"The Swedish state fails to meet the constitutional requirement to promote sustainable development leading to a good environment for present and future generations," said the plaintiffs.
"Instead of paying its workers fairly, its taxes in full, and for its damage to our environment, Amazon is squeezing every last drop it can from workers, communities, and the planet."
Quality journalism. Progressive values. Our new media model is simple: we rely on our readers and thousands of small donations to keep us moving forward. No ads; no paywalls: our content is free, and our readers sustain us.
The unanticipated outcome of the U.S. 2022 midterm election shows that Americans can sense the challenges they face, and believe that they can do a better job of addressing them through civil, informed debate and well-designed public policy. In fact, whether they realize it or not, most support progressive objectives.
It is surely true that some Republican voters have lost their appetite for Trump. But the more important truth is that should Trump fail to be the Republican nominee in 2024, the nominee is very likely to be another far-right Republican—possibly someone even more effective and dangerous.
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