Thursday, June 27, 2024

US an “Open Field” for Manipulation by Israeli Propaganda: Mass Consciousness Activities


US an “Open Field” for Manipulation by Israeli Propaganda: Mass Consciousness Activities

By Nasim Ahmed | –

( Middle East Monitor ) – Israel has long relied on its much-vaunted hasbara — propaganda — to obscure the brutal reality of its colonial occupation of Palestine. Essentially a sophisticated propaganda machine, the hasbara industry, as Professor Ilan Pappe demonstrates in his new book, has been instrumental in shaping the narrative in the service and maintenance of the Zionist project. Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic, as Pappe notes, has a long history. Having founded the state of Israel on terrorism, against the wishes of the native population, the Zionist groups that used violence to disrupt the history of Palestine are now determined to shield the occupation state from the global outrage that its genocide in Gaza has provoked.

New revelations by the Guardian have exposed the extent of Zionist lobbying in the US, revealing a coordinated and well-funded effort by the Israeli government to influence public opinion and political discourse. The goal is to shape American debates on college campuses, in Congress and across social media. Another top priority is suppressing criticism of Israel, which is achieved by lobbying lawmakers to adopt the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Jewish racism, and conflate legitimate criticism of Israel with . . . anti-Semitism.

The roots of this latest campaign can be traced back to 2017 when the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs developed a programme known initially as Kela Shlomo. This was designed to conduct what Israel termed “mass consciousness activities” targeted primarily at the US and Europe. The programme, later rebranded as “Concert” and now operating under the name “Voices of Israel”, was conceived as a vehicle to operate “outside the government” and provide a “rapid and coordinated response against the attempts to tarnish the image of Israel around the world.”

Former Minister Gilad Erdan envisioned Concert as a “PR Commando Unit” capable of launching social media attacks against celebrities who criticise Israel. The programme has since evolved and expanded its scope since 7 October. As of November last year, the Israeli government is said to have allocated at least 32 million shekels (approximately £6.8m) for advocacy efforts to reframe the public debate. This funding is overseen by Amichai Chikli, the 42-year-old Likud minister who now heads the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs.

During a Knesset hearing in November, Chikli assured lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign against global opposition to Israel, quite separate from traditional public relations efforts. However, this did not pose a challenge, especially considering the extensive network of Zionist organisations operating throughout the US, all happy to donate generously to such efforts.

Chikli mentioned 80 programmes already underway for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”. The primary goal of Concert, as I wrote in 2022, is to privatise Israel’s propaganda efforts by recruiting influencers and organisations to speak favourably about the apartheid state in various media channels, social media platforms and conferences both at home and abroad.

The initiative was designed to operate indirectly, allowing the Israeli government to fund pro-Israel organisations and activities without appearing to do so overtly.

Several American organisations have been identified as working closely with the Israeli government’s advocacy efforts. These include the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), which reportedly received most of its funding in 2018 from the Israeli agency running Concert. ISGAP has been instrumental in shaping Congressional investigations into universities over claims of anti-Semitism. The Zionist lobby was named as one of the groups that spearheaded the push to drive Harvard University’s first black female president, Claudine Gray, out of office following a row over alleged anti-Semitism.

The Young Turks: “Israel’s Propaganda Campaign To Control Discourse Uncovered by Lee Fang”

Another organisation, the National Black Empowerment Council (NBEC), listed as a partner of Voices of Israel, has published open letters from Black Democrat politicians pledging solidarity with Israel. CyberWell, a pro-Israel “anti-disinformation” group led by former Israeli military intelligence and Voices officials, has established itself as an official “trusted partner” to TikTok and Meta, helping to screen and edit content. This partnership highlights a striking correlation between the inclusion of Zionist lobby groups as “trusted partners” and Meta’s “systemic censorship” of pro-Palestine content.

