Friday, August 16, 2024

With more bombs bound for the Israeli gov’t, it’s time to send Biden an urgent message



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You’ve heard these stories and others like them before: People were looking for water in Yemen, harvesting crops in Afghanistan, putting their children to bed in Rafah — simply going about their daily lives — when the bombs fell.

The latest was an Israeli military strike that killed at least 93 people sheltering in a school and mosque in Gaza City days ago. According to CNN, weapons experts have identified parts from a GBU-39, a 250-pound small-diameter precision bomb made by Boeing, among the death and debris.[1]

It’s yet another reminder the U.S. government is complicit in a horrific war and growing death toll in Gaza. Yet, the Biden administration just made a baffling decision to approve $20 BILLION in arms sales to the Israeli government.

What’s more, this doubling down comes as news breaks that Israeli PM Netanyahu is trying to upend ceasefire negotiations[2], and in the face of reports that that ceasefire is how we could avoid a devastating Iran-Israel confrontation.[3]

If you’re outraged, we need you to call on the president to change course now. Luckily, President Biden reads the local Delaware newspapers every morning, and if we take an ad out in those papers, we know he’ll see it. Even better? Since no one wants bad hometown press, these ads could make a huge, positive impact.

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Too many have already died — parents, children, humanitarian aid workers, journalists, and more. The Israeli government recently issued another round of evacuation orders in Gaza, where there is nowhere left to flee, even amidst the realization from senior U.S. officials that further military action isn’t the answer.[4] That’s why the Biden administration is racing to lock in a ceasefire as quickly as possible. Sending BILLIONS of dollars worth of U.S.-made mortar and tank shells, missiles, Joint Direct Attack Munitions, F-15 fighter jets, and other weapons that will instead fuel more violence is not only perplexing, it’s wildly counterproductive.[5]

From the start, Win Without War has cleared our desks to give this crisis the attention it requires and build the space for the political solutions that open the path to sustainable peace. A crucial step continues to be a ceasefire that can end the violence in Gaza and get the remaining hostages home — and we are committed to that goal.

You can’t build peace with bombs and bullets. Diplomacy remains the only hope to avoid further catastrophic conflict, but with the crisis showing no signs of slowing, we need to find ways to work even faster. That’s where you come in.

By failing to apply the pressure necessary to save lives — sanctioning Israeli public officials for inciting settler violence and obstructing justice, conditioning offensive weapons that harm innocent people, and enforcing U.S. law to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid, and more — the U.S. government is hardly using its enormous influence. But activists like you refuse to accept this broken approach — and that’s why we know a different path is possible.

With your help, we’ll run a series of powerful ads in President Biden’s home state of Delaware, where he watches the press and often spends his weekends. Together, these ads will remind the president that the current U.S. strategy is dangerously out of touch and that he has many more tools at his disposal to secure a ceasefire capable of saving lives immediately.

Thank you for working for peace,


A U.S. foreign policy rooted in human rights and justice won’t happen overnight.
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