Thursday, June 9, 2022

TOP NEWS: 'Time to Scrap the Cap': Sanders, Warren Bill Targets Rich to Expand Social Security


June 09, 2022
Top News

sign: apathay is destruction
'Deny, Deceive, Delay': How 'Evolving' Disinformation Tactics Stymie Climate Action
Pushing for policies requiring Big Tech "to be transparent and accountable about the harms their products create," one campaigner said that "we should not continue this endless game of climate denial whack-a-mole."
by Jessica Corbett

Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema walk in the Senate hallway
Make Manchin-Sinema Obstruction Central Target in Midterms, Sanders Tells Democrats
"The leadership has got to go out and say we don't have the votes to pass anything significant right now," says the Vermont senator. "You got 48 votes. And we need more to pass it. That should be the message of this campaign."
by Jake Johnson

Sen. Bernie Sanders
'Time to Scrap the Cap': Sanders, Warren Bill Targets Rich to Expand Social Security
Under the current system, notes Sen. Bernie Sanders, billionaires pay "the same amount of Social Security taxes as someone making $147,000 a year."
by Jake Johnson
More Top News
• Golden, Schrader Only Two House Dems to Vote No With GOP Against 'Commonsense' Gun Bill
• LNG Boom Could Add Over 90 Million Tons of Annual Emissions
• Biden's Proposed Pan-American Partnership Must Not Repeat Past 'Free Trade' Failures: Critics
• This Will Get Worse 'Until We End Fossil Fuels,' Climate Expert Says Amid Southwest Heatwave
• Biden Urged to Secure Public Guarantees on Human Rights Before Meeting Saudi Prince
• 'Unbelievable': Half of New Drugs Launched in 2020-2021 Cost $150,000 or More Per Year
• 30,000 People Have Died Each Day WTO Dragged Its Feet on Vaccine Patents: Oxfam
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The Collateral Damage Comes Home
If we want to curtail mass shootings on the home front, we have to address, collectively, the national assumption that conflict and disagreement are the same thing as war, and that waging war—killing people—fixes all problems.
by Robert C. Koehler

The Uvalde Police Sent an Important Message to the Nation
We're not going to save you or your children!
by Bill Bianchi

Media and Congress Enable Biden's Silence on Increasing Risk of Nuclear War
Refusing to talk about the dangers of thermonuclear destruction makes it more likely, not less.
by Norman Solomon

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