Monday, April 8, 2024

COMMON DREAMS: Top News: Top RFK Jr. Official Admits Goal Is to Elect Trump



Monday, April 8, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

'A Big Deal': Progressives Applaud New Biden Plan to Provide Student Debt Relief for Millions

"Progressives have led the fight for student debt cancellation, and Joe Biden has responded," said one advocate.

By Julia Conley

Progressives Unveil 10-Point Agenda to 'Prevent Fascist Takeover' in 2024

"With our support and voice, progressives may persuade and enable President Biden to achieve more progressive policy objectives during his second term and prevent a fascist takeover."

By Jake Johnson

'Whole Thing Is an Epic Fraud': RFK Jr. Official Admits Goal Is to Elect Trump

"As the saying goes, when people show you who they are, believe them," said a Democratic National Committee spokesperson.

By Julia Conley

US Government Sued Over 'Unethical Destruction' of Wolf Population

"The Fish and Wildlife Service is thumbing its nose at the Endangered Species Act and letting wolf-hating states sabotage decades of recovery efforts," said one conservation leader.

By Jessica Corbett

'Reverse of Robin Hood' 2.0: Trump Vows to Extend Billionaire Tax Cuts If Reelected

Trump's backers "are fine with stealing from the poor to give to the rich," said one critic. "And the rich pay Trump off to gain this favor."

By Julia Conley

'Whatever They Decide': Trump Backs Eradication of Abortion Rights by States

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is "responsible for the harm and chaos caused by Republicans' abortion bans in the states, and all he is saying is that he wants more of it," said one rights advocate.

By Jake Johnson


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■ Opinion

'Self-Defense' Is No Justification for Genocide in Gaza

The Palestinian people—not just Hamas—have been Israel's intended targets all along.

By John Morlino

Donald Trump's Big Con: On the Man Who Stared Into a Solar Eclipse

So either Trump’s billionaire backers are being conned or the American people are. Only a fool can't guess which it will be.

By Robert Reich

It’s Time to Finally Close the Shameful Prison at Guantánamo

For 22 years, through four different administrations, that prison camp in Cuba has held individuals captured in the war on terror in a way that defies any imaginable principles of due process, human rights, or the rule of law.

By Karen Greenberg


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