By Ben Meiselas I never thought I'd have to report on something like this, but here we are. Today, in what will go down as one of the most shameful moments in American history, Donald Trump and JD Vance turned an Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy into a pro-Putin spectacle. Trump, in his usual incoherent bluster, berated Zelenskyy, spewing Russian propaganda while openly gambling with the lives of millions of Ukrainians. At one point, Trump had the audacity to tell Zelenskyy that he should be "thankful" for U.S. aid—completely ignoring the reality that Ukraine is fighting for its very existence against Putin’s aggression. JD Vance joined in, attacking Zelenskyy with Kremlin-approved talking points about forced conscription and military struggles, as if parroting Russian state media was now a requirement for Trump’s inner circle. But here’s the difference between real leadership and whatever circus act Trump thinks he’s running—Zelenskyy stood his ground. Calm, resolute, and fearless, he pushed back against Trump’s nonsense and refused to be intimidated. Meanwhile, Trump, a man who dodged military service with phony bone spurs, tried to lecture a leader who has personally stood on the front lines of war. It was embarrassing. It was pathetic. And it was dangerous. Trump made it clear that, if given the chance, he would sell out our allies, surrender to Putin, and abandon democracy itself. The contrast could not have been starker. Earlier in the day, Zelenskyy met with a bipartisan group of U.S. senators who reaffirmed their commitment to Ukraine. That’s how actual diplomacy is conducted. Then he walked into the Oval Office and was met with nothing but lies, cowardice, and disgrace from Trump and his lackeys. This is the reality we’re facing. Trump is not just an unhinged egomaniac—he is a threat to global stability. If this moment doesn’t wake people up to the stakes of fighting back against this Trump contagion, I don’t know what will. Because make no mistake: the Trump presidency is a gift to Putin and a death sentence for American credibility. Watch our latest report above. If you are able to, consider joining now as a paid subscriber. |
I’m so disgusted, embarrassed and disturbed by how undignified and classless the behavior in the oval office was today.The whole world saw how low we’ve sunken in lack of diplomacy, intellect or honor within this administration. They constantly talked over this man who is more brave and honorable than both of them. Acting like high pressure ,scammy salespeople trying to force a bad deal. World leaders should avoid meeting with them all together until they can get their acts together and behave like real First World leaders.Being limited in travel by a criminal record shouldn’t be other leader’s issue ,especially if this is what awaits them.
Best thing any truly democratic, sovereign country can do is shun Trump, Vance and the entire Cabinet
100 percent agree. They are all despicable pieces of shit
How tf is ANYONE thinking he is president material in the slightest? Vance is horrible too. They both gave NO decorum. Absolutely embarrassing and disgusting to act like bullies and just spout garbage at someone fighting for the lives of his people!
YES old bone spurs wanted to humiliate Zelensky a real hero. Despicable.
Yeah, the fun part is when Crazy Pants Bone Spurs goes into a rant on the greatest hits of his utter corruption, Russia! Russia! Russia! His impeachments, bet there might be a few cowed Repubs who wished to hell they grew a spine and impeached him!
I don’t recognize my country anymore. This is sad.
I don't recognize my country's leadership anymore. I am glad to see so many expressing anger and horror at the despicable conduct of our so-called President (a real PINO: President in Name Only) and VP.
Those traitors don't seem to realize that a majority of Republican voters and many in office support Ukraine.
Many MAGA supporters believe whatever comes out of their leaders' mouths hook, line, and sinker. I believe they support whoever DT and Elon tell them to (and Ukraine is clearly NOT on that list). Never in my life did I think the US would vote against our allies and be in cahoots with countries like Russia and North Korea. Says a lot about the state of the US at the moment, and it isn't pretty.
some have reconsidered their support since they are now suffering with us: some lost their jobs, some will lose their farms, and all because they just couldn't be bothered to thoroughly research the differences between the candidates. we must be careful when we paint an entire group with one brush as their "leadership" and preferred propaganda outlets do. many of these people did serve in the military with honor and perhaps now understand that First Felon does not support them or honor their service. Those who have repented (like the two Jan 6 convicts who publicly refused to accept pardons) should be treated with compassion. We don't want to drive away those voters. Remember the words "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
I am thoroughly disgusted, ashamed and embarrassed by these two. Lying bullying and disrespecting this brave leader. It has made me physically ill. I am trying with every fiber of my being to hold back the pure hate I feel.
I don't recognize my country anymore either. We appear like hustlers and grifters. "Kneel before Zod!" I'm disgusted.
Taking advantage of and robbing precious earth minerals from Ukraine because of the war disgusts me. Who the hell does a thing like that? Oh, wait...
