Sunday, May 22, 2022

WEEK IN REVIEW: Trump-Loving Americans Drinking Deep From the Fascist Well


The Week in Review
Nearly 90,000 Small Businesses in US Expected to Close After Senate GOP Kills Main Street Relief Bill
"The fate of these small businesses," said one advocacy group, "will be tied to those senators who voted down this lifeline today."
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'She Can Win If We Stand With Her': Sanders to Rally for Cisneros in Texas
"Her opponent, one of the very few anti-choice Democrats in Congress, is funded by over a million dollars in corporate contributions from Big Oil companies," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
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In Telling Slip, George W. Bush Condemns the 'Unjustified and Brutal Invasion of Iraq'
"It's hard to get past the nihilistic evil of killing hundreds of thousands, making millions into refugees, and turning it into stand-up to defuse the awkwardness of your hypocrisy," responded one journalist.
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'We Have to Flip This Seat': After Senate Primary Win, Fetterman Shifts Focus to Beating GOP
"This is the most important race in the country," said Democratic U.S. Senate nominee John Fetterman. "Control of the Senate is going to come down to Pennsylvania."
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Australian Progressives Hail 'Greenslide' Amid Big Left Wins and Morrison's Ouster
"People have backed the Greens in record numbers and delivered a massive mandate for action on climate and inequality," said party leader Adam Bandt.
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Trump-Loving Americans Drinking Deep From Orban's Fascist Well
Orbán's speeches this week raise the question: Is he teaching the American GOP through his example, or is the GOP teaching him through their "replacement theory" and new laws banning books.
by Thom Hartmann
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To Tax the Rich, We Need to Debunk the Myth of Fleeing Millionaires
As it turns out, high-earners won't leave if you increase their taxes.
by Omar Ocampo
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Tucker Carlson's 'Great Replacement' Theory Comes From an Anti-US Nazi French Thinker
People like Tucker Carlson are pitifully ignorant of history and so are wielding an anti-American, highly unpatriotic notion for the sake of their television ratings.
by Juan Cole
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