Sunday, September 1, 2024

'Big Win': UK Won't Defend Fossil Fuel Projects in North Sea


Activists hold a white sign reading "Rosebank will kill us."

Activists hold a white sign reading "Rosebank will kill us" on September, 27, 2023 in London, United Kingdom. 

(Photo: Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)

'Big Win': UK Won't Defend Fossil Fuel Projects in North Sea

Oceana U.K.'s leader called the decision "a massive win for campaigners and another step towards... a cleaner, greener future for our seas, planet, and climate."

Climate campaigners celebrated Thursday after the United Kingdom's new Labour government announced it will not legally defend decisions to allow controversial offshore drilling in a pair of areas in the North Sea.

The two sites are Shell's Jackdaw gas field and the Rosebank oil field, owned by Equinor and Ithaca Energy. Both projects have been loudly criticized by international green groups as well as U.K. opponents.

"This is amazing news and a BIG WIN for the climate. The government must now properly support affected workers and prioritize investment in green jobs," declared Greenpeace U.K., which along with the group Uplift had demanded judicial reviews.

The approvals for both North Sea sites occurred under Conservative rule—in 2022 for Jackdaw and last year for Rosebank, the country's biggest untapped oil field. Voters handed control of the government back to the Labour Party in May.

Then, as The Guardian detailed, "in June, the cases against the oil and gas fields received a boost when the Supreme Court ruled in a separate case that 'scope 3' emissions—that is, the burning of fossil fuels rather than just the building of the infrastructure to do so—should be taken into account when approving projects."

"Now we need to see a just transition plan for workers and communities across the U.K. and an end extraction in the North Sea for good!"

The U.K. Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, led by Secretary Ed Miliband, cited the "landmark" Supreme Court ruling in a Thursday statement that highlighted the government's decision not to defend the approvals "will save the taxpayer money" and "this litigation does not mean the licences for Jackdaw and Rosebank have been withdrawn."

"Oil and gas production in the North Sea will be a key component of the U.K. energy landscape for decades to come as it transitions to our clean energy future in a way that protects jobs," the department claimed, while also pledging to "consult later this year on the implementation of its manifesto position not to issue new oil and gas licenses to explore new fields."

Welcoming the U.K. government's acceptance of the recent high court ruling, Uplift founder and executive director Tessa Khan said on social media that "the immediate consequence... is that the Scottish Court of Session is very likely to quash the decision approving Rosebank, although we're likely to have to wait a while before that's confirmed."

"If Equinor and Ithaca Energy decide they still want to press ahead with developing the field," Khan explained, "then the next step will be for them to submit a new environmental statement to the [government] and regulator... that includes the scope 3 emissions from the field."

"If you need reminding, those emissions are massive: the same as 56 coal-fired power plants running for a year or the annual emissions of the world's 28 poorest countries," she added. "If Equinor and Ithaca try to push Rosebank through again, the U.K. [government] must reject it."

Greenpeace similarly stressed that "Rosebank and Jackdaw would generate a vast amount of emissions while doing nothing to lower energy bills," and "the only real winners from giving them the greenlight would be greedy oil giants Shell and Equinor."

"To lower bills, improve people's health, upgrade our economy," the group argued, the government must: increase renewable energy; better insulate homes; and boost support for green jobs.

Celebrations over the government's decision and calls for further action weren't limited to the groups behind the legal challenges.

Oceana U.K. executive director praised the "incredible work" by Greenpeace and Uplift, and called the government dropping its defense "a massive win for campaigners and another step towards... a cleaner, greener future for our seas, planet, and climate."

Oil Change International also applauded the government's "incredibly important and correct decision."

"There is no defending more fossil fuel extraction," the organization said. "Now we need to see a just transition plan for workers and communities across the U.K. and an end extraction in the North Sea for good!"

Global Witness similarly celebrated the government's move, declaring on social media that "this is brilliant news!"

"New oilfields are an act of climate vandalism," the group added. "Governments must prioritize people, not polluters' profit."

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