Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sign The Petition: New study links dirty petrochemical pollution and plastic production to birth defects



BREAKING: New study links petrochemical plastic plants in Cancer Alley to additional human health risks including birth defects! Take action now to demand federal action to address the plastic crisis! >> 

Along the iconic Mississippi River in southeastern Louisiana, there is an unsightly stretch of industrial complexes that not only ruins the beautiful natural setting but also severely harms the nearby people, wildlife, AND ecosystems. Overrun by Big Plastic’s whopping 200+ petrochemical factories, the section releases so much toxic pollution that it’s known as CANCER ALLEY due to the high rates of cancer among nearby residents. 

Dirty petrochemical pollution has already been tied to cancer, respiratory damage, brain problems, and heart issues. Now, scientists have uncovered evidence that connects the irresponsible and rampant plastic production in Cancer Alley to additional human health risks — including premature and low-weight births.  

The number of ways that plastics harm our planet and its living beings is unacceptable, Tony. And the list of negative impacts just keeps getting longer. That’s why it’s urgent that the federal government intervenes before plastics completely take over the planet in a PLASTIC APOCALYPSE. 

Will you sit by and let Big Plastic further harm the people, wildlife, and ecosystems of frontline communities like Cancer Alley? Or will you speak up today and sign our petition demanding immediate federal action to address the plastic crisis before it’s too late? Add your name now! >> 


Tony, it’s no secret that the plastic crisis is already wreaking havoc on our planet. Whether it’s being buried into landfills or dumped into the sea, plastic pollution continues to accumulate and build up on our fragile Earth, remaining in the environment for centuries. 

Plastic pollution is not only overwhelming our oceans and KILLING valuable marine life, but toxic microplastics are CONTAMINATING everything from the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. 

But Big Plastic companies aren’t slowing down. Instead, they are ramping up plastic production which is terrible for people, wildlife, and the planet. These destructive petrochemical facilities, which are predominantly located in low-wealth communities and communities of color, burn through large amounts of fossil fuels and spew out global-warming emissions that exacerbate the climate crisis. 

The number of ways that plastics and plastic production harm our planet and its living beings is unacceptable. We are facing an unprecedented PLASTIC APOCALYPSE that is threatening to harm all of us — but the federal government has FAILED to take bold action and rein in greedy Big Plastic corporations.  

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a responsibility to protect the Earth and its inhabitants. Will you add your name right now to demand that the EPA implements policy solutions to the combat plastic crisis immediately?


Thanks for fighting back against the environmental destruction of Big Plastic. Your voice matters. 

- Friends of the Earth

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