Sunday, July 28, 2024

100 days from Election Day: our fight to stop Russian misinformation



We are officially 100 days out from Election Day, and a recent report from American intelligence officials detailed Russian plans to interfere in the upcoming election to destabilize American democracy and help get Donald Trump elected.

According to The Washington Post this plan is already underway. After the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump last week, Russia swarmed X and other social media platforms in a coordinated effort to tie the shooting to Joe Biden and Democrats.

You can read more below, but if you’re ready to help COURIER fight election lies and foreign interference in real time, can you chip in $5.00 now?

With less than four months until election day, U.S. intelligence officials say Russia is gearing up for a massive election interference campaign to help Donald Trump.

According to a new report, Russia is using covert social media accounts to target key voters in swing states, hoping to erode support for Democrats, bolster their war in Ukraine, and build support for Trump ahead of the election.

It’s the same operation they used in 2016 but on a much larger, more sophisticated scale.

We’ll tell you more about Russia’s plan in a moment, but if you’re ready to help COURIER fight misinformation on social media, can you chip in $5.00 now?

In 2016, the intelligence community concluded that Vladimir Putin used social media to sway American public opinion in favor of Donald Trump.

Russia is planning the same large-scale misinformation campaign this time around, but this time utilizing new AI technology including “bot farms” to rapidly create fake content that looks particularly real. Russia could even create deep fakes of politicians.

Plus, their targeting has improved. With nearly a decade of experience in sowing discord on social media, Russia has learned how to show its messages to specific voter demographics so they can shape the outcome of our elections.

So that’s the bad news. But the good news is that we’re already fighting back.

This is what COURIER was made for. We meet our audiences where they’re most likely to encounter Russian misinformation – on social media news feeds and in email inboxes. By correcting the record and providing truthful, impactful reporting about issues voters actually care about, they’re less likely to fall for the lies and conspiracy theories spread by bad actors like Russia.

But we can’t do that without your help. Our news is free to anyone who reads it, so we count on support from folks like you to continue providing this essential service. Can you chip in $5.00 now?

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