Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Trump blows top in 12-page tantrum on 1/6 hearings


OD Action:

It's Our Democracy!
Charge Trump for defrauding his own donors!
Today’s Action: Get out the vote in the primaries!

Today's Top Stories:

Trump releases 12-page response to 1/6 House committee hearing

The definitely not mad disgraced ex-president released twelve whole pages of piteous moaning and outrageous conspiracy.

Take Action: Expel the congressmen who tried to get Trump pardons for their role in Jan. 6th!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Parkland father shuts down Ted Cruz perfectly

Fred Guttenberg did not mince his words about the despised Texas senator's appalling excuses for the incessant slaughter from gun violence.

Take Action: Tell Congress: Ban assault rifles!

January 6 Committee SINKS Trump with brilliant tactic

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: WOW.

Uvalde police trying to bury bodycam footage of massacre
The police are refusing to release the footage because they claim it could expose "weaknesses" in police response to shootings, as if standing around for over an hour while children bled to death didn't already prove how inept they are. It raises the question of what exactly they are trying to hide from the public.

Take Action: Tell the Senate: Pass red flag laws to take guns away from potential mass shooters!

Ohio's GOP governor signs bill arming teachers
The new law will allow teachers to carry a weapon with only 24 hours of training...instead of the previous 700. Can't see how this could possibly go wrong!

GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker falsely claims to have been an FBI agent, worked in law enforcement

None of that is true.

Take Action: Tell the Biden administration to help seniors pay for their Medicare!

1/6 House panel says the Trump campaign misled donors using election lies
In what will be a surprise to exactly nobody, the Trump campaign defrauded his own supporters to the tune of $250 million. The money was supposed to go to election fraud lawsuits but much of it went to the disgraced ex-president's hotels instead.

Watch Richard Ojeda reveal the top 5 dumbest Republican excuses on guns

OD Action Partner: They're called common sense gun laws and that's why they elude the GQP base...

A drunk Rudy Giuliani convinced Trump to declare victory on election night
"We won it. They're stealing it from us. Where did all the votes come from? We need to go say that we won. And essentially anyone who didn't agree with that position was being weak," said Giuliani to Trump, giving the election loser the excuse and the support to kick this entire debacle off in the first place.

Idaho police officers getting death threats after arresting white supremacist terrorists
The cops who foiled a terror attack against a Pride month event are being rewarded with death threats and doxxing threats from right-wingers. So much for "backing the blue!"

Kimberly Guilfoyle was paid $60,000 for her two-minute speech on Jan. 6
Don Jr.'s girlfriend made more money in two minutes than half the country does every year.

Study shows universal healthcare in America could have saved 330,000 lives in COVID pandemic
The sadistic and inhumane, byzantine extortion racket we have the disgusting arrogance to call a "healthcare system" allowed hundreds of thousands to needlessly die during the pandemic.



Ashes to ashes

All fall down


Today’s Action: Get out the vote in the primaries!

There are four primaries taking place TODAY — Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Carolina. We all know the biggest enemies of progress in America are Republicans, but it’s also been painfully clear that just a few bad Democrats can muck a LOT of things up for all of us. This is our chance to do something about it — to not just elect any Democrats, but to reshape the party with real progressives to advance our legislative priorities!

If you live in one of the four states voting TODAY and don’t yet have a plan to vote, make yours now. If you have friends in those states, call them and cajole them to the polls! Find out when your own state’s primaries will be held, and identify your current polling place here. It is absolutely critical to show up this year — and every year — to build a truly progressive future.

Every. Vote. Matters. Check your voter registration status and polling place to ensure you’re prepared for upcoming primaries and the midterms — and tell your network of like-minded friends and family to do the same on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, at the park, in the bleachers, in the pews, at the dinner table, and anywhere else you can!

No matter how unpopular Trump and the GOP seem to be, Americans are still dealing with extreme income inequality, incessant voter suppression schemes, relentless attacks on reproductive care, and the demonization of marginalized communities, because corrupt Republicans are regularly joined by a few bad-faith Democrats. Fortunately, we have some amazing progressives running for office this year. But they can’t win if we don’t show up.

Every meaningful electoral victory shares a common thread: progressives turning out in full force on Election Day.

Check your voter registration status at odaction.com/vote and make sure you’re ready to do your part in upcoming primaries and the midterms to win Congress and more. Then, share away on social media!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition to charge Trump for defrauding his own donors, and be sure to follow OD Action on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

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