That is what I have been saying. After almost 7 decades in the U.S., it is NOT my country. Wait, we are still the citizens of a great country who must rise up, peacefully, loudly & daily, to fight the attempted end to our democracy by these insane oligarchs. I shudder to think what the world sees here today. We are many, many millions in The Resistance.
Trump just finished turning the USA into a pariah country. Thanks President Forever Felon. You are indeed a F**ING A**HOLE.
The United States has completely lost its mind if it tolerates, for even a second, the disgraceful spectacle that took place during the recent Trump-Zelensky meeting. The fact that Trump—a man whose loyalty has always been questionable at best and treasonous at worst—is even back in the White House is an outright humiliation for the country. But what’s even more grotesque is his open criticism of a sovereign nation fighting for its survival while aligning himself with the very dictator responsible for the bloodshed.
Let’s be absolutely clear: Trump’s ties to Putin have never been speculation—they’ve been proven. The Mueller Report laid bare the depths of Russian interference in U.S. elections, interference that directly benefited Trump. His first term was a masterclass in appeasement, weakness, and deference to Vladimir Putin, whether it was his disgraceful performance in Helsinki, where he took Putin’s word over U.S. intelligence, or his efforts to extort Ukraine in 2019, which led to his first impeachment.
And now? He’s doing it all over again, except this time, he’s dragging America’s reputation straight into the sewer with him. Publicly attacking Zelensky while treating Putin like a misunderstood ally isn’t just stupidity—it’s national betrayal. There is no justification for undermining Ukraine at a moment when they are literally fighting for their existence against a genocidal Russian war machine.
The U.S. has long prided itself on being the defender of democracy, but with Trump’s latest performance, that reputation is hanging by a thread. America has gone from leading NATO to looking like a spineless enabler of authoritarianism, all thanks to a man who never should have been let near power again. JD Vance, meanwhile, should shut his mouth and stop running cover for a man who clearly values Putin’s approval more than defending American alliances.
At this point, this is no longer about politics—it’s about the fundamental survival of Western democratic values. The world is watching, and if the U.S. continues to coddle a wannabe dictator who openly sides with adversaries and degrades allies, it deserves every bit of the global humiliation that comes next.
Sadly, the reputation of The States isn't hanging by a thread, it's pretty much been swept away in a current of greed and hatred. We can fight back with information and action. Those of us in Canada can only hope that those fighting the good fight will prevail.
We all need to go on the Fox website and write clear, objective comments to their stories to show people what really happened. Do it every day, we have to get through their echo chamber.
Kathryn, you are right excepting that these clowns Trump and Vance let alone Musk are psychologically, temperamentally, and intellectually incapable of behaving like leaders in the world. None of them have advanced beyond adolescence in their attempts to deal with adults, as their buffoonery in this exchange with a true leader, Zelensky, was on full display. As I have already said, it is a fool's mission for any person or nation in good faith to ink a contract with Trump or Musk or indeed Vance because they will just screw them and divide the spoils with Putin or another suitable dictator.
The recent meeting between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on February 28, 2025, has raised significant concerns regarding the United States' commitment to Ukraine amidst ongoing Russian aggression. During this encounter, President Trump and Vice President JD Vance openly criticized President Zelenskyy, accusing him of ingratitude for U.S. support and pressuring him to negotiate with Russia. Such public disparagement not only undermines the morale of a nation valiantly defending its sovereignty but also sends a perilous message to adversaries about the steadfastness of U.S. alliances.
The United States' unwavering support for Ukraine is paramount, not only for the preservation of Ukrainian sovereignty but also for the maintenance of global democratic principles and the deterrence of authoritarian expansionism. By standing resolutely with Ukraine, the U.S. affirms its commitment to international law and the protection of fledgling democracies from coercive subjugation.
Moreover, the historical context of Russian interference in U.S. domestic affairs, as evidenced by findings in the Mueller Report, underscores the necessity for a firm stance against any form of collaboration or appeasement with the Putin regime. Any actions that appear to condone or overlook such interference not only compromise national security but also erode the foundational trust between the government and its citizens.
The recent conduct of President Trump and Vice President Vance, particularly the public admonishment of a key ally and the suggestion of reduced support, is both alarming and counterproductive. Such behavior not only jeopardizes the safety and morale of the Ukrainian people but also emboldens adversarial powers by projecting an image of disunity and indecision within the U.S. leadership.
In this critical juncture, it is imperative that the United States reaffirms its commitments to Ukraine and NATO, recognizing that the strength of these alliances serves as a bulwark against the spread of authoritarianism. A steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine not only honors our existing alliances but also fortifies the global order against those who seek to undermine it.
In conclusion, the United States must maintain a resolute and principled stance in support of Ukraine, denounce any form of aggression or interference by the Putin regime, and ensure that its leaders conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the nation's core values of liberty, justice, and unwavering support for its allies.
