Sunday, July 14, 2024

Your Signature Is Needed: This World Orca Day, endangered orcas are losing the fight for Chinook salmon



WORLD ORCA DAY ACTION NEEDED: Endangered orcas are counting on YOU to fight for them today by calling on the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to STOP corporate overfishing of Chinook salmon, or these vulnerable whales could soon be wiped out by starvation. Please add your name now to help save these majestic creatures from EXTINCTION before it’s too late! >>

Orcas are among the most iconic marine animals: I’m sure you can just close your eyes and imagine one right now, with its sleek black and white body gliding gracefully through gentle waves.

Although orcas are beloved and treasured simply for the natural wonder that they are, these whales also play an important role in our planet’s overall health — their unique role in the food chain contributes to the maintenance of biodiversity in our marine ecosystems, promoting overall ecological balance.

But sadly, these endangered sea creatures are hanging on by a thread and clinging to survival right now — so they’re in desperate need of help from environmental activists like you today.

Southern Resident orcas are currently being threatened by the corporate overfishing industry that’s HARMING essential Chinook salmon populations, which orcas cannot live without. In fact, Chinook salmon can make up to 90% of an orca's diet!

The truth is: unless we restore Chinook salmon populations soon, the last few remaining orcas stand little to no chance of survival and could go EXTINCT before the next generation ever gets to live on an Earth where these magical creatures still exist.

In honor of World Orca Day, we’re calling on you to take urgent action now to help stop an industry that is not only harming vulnerable orcas, a beloved keystone species — but also threatening people and the planet — with its reckless corporate greed. Can we count on you to speak up today on behalf of these defenseless whales when they need your activism the most? Add your name now to urge NMFS to rein in corporate overfishing of Chinook salmon immediately! >>


Although the Pacific Northwest was once flowing abundantly with Chinook salmon, nearly HALF of these historic salmon runs have vanished: leaving weak orcas starving, emaciated, and struggling to survive.

While climate change, ocean acidification, toxic pollution and other causes also share the blame for orca habitat degradation and food scarcity, there’s simply no denying the direct link between rampant corporate overfishing and a drastic decline in critical Chinook salmon populations. With so much Chinook salmon lost, malnutrition and starvation have been identified as a major leading cause of orca deaths. You can do the math.

Most orca pregnancies currently end in miscarriage, often due to lack of nutrients as a result of lack of Chinook salmon. Newborn calves face a mortality rate of up to 50% within their very first year of life. And now, Southern Resident orca populations are at their lowest since the 1960’s with only 75 of these precious whales remaining in the wild.

If orcas were to go extinct forever, it would be devastating to all of us who treasure these beloved marine mammals as well as for our planet’s health and fragile ecosystems. But did you know that these majestic animals hold a particularly special cultural and spiritual significance for many indigenous peoples native to the Pacific Northwest region? These tribes often have a deep connection to the whales and view them as an integral part of their heritage.

Corporate overfishing not only threatens to tarnish these sacred cultures by pushing cherished orcas closer to extinction — but industrial overfishing also jeopardizes the well-being and socioeconomic stability of local individuals and families who rely on Chinook salmon for their livelihoods.

don’t you think that our planet has suffered enough ecological consequences from irresponsible and reckless environmental destruction driven by capitalism and corporate greed?

Fortunately, we still have the chance to STOP the corporate overfishing industry from further harming our planet and its living beings — but if we’re truly going to have a meaningful impact, then we urgently need all hands on deck to make a strong public impression building up to World Orca Day in just 2 days.

This moment is a key environmental advocacy opportunity for us to amplify awareness and garner enthusiasm around the conservation of this precious marine species: that’s why we’re relying on dedicated environmentalists like you to step up today and help Friends of the Earth hit our ambitious goal of acquiring 9,007 more activist signatures by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT. So please, will you take urgent action now in service of our orcas, our oceans, and our planet? Sign the petition now >>


Thanks for doing your part in protecting these magnificent creatures and securing a sustainable future for their population. 

Marcie Keever  
Oceans & Vessels Program Director 
Friends of the Earth

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