Sunday, May 7, 2023

Should Middleboro have sent student home for 'there are only two genders' T-shirt?


Should Middleboro have sent student home for 'there are only two genders' T-shirt?

Christopher Butler
The Enterprise

Published May 5, 2023 


MIDDLEBOORO — Twelve-year-old Liam Morrison was pulled from his gym class by school staff, who told him he had to change his T-shirt or they would send him home, he said.

"They told me I wasn’t in trouble, I sure felt like I was," Morrison said.

The seventh grader at Nichols Middle School in Middleboro wore a T-shirt to school on Tuesday, March 21 that read, "there are only two genders."

"I was told that people were complaining about the words on my shirt, that the shirt was making some students feel unsafe," he told the Middleboro School Committee at their meeting on April 13. “I feel like these adults were telling me that it wasn’t okay to have an opposing view.”

He said he told the adults that he wasn't going to change, so they called his father who arrived shortly to bring him home.

“Thankfully, my dad supported my decisions and picked me up," he said at the meeting.

Morrison said the school administration violated his First Amendment right to freedom of speech by not allowing him to wear clothes with messages he believes in. He told the committee that he heard no complaints from students or teachers, and that some students supported him wearing the shirt.

“I don’t complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school," Morrison said. "Others have a right to their beliefs just like I do.”

The story has made national headlines. Fox News reported on Friday, May 5 that the Massachusetts Family Institute sent a demand letter Monday, May 1 to the middle school saying it had violated Morrison’s First Amendment rights and that Morrison was planning to wear something to school Friday to make a statement.

Members of the Middleboro School Committee, and the district's superintendent did not respond to The Enterprise's request for comment on the incident, and it's unclear if the event involving Morrison is under investigation by the district.

Nichols Middle School seventh grader Liam Morrison speaks to the school committee on April 13, 2023.

But committee member Jessica Chartoff discussed at the meeting an event held earlier that week raising awareness for the high suicide rate in children ages 10 to 14, but first said that "I'm not going to speak specifically to anything that Liam mentioned from his personal perspective."

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Just before Morrison took the microphone, Sarah Zigouras, a parent of Nichols Middle School, told the committee that, "the bully plan for Middleboro schools is outdated."

The district's bullying prevention and intervention plan — according to a 2010 state anti-bullying law — must be reviewed and updated every two years. The most recent update available online was completed in August 2020.

In addition, the school district lists email contacts for each school that parents can contact to report incidents of bullying, but Zigouras said the emails are typically never answered and it's unclear to parents who supervises the emails.

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“The lack of follow through and accountability only incites others to make poor choices and continues a cycle of bullying," Zigouras said.

Committee member Christopher Benson said families will been contacted regarding the bullying reports.

The Middleboro School Committee meets on April 13, 2023.

Zigouras did not mention the incident involving Morrison's T-shirt in her comments to the committee but did say she considered removing her children from Nichols Middle School due to the "lack of effective communication" from the district's administration.

“We are concerned about the lack of accountability that exists at Nichols Middle School. We are tired of our children not feeling safe,” Zigouras said.

When Morrison was taken out of his class in March, the staff said his shirt was targeting a "protected class" of students.

According to a presentation made by the district about the 2010 anti-bullying law, an incident may be considered bullying if the behavior is repeated and "causes physical or emotional harm to the target or places target in fear of harm." 


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