Saturday, June 29, 2024

Trump's Project 2025


National Campaign for Justice

You deserve an update on the numbers and our impact as we work to stop Trump’s Project 2025.

We’ve partnered with more than three dozen organizations to make sure the American public knows about how dangerous Project 2025 really is and our campaign is working. Coverage of Project 2025 is breaking through, from MSNBC’s Joy Reid[1] to HBO’s John Oliver[2] to Senate Democratic Women[3], the campaign to expose Project 2025 is gaining momentum.

51,137 -- Messages received by CNN CEO Mark Thompson demanding the moderators at tonight's presidential debate question Trump about Project 2025 and emphasize the importance of pressing him on book bans, abolishing the Department of Education, and his connection to the Hitler-quoting anti-government extremist group Moms for Liberty.

178,368 -- That’s the number of direct messages our community has sent to the CEOs of Bank of AmericaGoldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase demanding they reject Project 2025 and commit to permanently end all financial support for the Heritage Foundation.

107,939 -- Signed the petition, exposing the plan and spreading information across social media platforms, including Twitter/XFacebook, and Instagram.

62,042 -- Letters sent to the CEOs of FedEx and Pfizer demanding they reject Trump’s Project 2025 and permanently end all financial support for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Trump’s Project 2025 must be stopped and that means not waiting until Trump wins to fight back.


Let’s be clear, Trump’s Project 2025 is a 920-page blueprint for an authoritarian take-over of the U.S. government with a clear agenda to eliminate the rights and power of anyone not deemed white or Christian enough for the more than 100 organizations supporting it.

That’s right. From the fanatical extremists of Moms for Liberty and Tea Party Patriots to dozens of additional anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ groups like Family Research Council and American Family Association on one-side of the far-right to the Heritage Foundation, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Turning Point USA and FreedomWorks on the establishment side of the Republican Party, these groups are united in support of Project 2025.

Project 2025 has laid out in explicit detail plans to take away fundamental rights from women, people who identify as LGBTQ+immigrantspeople of color and occupations like doctorsnursesteachersand librarians to name a few.

It outlines plans to abolish the Department of Education, eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency, dismantle the FBI and Homeland Security, and refocus the Justice Department on the prosecution of Trump’s political enemies.

There’s so much more. We must take action now to expose the plan so everyone in America understands what’s really at stake.

We must expose Trump’s dictator-on-day-one plan now -- before it’s too late. Please contribute what you can now >>

Here’s a few more lowlights from the plan:

  • A national abortion ban

  • Massive detention camps and millions deported, all without due process

  • Replacing ALL non-partisan civil servants with Trump loyalists

  • Pardoning Jan 6 convictions and dropping all cases against Trump

  • Withdrawing from NATO, the United Nations, and all global climate agreements

  • Destroying unions, the National Labor Relations Board, and workers rights

  • Ending Birthright citizenship

Like I said, it’s a 920-page document. The list above goes on and on. And that’s why we have already been fighting, exposing, and working to defeat this plan today. We can’t wait to start tomorrow and we absolutely can’t wait until we see if Trump wins.

That’s why we’re arming you with talking points, facts, and personal stories that will help us all expose this dangerous plan nationwide. We’re driving action and mobilizing to fight back. We’ll protect elections, defending everything from vote at home to election workers. We must push state and local governments to pass laws now to protect our rights. And we’ll stand up for enforcement of the rule of law.

There is so much we can -- and will -- do to defeat Trump's Project 2025, Moms for Liberty, the Heritage Foundation and everyone else that supports Project 2025. But we need your support to fund the campaign to win. Please rush a donation now.

Nothing less than the future of our country is at stake.

Thank you for standing up today.

- LeeAnn

LeeAnn Hall
Director, National Campaign for Justice


[1] ‘Dangerous take over’: MSNBC hosts slam conservative Project 2025 effort
[2] John Oliver Breaks Down Just How Scary Trump’s Second Term Could Get
[3] Democratic women in U.S. Senate target Project 2025 on reproductive rights


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