Another Zionist group mentioned by the Guardian is Hillel International, one of the largest Jewish campus organisations in the world. Hillel has received financial and strategic support from Mosaic United, a public benefit corporation backed by the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs. This longstanding partnership is now being leveraged to shape the political debate over Israel’s brutal military campaign in Gaza. In February, Hillel’s chief executive, Adam Lehman, reportedly appeared before the Israeli Knesset to discuss this strategic partnership with Mosaic and the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs. Lehman noted that the collaboration had already yielded significant results.

Notably, none of the groups identified have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a US law requiring groups that receive funds or direction from foreign countries to disclose their activities to the Department of Justice. “One struggles to find a parallel in terms of a foreign country’s influence over American political debate,” said Eli Clifton, a senior adviser at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. “There’s a fixation on policing American discourse on the US-Israel relationship, even on college campuses, from Israel, going all the way up to Prime Minister Netanyahu.”

A key aim in this campaign has been the aggressive promotion of the highly controversial IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. This definition has faced criticism, including from its drafter, Kenneth Stern, who has argued that it is being “weaponised” by the pro-Israel lobby. Seven of the eleven examples cited by IHRA conflate criticism of Israel and anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. The result has been the stifling of free speech and legitimate criticism of the apartheid state. Several US states, including Georgia, South Carolina and South Dakota, have passed legislation recently incorporating the IHRA definition into hate crime statutes.

At the federal level, the US House of Representatives passed legislation in April this year to encode the IHRA definition into Department of Education standards. If enacted, this law would enable the federal government to withdraw funding from universities that fail to curb criticism of Israel and Zionism, as well as impose punitive measures against pro-Palestine advocates. The push to embed the IHRA definition into federal law is part of a wider campaign, particularly targeting US college campuses, where pro-Palestinian activism has surged since 7 October.

Israeli officials have conducted multiple Knesset hearings with American Zionist organisations to discuss co-ordination efforts. Margarita Spichko, an official from the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, testified that her office produces weekly reports based on information gathered from US partners, including Hillel. These reports are utilised to monitor and respond to campus activities related to Israel and Palestine. Additionally, an aide to Israel’s National Security Council noted that the Prime Minister’s office regularly meets with DC-based Zionist groups, further confirming Tel Aviv’s orchestration of American Zionist organisations.

Commenting on the Israeli “PR Commando Unit” targeting the American population, Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, said:

“There’s a built-in assumption that there’s nothing at all weird about viewing the US as sort of an open field for Israel to operate in, that there are no limitations.”

Craig Holman, an expert on lobbying rules at Public Citizen, noted the potential legal issues surrounding these activities: “While there are several exemptions to FARA registration, nearly all the exemptions are overridden if a person or group seeks to influence American public policy and public opinion at the suggestion or behest of the foreign government.”

The scale and sophistication of Israel’s efforts to shape public discourse in the US raise serious questions about the extent of its influence in American politics and academia. As the genocidal campaign in Gaza continues and criticism of Israeli policies intensifies, these coordinated efforts are poised to escalate. This growing Israeli influence threatens to undermine free speech and subvert the very principles of American democracy, all in the pursuit of defending what is so clearly a rogue, apartheid regime.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor or Informed Comment.

Via Middle East Monitor

Creative Commons LicenseThis work by Middle East Monitor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About the Author

Middle East Monitor is a not-for-profit press monitoring organization, founded on 1 July 2009, and based in London. Journalists who have written for it include Amelia Smith, Diana Alghoul, Ben White, Jehan Alfarra and Jessica Purkiss. The editorial line straddles the British left and the British Muslim religious Right.

Bigger than Dobbs: The War on Women is a War on Democracy


Bigger than Dobbs: The War on Women is a War on Democracy

The war on women is everywhere: in the home, locally, nationally and globally.

Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – In 2018, the US National Sexual Violence Resource Center published that 81% of women reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault in their lifetime.  Further, the majority of violence against women is perpetrated by male intimate partners and acquaintances.

