Thursday, January 19, 2023




You might find the partial list below interesting. The most egregious
one IMO is the TB testing and treatment.
Those most at risk, as you know, are IV drug users, the homeless,
recently released prisoners - in others words, those least likely to
have health insurance or $$$ to pay for care or to even seek it.
They pose a risk to us all that goes far beyond the nominal cost.    

24 Fees Mitt Romney Tried To Raise In Massachusetts

Mitt Romney often hits President Obama for calling for tax increases on the wealthiest Americans. But a Democratic source forwards to this rather lengthy list of fees Romney raised in Massachusetts. He was struggling to close a budget gap without raising taxes; but many of which citizens of the state saw them hidden tax increases nonetheless. 

24 Fees Mitt Romney Tried To Raise In Massachusetts

Mitt Romney often hits President Obama for calling for tax increases on the wealthiest Americans. But a Democratic source forwards to this rather lengthy list of fees Romney raised in Massachusetts. He was struggling to close a budget gap without raising taxes; but many of which citizens of the state saw them hidden tax increases nonetheless.

1. A Fee on the Blind

2. A Fee for the Mentally Handicapped

3. A Fee for Having Tuberculosis

4. A Fee on Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs

5. A Fee for Golfing

6. A Fee for Cremating the Dead

7. A Fee for Prison Phone Calls

8. A Fee for Driving Permits

9. Romney Quadrupled Gun Fees

10. A Fee on Cottages

11. A Fee on Ice Skaters

12. A Fee for Barbers

13. A Fee on Hairdressers

14. A Fee on Nurses.

15. A Fee on Pharmacists.

16. A Fee on Plumbers.

17. A Fee on Psychologists

18. A Fee on Realtors

19. A Fee on Home Inspectors

20. A Fee on Auto Repair Shops

21. A Fee for Divorce

22. A Fee for Changing Your Name

23. A Fee on Milk

24. A Fee on Funeral Directors


1. A Fee on the Blind

Romney attempted to impose a $10 fee for a state certificate of blindness and $15 for a photo id card, but the Legislature got rid of the plans.

2. A Fee for the Mentally Handicapped

Romney proposed a fee on mentally retarded citizens of $100 to pay for an intake assessment at the Department of Mental Retardation. The assessment was previously free. The test was to determine their eligibility for state services. The legislature rejected Romney's proposed fee.

3. A Fee for Having Tuberculosis

Romney proposed a $50 fee for tuberculosis tests and wanted to charge a $400 fee if the person tested positive.

4. A Fee on Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs

Romney proposed a $100 biannual fee on first responders for the ability to flash their vehicles lights. Romney doubled fees for the certification of EMTs from $75 to $150 per person. The cost of certifying an ambulance equipped for basic life support doubled from $200 to $400.

5. A Fee for Golfing

Romney attempted to raise golf season passes from $50 to $150. Daily golfing fees went from from $17 to $22 for 18 holes, and from $15 to $17 for nine holes.

6. A Fee for Cremating the Dead

Romney increased the fee for a cremation inspection from $50 to $75.

7. A Fee for Prison Phone Calls

Romney proposed increasing the charge for an inmate to make a phone call from 86 cents to $2.

8. A Fee for Driving Permits

Romney proposed an increase in the drivers permit fee that would double the cost from $15 to $30.

9. Romney Quadrupled Gun Fees

Romney proposed raising the gun licensing fee from $25 to $75. The state legislature increased to $100.

10. A Fee on Cottages

The Romney administration doubled the fee to use a cottage in a state park from the price originally set in 1989.

11. A Fee on Ice Skaters

The Romney administration raised hourly group skating fees at some ice rinks, which went from $15 and $40.

12. A Fee for Barbers

Romney increased the fee for a master barber license application from $38 to $57 and the fee to renew a barber's license from $45 To $68.

13. A Fee on Hairdressers

Romney increased the fee for a hairdresser shop license application from $75 to $113.

