Friday, March 11, 2022

CC Newsletter 11 March - India: Fight against fascists isn’t over yet

Dear Friend,

The assembly election results in India teach us that the fight against fascists isn't over yet

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Fight against fascists isn’t over yet
by Gurpreet Singh 

Although the mood of celebration in Punjab is understandable, the real fight against fascists isn’t over yet.

Assembly Election Results- Democratically Speaking!
by Nilofar Suhrawardy

Assembly elections in five states are over and results declared. However, several
questions have surfaced which perhaps need to be considered seriously.

The Geopolitics of the Ukraine War
by Alfred W McCoy

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in the Struggle over Eurasia

Our Culture: Some Random Thoughts
by Sunil Mukhopadhyay

In fact, acceptance, tolerance, embracement and adoption of outsiders are inherent in our culture. We are for exchange of knowledge and ideas with others. That is our tradition. When we failed to learn from others and tried to shut our doors before others, we were doomed.

Gender roles and their Blurred Envision
by Madhubrota Chatterjee and Kaibalyapati Mishra

The themes for International Women’s Day have always been evident to link gender equality with every sphere of societal concerns. This year’s (2022) theme
proposed by the UN is “Gender Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, throwing light on the climate crisis and its vulnerabilities majorly exposed to women and girls as the livelihood dependencies on collecting food, fuel, water are heavily inclined towards them. The focus is to finance gender-oriented climate solutions, increase awareness, building leadership and resilience towards the green economy.

A Book on COVID-19 that Gives Voice To the Marginalized
by Bharat Dogra

Review of an important new book (2022) titled ‘COVID-19: A View From the Margins’, edited by Yogesh Jain and Sarah Nabia and published by Manohar.

Hindu Revivalists of Bengal
by Nagesh Chaudhari

It seems thus, that Hindu revivalism started first in Bengal and Marathi Brahmins were followers of the Bengali Bhadra leaders. It is obvious
that the persons involved in the revivalist activities were belonging to Brahmins and Kayastha castes, the Bhadra castes of Bengal.


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