Thank you for stating all the things I wanted to write after watching this disgraceful visit & meeting at the White House with Trump & Vance actually screaming at Zelenskyy over the war they are hoping to end was atrocious. Not civil. Trump is like a bully at his highest form because he has all eyes & camera on him. Vance takes aim to be finally recognized over Musk, who he doesn’t hold a candle to! Musk is in charge of breaking everything we have strived for & used to be recognized as a world leader in many platforms. I can think of my father & other Vets rolling over in their graves over present day occurrences at Trump & musk hands. So many died for our country. Trump doesn’t care about what came before him. But the tone & attitude of how they held this meeting with a great man trying his best to save his country & looking for help is beyond belief. Trump is a puppet for Putin and we all know it!
Exactly! Vance sounded like a seedy used car sales man whose deal wasn't going his way.
How absolutely appalling! Trump and Vance should be ashamed of themselves. How much longer are Americans going to tolerate this embarrassment and how much more plainly does it need to be said by Trump himself. Wake up American people; this sorry excuse for a human being doesn’t give a s**t about you, your country, or anyone but his strange bedfellow, Putin. Zelensky showed remarkable dignity in tolerating that bullying tirade he was subjected to.
We need Zelensky as our president. I wrote a poem about how he and Ukrainians are defending democracy. They are freedom's light against the fascists: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/zelensky-ukraine-freedoms-light
This was for an audience of one: Putin
Exactly this shit show was planned like a bad soap opera and I am so ashamed to be an American right now.!!!!!
Later Lindsey Graham came before the cameras to say how proud he was of Trump and JD. He is compromised!
oh my god. rest assured that lindsey graham does not represent the majority of his constituents (of which i am one). he is an embarrassment. his fealty to the sitting fascist president is sickening. can’t wait to vote him out!
I feel the same about Susan Collins here in Maine.
Amen, she is a snake who tries to act like she is standing up for her country with empty token measures. She has totally sold her soul and her seat long ago.
I think it was also for the MAGA and low-info voters, trying to change the narrative so Americans won't rise up to protest what he's doing (selling our democracy and economy down the river). Disgraceful, but there appears to be no end to their gullibility and militant ignorance.
Let's organize a massive Zelensky Day in Canada, Europe, and the US. We must do it soon. Trump and Vance are thugs, not politicians, and we must show them that we are stronger than they are.
We must stand up for what is right. We must stand up for Zelensky and Ukraine.
JD events and Donald Trump brought Zelensky here to humiliate him. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. I am totally embarrassed by what happened and how this administration has embarrassed our country and the world.
Donate to Ukraine!
You can donate directly here:
That was an American ambush by people who are putin allies. This is a turning point in the US. Trump/vance are traitors. This should be impeachable offence
OMG!!!!! Trump has completely degenerated and is now 100% a whining egomaniacal idiot. I am
sooooooo fucking embarrassed to be an American right now. I’ve never said that before and I’m over 70 now.
He isn’t intelligent enough to “discuss” anything. This was the absolute perfect example of group bullying. JD VANCE being the back up mouth, when trump runs out of breath. The shame!
I asked the organizer of today's Economic Boycott to organize a Zelensky Day. They seem to have an audience with some reach. We need this to be massive!
Try reading CRAIG UNGER's numerous books - should be available at your public library.
Not sure it should be labeled being on Putin's payroll - but Russian Oligarchs paid excessive prices for Trump's properties, bailed him out of bankruptcy when US banks stopped loaning to him due to his fake valuations.
DAVID CAY JOHNSTON wrote 2 books about Trump's casinos that are enlightening.
Trump is a business failure
Donald Trump’s 13 Biggest Business Failures
Unfamiliar with this site - just popped up -
A Great Businessman? 26 Of Donald Trump’s Biggest Business Failures (So Far)
I was in traffic listening to the radio for 4 hours & had no way to share OUTRAGE!
It's my recollection that much of the armaments given to UKRAINE were 'old' & outdated, but regardless - the U.S. had seized RUSSIAN PROPERTY that TRUMP released...where did it go?
Did Trump return it to the RUSSIAN MONEYLAUNDERERS to whom he owes obedience?
There is so much corruption & disinformation, we can't be sure.
Notice Brain Dead Trump called his predecessor 'stupid' - the man who worked with Democrats to turn the economy around - RECORD JOB CREATION! HISTORICALLY LOW UNEMPLOYMENT! rUMP is destroying the ECONOMY as he did during his first reign of terror & his lunacy continues....Trumpers have amnesia. (REFRIGERATED TRAILERS filled with COVID DEAD?)
There's far more to this exploitation of UKRAINE that we don't know.