Sunday, August 18, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (08/18/2024)


Polio Pause: UN Calls for Urgent Ceasefire to allow 640K Children to be Vaccinated, as Gaza Polio Victim Confirmed

Polio Pause: UN Calls for Urgent Ceasefire to allow 640K Children to be Vaccinated, as Gaza Polio Victim Confirmed

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A ten-month-old child in Gaza has been confirmed stricken with polio, as several other children have displayed symptoms consistent with the disease, which can cause paralysis and death. Polio had been eradicated in Gaza years ago, but the highly unsanitary conditions created by the Israeli military’s indiscriminate destruction of Gaza […]

Partners in Genocide: Israel is slaughtering Palestinians with Western Arms

Partners in Genocide: Israel is slaughtering Palestinians with Western Arms

( Middle East Monitor ) – While many are earnestly pointing at the devastation of war, the rampant human rights violations and the deliberate relegation of international and humanitarian law, there are those who see war from an entirely different perspective: profits. For the merchants of war, the collective pain and misery of whole nations […]

Biden lost the Vote of this Pastor over Gaza. Harris must earn it Back

Biden lost the Vote of this Pastor over Gaza. Harris must earn it Back

( New Jersey Star-Ledger ) – I cannot see President Biden without seeing 40,000 dead Gazans. He rightly stepped aside after his disastrous debate with Donald Trump, but he continues to lose a far more disastrous debate with Israel’s Prime Minister, weakening the basic principles of US foreign policy. Alongside his humiliating failure to achieve […]

Old posts you may have missed

Ascending the Temple Mount: Political Act in a Site of Holiness

Letter to Florida State University System Protesting the Policing and Censorship of course Materials relating to Israel/Palestine

How Exporting Fossil Fuels undermines Climate Targets

Saudi Crown Prince fears Assassination if he Recognizes Israel without getting a Palestinian State

Trump, the Candidate from Hell, wants to Make America a Hellhole

The Rate of Global Heating varies, but Temperatures will rise over Time until we Halt CO2 Emissions

Ultra-Orthodox Threaten to Bolt Netanyahu’s Government over Prayer at the Temple Mount

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