There are myriad other misogynist wars on women worldwide – including military wars; sex trafficking, prostitution and pornography; the theft of female and lesbian sexual identity by some in the trans movement; child marriage, female genital mutilation, and so on.  But none at this moment is so intensive as Israel’s and the US’ genocidal war on Gaza: 70 percent of those killed are women and their children.   Israel’s bombing of hospitals with maternity wards; the starvation of pregnant and breast-feeding women and the record-acute malnutrition among newborns and young children speak loud and clear — End Palestinian women’s potential to give life and the survival of Palestinian babies and children.

How cruelly ironic that as US weapons murder life in Gaza and elsewhere in the world with impunity, 14 US states have criminalized women’s choice of abortion as murder, not even allowing abortion for the hateful acts of rape or incest, six more states have early gestational limits. There were 65,000 rape-related pregnancies between July 2022 and January 2024 in those US states banning or putting extreme limits on abortion, with the end of Roe v Wade in the 2022 Dobbs’ Supreme Court decision.

Today a majority of US-adults including from every religion, race, ethnicity; moderate and liberal Republicans and a vast majority of Democrats (women and men), agree that abortion should be legal. Thus, the end of Roe v Wade in the 2022 Dobbs’ Supreme Court decision is  both a War on Women and a War on Democracy, given that the will of the majority of US citizens does not prevail nor influence government policy. 

According to the Economist, the United States ranks among “flawed democracies.”   Another recent, comprehensive study of democracies worldwide concluded that “only 15 percent of people globally live in places where women and lower income groups have at least somewhat equal access to power.”  No surprise that the US, cluelessly vaunted as the indispensable nation, is not one of them.

What fuels the control of women’s bodies in our country?  It is misogyny and injustice.  After all, there is no comparable moral or medical control of men’s bodies.

Yet the moralistic urgency to preserve life in the womb evaporates once a poor child is born.  One in six children under five years of age lives in poverty – the highest rate of all industrial countries; four million youth are homeless.  Clearly, controlling a woman’s right to her own body, is not about the unborn’s right to life; otherwise, all kinds of social legislation for maternal and child health, adequate housing, a living wage, and well-funded education would accompany legislation criminalizing women for abortion. 

Regarding women’s loss of economic democracy, women have higher rates of poverty than men.  And why?  For at least three reasons:

1.)   Domestic violence causes women victims to lose altogether an average of 8 million days of paid work per year and is a strong factor in women’s homelessness.

2.)    Women’s reproductive labor – giving birth, breastfeeding and caring for children is not compensated with free childcare and paid parental leave in the United States, unlike all other comparable countries. Thus, women who give birth are cheated of savings, pensions and Social Security.  No surprise then that the greatest risk factor for being poor in old age is having been a mother..

3.)   More women than men struggle to cover everyday expenses due to the gender wage gap, which has remained stagnant for 20 years – at 82% – a significant factor contributing to the substantial disparity in poverty rates between women and men age 75 and older.  Even for college graduates in 2024 the same economic inequality persists: male college graduates have been hired at an average sightly over $30/hour; women, at slightly over $25/hour. This wage inequality of 82% will follow these women college graduates all their working lives and in retirement.

Salary is symbolic: Why are we women worth 82% of men in the workplace?.

Ponderous realities:

More American lives were lost in the 20th century through violence against women than during all 20th century wars and civil strife.  Yet, while thousands of monuments throughout the United States honor those who lost their lives for their country in war, only one —the first of its kind—is currently being planned for women who lost their lives giving birth to the country’s children.  The counterpoint reality is that feminist revolutions to gain human rights and equality for women (however incomplete that goal remains) have freed and saved the lives of millions of women and girls—without weaponswithout fists, and without a drop of blood spilled.  

Women have more than a lot that men can learn from: men commit 90% of homicides and almost all sexual violence; men are the primary wagers of war.  Were our skills, our social and intellectual intelligence, and our wisdom valued and promoted in all places of social and political decision-making: in every home and all national governments and the UN, the world might get a chance at global peace and restoring our beautiful planet.

