Democratic opponent Sen. Raphael Warnock asked, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"
"It is peak hypocrisy for President Biden and Secretary Pete Buttigieg to shorten the fuse on the world's largest carbon bomb by greenlighting additional oil export terminals right after lecturing the world about increasing climate ambitions at COP27," said one critic.
"Maybe spend a minute in one of the classrooms with my members and their students and you will get a real lesson in the promise and potential of America," said AFT president Randi Weingarten.
"Starbucks and Howard Schultz believe they are above the law. They believe they can do whatever they want and get away with it," said Starbucks Workers United. "This is unacceptable and will not stand."
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Only strong unions will fight for the teaching profession—and the children our educators cherish and serve—against the hostility of bombastic fools like Pompeo.
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