Sunday, May 26, 2024

Israel Bombs School, Kills 10 People


Israel Bombs School, Kills 10 People

Ten martyrs were killed and 17 others injured when Israeli warplanes launched another deadly attack on the Al Nazla School in Al Saftawi in north Gaza.

This is another massacre carried under the eyes of the world. When the Israeli army launched their attack, the school yard was full of thousands of displaced people who hastily left their homes in Jabalia because they were being bombed by Israeli warplanes.

Pictures provided by Al Jazeera showed hundreds of people aimlessly moving on roads with their belongings from Biet Jabalia under the sound of Israeli gunfire and as they tried to make it to the school and to safety.

But in Gaza nowhere is safe. Biet Jabalia has been bombed for the last 13 days with other areas like Biet Lahia, Tel Al Zatar, Al Falouja and Biet Hanoon. 

Today, they are being bombed relentlessly as Israeli soldiers are killed daily with their Merkava tanks destroyed.

Anas Al Sharif of Al Jazeera says the bombing of the school, Friday, was so bad the 17 that were hit were critically injured and had to be moved to the Baptist Hospital in Gaza City and Shiekh Radwan clinic because the Abu Yousef Al Najjar Hospital in Jabalia was put out of action. 

Such distance, the reporter warned put extra restraint on the critical situation of the injured and led to their possible death as the two facilities are considered some way from the Nazla school and amidst the intense bombing of the area.

The school has been frequently targeted by Israeli warplanes. The first time it was targeted was back in early November 2023 in which up to 30 people were killed.

In this context, Major Mahmood Bussal, Gaza Civil Defense spokesman, said the Israeli occupation army continues to target homes and areas congested with people in north Gaza. He said Israeli refuses to allow the entry of machines into the Strip to remove the wreckage after 80 percent of Gaza was turned into rubble.

Dr Asmar is an Amman-based writer covering Middle East affairs.


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