Wednesday, November 11, 2020




  How are you doing?  That is a really important question right now.  I hear many amazing stories from my clients about how they have been managing life since the coronavirus outbreak.  For my part, I want to share some tips that I use in my own life to make things easier and better.  These tips are based on feng shui and on my own personal experience.  I have used each of them myself, and can vouch for their helpfulness:

1.     Clear Your Clutter – define the areas of your home which contain the most clutter, and "clear" it up as much as you can.  As you clear the clutter, you will find matters in your life clearing as well.


2.     Remove all items from under your beds – A clear and clean space under your bed allows air and energy to flow around you while you sleep.  Stagnant air and energy can bring ill health.


3.     Remove all pans/pots/items from cooking areas – avoid storing pans in your oven or on top of burners.  Your cooking area represents your ability to generate food, i.e. sustenance.  If you block your cooking areas, making them difficult to access and use, it indicates your fortunes have the same blocks.

4.    Keep toilet lids fully closed after each use.  Your wealth, health, and good fortune tend to “go down the toilet” when you have an open toilet lid.

5.    Sleep with your bedroom window open whenever possible, even on the coldest nights!  When I lived in Holland a few years ago, I developed a terrible cough that lasted for months.  Regardless of what medications I tried, the cough got progressively worse.  My boyfriend's mother was horrified to learn I had been sleeping with the bedroom windows shut!  Seems the Dutch have a very old tradition that says that is unhealthy!  She demanded I open a window while I slept, and even though it was during a cold winter, I did it just to appease her.  Well, guess what?  My cough went away!  It has never returned, but then, I always keep my bedroom window cracked open!

6.    Put “money” in your wealth corner.  When you walk in your main door, i.e., the door you use most to enter your home, stop for a moment and note the back left-hand corner of the structure.  That area deals with wealth.  Put round, green, money-symbolizing items there, such as healthy plants and luxury items.

7.    Put “love” in your relationship corner.  When you walk in your main door, i.e. the door you use most to enter your home, stop for a moment and note the back right-hand corner of the structure.  That area deals with relationships and love.  Put items that signify love and happy relationships there.  Some ideas include pictures of two turtle doves, pictures of happy couples, two teddy bears, or any personal item that signifies love to you.  Similarly, you should remove any items that suggest loneliness or bad relationships.

8.    Fix broken items, or get rid of them.  Broken items can lay for years in a closet or corner.  Fix your broken things or donate them to a friend or charity that will.

9.    Open all of your curtains and blinds each day whenever possible.  Try to open your curtains/blinds/drapes every day.  When weather permits, open the windows to let in fresh air and sunshine.

10.  Remove blocks to the flow of air and energy – Image yourself as the good energy that wants to move easily through your home.  What points block you?  The areas of your home that have blocks usually correspond to the areas of your life where you have some blocks too.  Remove the physical block in your home, and often the block in your life magically leaves as well.

Wishing each of you health and happiness,

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