14. A Fee on Nurses.

Romney increased the fee for a nursing application from $75 to $100.

15. A Fee on Pharmacists.

Romney increased the fee for a pharmacist license application from $56 to $75.

16. A Fee on Plumbers.

Romney increased the fee on a master plumber's license from $45 to $68.

17. A Fee on Psychologists

Romney increased the fee for a psychologist license from $100 to $150 in 2003.

18. A Fee on Realtors

Romney increased the fee to get a real estate salesman license from $18 to $27 and the fee to renew a license from $45 to $68.

19. A Fee on Home Inspectors

Romney increased the fee for a home inspector license from $225 to $338 and increased the renewal fee from $150 to $225.

20. A Fee on Auto Repair Shops

Romney increased the fee for a motor vehicle repair shop license from $100-a-year to $450 for a three year license.
Source: / via:

21. A Fee for Divorce

Romney increased the fee for filing for divorce from $140 to $200.

22. A Fee for Changing Your Name

Romney increased the fee to change your name from $70 to $150.

23. A Fee on Milk

Romney increased the fee for milk laboratory certificate from $75 t0 $150.

24. A Fee on Funeral Directors

Romney increased the fee to renew a funeral directors license from $56 To $84. 

50 years ago these two evil fuck Stix we’re colleagues at Arthur D Little Co then Boston Consulting Group then Bain Capital
These capitalists sold the rope to the Communist Chinese that today we hang upon whilst twisting slowly in the winds of change 

May be an image of 2 people and people standing

Just on a local level....
Mittens was gubner of the Commonwealth...we kinda think...although he was rarely in the state...always campaigning for pResident...Gee! How'd that go fer ya?
Each and every public event that forced Mittens to return was like a DEER IN THE HEADLIGHT event -
Mittens looking around like 'where am I?'
The river in TAUNTON overflowed due to private dam failures. All Mass reps were there and Mittens sputtered and twisted in the wind, nothing to say.
It may have been Barney Frank who rescued him....
And when the ceiling tile in the Big Dig collapsed and crush a vehicle, same deal - 'where am I?'
I called his reign 'government by memo' because it never originated with him, but his staff, including what is called 'romney care,' except it really wasn't his.
And few noticed that the Dems included provisions that would have compelled large employers such as Dunkin' Donuts to provice health care and Romney balked...right before BAIN et al bought Dunkin'
And who remembers that all of the computers were removed so that there is no record of his reign? What were they hiding?
Recently, I came across a memo that I saved that itemized just some of this Dim Wit's tax cuts - remember that he allowed the budget to be passed and subsequently came up with his tax cuts after the trivial items had been spent?
One of the items seared in my memory of outrage was slashing funding and treatment for TB. Who's gonna get TB and require treatment? Those recently incarcerated, the homeless and drug addicts - all without $$$ or health care, putting the public at risk of exposure and spread.
Didn't Mittens also file for a real estate tax abatement as a non-resident?
If he was a fraud on a local level, what would we expect?
BAIN bought profitable companies, raped their assets and pensions and filed for bankruptcy.
He belongs in UTAH with his underwear, amid the Mormon sex abuse scandals.
No photo description available.

Shannon O'Brien was Romney's Democratic opponent.
In 2006, his last year as governor, Romney spent all or part of 212 days out of state, laying the foundation for his anticipated presidential campaign.[220] The cost of the Governor's security detail for out-of-state trips increased from $63,874 in fiscal year 2005 to a cost of $103,365 in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2006. Romney's use of state troopers for security during his campaign trips was criticized by former Governor Michael Dukakis, who never traveled with state troopers during his 1988 presidential run, and Mary Boyle of Common Cause who complained that "[t]he people of Massachusetts are essentially funding his presidential campaign, whether they like it or not."[221]
Just opinion & I disagree with much of it:
Was Mitt Romney a Good Governor?
Governorship of Mitt Romney - Wikipedia
Governorship of Mitt Romney - Wikipedia

May be an image of 2 people and people standing

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