Monday, August 26, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (08/25/2024)


We Humans are embedded in a Web of Intelligent Life, not the Pinnacle of a Hierarchy

We Humans are embedded in a Web of Intelligent Life, not the Pinnacle of a Hierarchy

Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – From the largest to the smallest and the oldest to the youngest creatures on Earth–Antarctic blue whales and coastal redwood trees, minute bacteria and human beings–we are all enmeshed in layers of relationships.  We need each other, though some more than others.  Plants evolved hundreds of millions […]

Life in Gaza is even Harder than it appears on Screen: The Struggles of Daily Life

Life in Gaza is even Harder than it appears on Screen: The Struggles of Daily Life

Written byUntoldMag   Photo by Issam Hajjaj, illustrated by Zena El Abdallah, used with permission. This story was written by Issam Hani Hajjaj and originally published in Arabic by UntoldMag. It was translated into English by Walid El Houri and published on Global Voices with permission. ( ) – The reality in Gaza is more […]

From the Front Lines of Nonviolence in Palestine

From the Front Lines of Nonviolence in Palestine

Nonviolence Radio A conversation from the frontlines of nonviolence in Palestine Meet Palestinian-American activist Amira Musallam. She is resisting eviction from her family’s land by Israeli settlers while also working to bring teams of unarmed civilian protectors to Gaza and the West Bank. Nonviolence RadioA    

Old posts you may have missed

Palestinian Baby in Gaza Paralyzed by Polio, as Israel Rejects UN Ceasefire Call to allow Vaccinations

Are a Majority of Israelis now War Rape Apologists? The Sde Teiman Scandal

Hope on the Horizon? What Bangladesh’s Regime Change could mean for Rohingya Refugees

What you Didn’t Hear at DNC: Israeli Expulsion Decrees Disrupt last Gaza Aid Hub, jeopardizing Aid Workers, Thousands of Civilians

US Politics and the Fate of Palestinians increasingly Bound up Together

Facing a Smart, Confident Younger Black Woman Trump Is Running Scared

Tim Walz took Minnesota to 54% Clean Electricty and Annual Reductions of Carbon; Can he do it for the USA?

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