Sunday, May 26, 2024

May Actions

                We can work together to create a CLEAN & HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT! 



North Antelope Rochelle Mine in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. (EcoFlight) src=

In a big win for public health and the health of the planet, the Biden administration has announced it will end coal leasing in the Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming. This is the largest coal-producing region in the United States and this monumental decision will keep billions of tons of highly polluting coal in the ground.
The Biden administration’s decision is a direct result of Earthjustice litigation that resulted in a federal judge forcing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to redo its environmental analysis for coal leasing in Powder River Basin. While Earthjustice litigates in court, Earthjustice supporters like you have urged our government to take action. In addition to ending federal coal-leasing, you have also advocated for critical safeguards like restoring the National Environmental Policy Act, enacting significant reforms that will enable new transmission and connect clean energy projects to the grid, and closing a loophole that left half of toxic coal ash pits exempt from federal oversight.
Finalizing these actions is the culmination of years of advocacy from Earthjustice, our clients, and advocates like you who spoke up time and time again as these issues were up for public comment or when momentum was needed to push the needle in a positive direction. Without you, such progress wouldn’t be possible.
Despite these victories there are still legal challenges on the horizon and vital environmental protections to pursue. We are in a crucial moment of progress, and we need your help to get some key initiatives across the finish line. Supporters like you speak up during every comment period and opportunity — and it makes a difference. Click here to take all the actions below on one page.



Urge the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect consumers from the dangers of gas stoves
The risks associated with burning gas indoors have been known for decades but new research links childhood asthma to gas stoves. It’s time for the Consumer Product Safety Commission to adopt standards to reduce the dangers that gas stoves create for consumers.



Tell the EPA to ban acephate
The EPA proposed a ban on almost all uses of acephate, an organophosphate pesticide, due to poisoning risks from drinking water contamination. Join us in thanking the EPA for the proposed ban and calling on the EPA to ban all organophosphates.



Urge the EPA to ban the practice of open burning and open detonation of hazardous wastes
For decades, military bases and private facilities have used “open burn / open detonation” to destroy unserviceable and obsolete military munitions. This practice harms the environment and human health as it results in the uncontrolled release of toxic constituents into the air, soil, and water. Urge the EPA to protect frontline communities.



Build a clean and equitable electricity grid
As we move towards a 100% clean energy future, we need to build more power lines to move clean energy across the country. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently enacted reforms to enable new transmission. Now FERC must continue to accelerate transmission infrastructure in an equitable way.



Your activism is creating change — click here to engage at every step by taking all of the actions above on one page.
Swetha Pottam
Digital Advocacy Associate

Supporters like you power this work

Earthjustice, 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111
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Photo Credits: North Antelope Rochelle Mine in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. (EcoFlight)
© 2024


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