Thursday, June 27, 2024

Caitlin Johnstone: After Assange, Anything Is Possible


Caitlin Johnstone: After Assange, Anything Is Possible

The deeply moving footage of Julian Assange coming home to Australia provides an example of something that seemed impossible — until it happened. 
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Assange Agrees to Destroy Unpublished Classified Material

As part of his plea deal with the United States, Julian Assange agreed to order the destruction of any unpublished U.S. classified material in WikiLeaks possession. 
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Assange Celebrations Mixed
With Rebukes of White House

Press-freedom advocates this week flagged the damage done by the U.S. government’s pursuit of a journalist who helped expose state secrets and evidence of war crimes. 
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She laid there non stop crying hopeless waiting for help, heartbreaking truth behind!!

  THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS & CARING!  AMAZING RECOVERY! Animal Rescue 502K subscribers #animalrescue #rescuedog She laid there n...