Monday, June 10, 2024

Your Signature is Needed: Tell the DOI to conserve public lands



URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell the Department of Interior to STOP the sale of 5,000+ acres of critical wildlife habitat to corporate polluters before it’s too late! >> 

Right now, high-pressure water is being BLASTED into the ground on our public lands. The earth cracks, destabilizing the ground and sending frightened animals scurrying away. The resulting wastewater can contain radioactive waste and contaminate local drinking water!  

This is what fracking does: destroys public lands and pollutes communities. But the Department of Interior is just DAYS AWAY from handing more critical public lands in Montana and North Dakota – including CRITICAL HABITAT for the threatened Greater Sage-grouse! SEND A MESSAGE TO THE DOI: stop the Montana and North Dakota lease sales to greedy polluters and conserve our public lands!  


The DOI should be focused on conserving our precious public lands – not letting the highest bidder POISON our air, water, and land with fracking pollution. People exposed to fracking can suffer from coughing fits, dizziness, nausea, and blistering headaches! 

The good news is that comments from Friends of the Earth members like you have helped SAVE public lands from polluters in the past – but we’re RUNNING OUT OF TIME to do it again! STOP greedy polluters from POISONING communities, DESTROYING public lands, and HURTING threatened wildlife! >>


Standing with you, 
Nicole Ghio 
Fossil Fuels Program Manager, 
Friends of the Earth  

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