*Given as the keynote talk at Bigger than Dobbs:  The War on Women and War on Democracy, a June 23 event sponsored by the Reproductive Justice Task Force of Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution with multiple co-sponsors.  

Speeches of the presenters will be available soon at 

Related Video link added by IC: MSNBC: “How GOP may lose 24: Trump conviction collides with MAGA legal ‘war’ on women, minorities, equality”

About the Author

H. Patricia Hynes is a retired professor of environmental health, directs the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice in western Massachusetts. She has written and edited 7 books, among them The Recurring Silent Spring. and Justice. Haley Publishing, Athol, MA, is publishing her new book, Hope but Demand Justice. She writes and speaks on issues of war and militarism with an emphasis on women, environment, and public health.


stealing Netanyahu’s spotlight


Win Without War logo 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s July 24 speech will focus the world’s attention on DC and we need to steal that spotlight.

Inviting PM Netanyahu to speak sends a troubling signal the U.S. government approves of his most egregious actions, which include domestic corruption charges and alleged international war crimes. Just this week PM Netanyahu pushed a desperately needed ceasefire deal — the same endorsed by President Biden just weeks ago — even further away.[1]

But with your help, we’ll silence his cries for more war with resounding calls for peace. Support from activists like you has ensured that we can get our plans for ads and billboards off the ground, but we need to go further. That looks like flying in constituents like folks who work with our partner Combatants for Peace (CfP) to DC during PM Netanyahu’s visit to speak directly with decision-makers. Together, we can drown out any calls for more war.

Unfortunately, the costs of this effort are rising as we’re falling behind in fundraising. Can you help us ensure we're able to impact that can stop a war?

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The war in Gaza is fueling a regional inferno. At the same time the Israeli government escalates violence in the West Bank, a new front of this war is also emerging on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Right now, we’re doubling down on every single strategy we’ve got to ensure the remaining hostages are returned to their families, and the violence ends immediately. But while we push for peace, hawks like PM Netanyahu are circling.

People in Israel, Palestine, and around the world deserve a lasting, sustainable peace, but more bombs and bullets won’t bring that to anyone.

PM Netanyahu typically tries to deepen political divisions, not bring people closer together. We know he’ll say whatever he thinks is necessary to keep his political career going, even at the expense of taking steps toward peace and equality in Israel and Palestine.

That’s why we’ll bring constituents, like those who work with our partner Combatants for Peace, to DC to speak out in response. CfP is a joint Palestinian-Israeli community made up of former Israeli and Palestinian fighters, refuseniks, and non-violent activists working in solidarity to end the occupation, discrimination, and oppression and are committed to co-creating a just peace.

With your support, they’ll join us to meet with congressional delegations and administration officials directly, urge them to push back against PM Netanyahu’s efforts to continue the war and further destruction in Gaza, the West Bank, and beyond, and begin building a plan for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.

We know the positive results an advocacy effort like this can bring about. In February, we brought their Israeli and Palestinian leaders to DC to speak to Capitol Hill and the White House about the need for real pressure to end the war. In the following weeks, we saw renewed energy to end the violence: Calls to condition U.S. military aid from members of Congress, administration officials speaking out in support of a ceasefire, and people at all levels pushing for peace.

Hope is hard with such challenging headlines in the news each day. Together, we reckon with so much pain and suffering — and we also commit to building something better.

The only way for us to guarantee that nothing changes is to do nothing. So today, we remind you that none of us are in this alone, and as long as people are demanding change, there is still light and hope — and you are part of it.

Thank you for working for peace,


A U.S. foreign policy rooted in human rights and justice won’t happen overnight.
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US an “Open Field” for Manipulation by Israeli Propaganda: Mass Consciousness Activities

  US an “Open Field” for Manipulation by Israeli Propaganda: Mass Consciousness Activities MIDDLE EAST MONITOR 06/27/2024 By Nasim Ahmed | –...