

BAN BUMP STOCKS! Goal: 30,000 Signatures

Gun safety legislation would change EVERYTHING:

  1. It would ban bump stocks, once and for all!
  2. It would require universal background checks for gun purchases.
  3. It would halt the sale of deadly weapons used at war, like AR-15s.
  4. It would prevent mass shootings that have plagued our country.

That’s why Senator Warnock is taking a stand against the Supreme Court right now!

We CANNOT afford to lose even one more life to gun violence. It’s past time for mass shootings to end forever.

If you agree with Senator Warnock that we need to end gun violence NOW, please be one of the 30,000 signatures we need by midnight to urge the Senate to take action >>

Thank you,


Paid for and Authorized by the Congressional Black Caucus PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Thank you for your unwavering support to the Congressional Black Caucus PAC. Because of your help, we’re one of the most powerful caucuses in Congress!

We’re committed to expanding diversity in Congress by electing more African Americans and non-Black Allies who will fight for healthcare, education, criminal justice and economic reform.

And we’re just getting started. But we need you, right now. Are you ready to help us make history?
Donate $5 immediately ➞

From all of us at the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, thank you for your support!
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE #2410
Washington, DC 20003

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