Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (06/04/2024)


Voices for Justice in Palestine

Voices for Justice in Palestine

Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment, Feature) – They gather every Saturday morning on the Greenfield Common, Massachusetts from 11-Noon.  Their signs and banners read: LET GAZA LIVE FREE PALESTINE CEASEFIRE – NO ARM$ TO ISRAEL NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE Why?  Johanna (Jo) Rosen stands on the Common because she is “heartbroken and outraged by […]

Israel’s AI-Powered Genocide

Israel’s AI-Powered Genocide

by Sarmad Ishfaq We are witnessing the genocide of the Palestinians based on algorithms and machine learning; a system of apartheid in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip reinforced by artificial intelligence; and surveillance and facial recognition systems of such prowess that Orwell’s 1984 regime would be green with envy. Today’s Israeli-occupied Palestine manifests […]

How rich Philanthropists exert undue Influence over pro-Palestinian Activism at Universities

How rich Philanthropists exert undue Influence over pro-Palestinian Activism at Universities

By Fahad Ahmad, Toronto Metropolitan University qne Adam Saifer, University of British Columbia | – (The Conversation) On university campuses across North America, a new anti-war movement has emerged. Camped-out students are pressuring their universities to divest from companies that profit off the Israeli war machine, to cut ties with Israeli institutions and to publicly […]

Old posts you may have missed

Bernie Sanders is right to Boycott “War Criminal” Netanyahu’s address to Congress, but the PM isn’t the first War Criminal to be Invited

Red Flags over the Supreme Court

How the Military-Industrial Complex is Killing us All

Far Right Totalitarians in Israeli Cabinet threaten to Crash the Government if it Agrees to Biden’s Gaza Plan

The Delhi Heatwave is Testing the Limits of Human Endurance, in an Omen for us All

A Bloody Ratio: Israel’s Tent Camp Massacre shows futility of its Rafah Campaign

Biden on Trump: “No one is above the Law;” Except for Israel’s Netanyahu

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