Saturday, April 10, 2021

Imagine what’s possible now that we won


Real Justice

A major win just happened in St. Louis! Let us explain – and then make an important request to carry this success forward.

In 2014, the people of St. Louis helped build Black Lives Matter into a global movement when they stood up, night after night, for Mike Brown in the face of police violence.

St. Louis led again, when local activists and Real Justice organizers elected two amazing prosecutors — District Attorney Wesley Bell and County Attorney Kim Gardner — who are transforming the way that their offices deliver justice.

And this week — with the help of an incredible volunteer presence, Grassroots Law PAC, and talented campaign staff — our movement just elected Tishaura Jones, who will be the first Black woman to ever serve as mayor, and then 4 other progressives to their Board of Aldermen.

Together, Grassroots Law PAC and the Real Justice PAC supported ALL of the candidates that are transforming St. Louis’ justice system.

Think about it:

The city council can set police budgets that re-invest in communities, rather than cages, and create new laws to address police violence.

The mayor can appoint leaders that will implement that agenda, rather than obstruct it.

Prosecutors can set sentences that make use of those shifted resources to remove people from cages, and prosecute officers that harm people.

It’s a blueprint for success. And we want to do it again, in city after city, nationwide.

Can you split a donation between Grassroots Law PAC and Real Justice PAC so that we can push for more cities to elect candidates that can lead a complete transformation of our justice system?

When we helped elect Wesley Bell and Kim Gardner, it was a historic win for our movement.

But we learned that — although District Attorneys can bring about a TON of change by themselves — they still need allies in every area of the local government to be able to meet their full potential.

That’s why we formed the Grassroots Law PAC — it is the second half of our vision for electing leaders who will transform policing and criminal justice in cities and states around the country.

And your donation to Grassroots Law PAC and Real Justice will equip two amazing teams to push for deep change EVERYWHERE it is needed. Please chip in today.

Together we can recruit, train, and support local candidates for office capable of creating a different kind of justice system that respects Black life.

St. Louis and ALL OF YOU are showing how it’s done. Let’s keep it up.

— Team Real Justice

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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