Saturday, February 15, 2020

Thread: Silencing Parnas (A Timeline)

Thread: Silencing Parnas (A Timeline)

9/30/19: Parnas receives a letter from the House Intelligence Committee asking him for documents by 10/7 and to appear for a deposition on 10/10.…
9/30: Parnas calls Giuliani asking what to do about the request. Giuliani agrees to get John Dowd to represent Parnas. (See Part 2 of Maddow/Parnas)

10/2: Trump waives conflict allowing Dowd to represent Parnas. (See Parnas document dump #1)
10/3: Dowd sends letter to House Intelligence saying that some of the documents requested from Parnas are privileged and that the subpoena is overly broad.…
Pause here.

It’s clear from Dowd’s 10/3 letter that Parnas will have to comply with the House, especially once a subpoena hits. The best Dowd is hoping for is to stall and place limits on what Parnas will produce.

Parnas’s need to comply is the motive for making him disappear.
Parnas was also a problem because he told the Trump team he had no problem with giving documents and testimony to the House. (See Maddow/Paras Part 2).
10/8: Parnas and Fruman book one-way tickets to Vienna departing the next day (10/9). (See Buzzfeed articles in next two tweets)

DOJ would have us believe these one-way tickets suggest Parnas and Fruman were fleeing the country, but that doesn’t add up for a lot of reasons.
If the Hannity interview was really happening, did Parnas need to be there? And the story is Rudy was supposed to come too, but not leave until 10/10 even though that was the day of the interview.

Sounds to me like Rudy just didn’t want to be there when Lev got popped by SDNY.
In any event, records show Fruman/Parnas booked one-way tickets because they cost $8K, compared to round-trip for $20K. They also were not sure when they’d return, which Giuliani probably orchestrated to get them to se them up to buy one-way tickets.

10/9: Parnas and Fruman meet with Giuliani for lunch at the Trump Hotel in DC before heading to the airport for their flight to Vienna.

Meanwhile, guess who just happens to be in NY that day for a meeting with SDNY. Old Bullfrog Bill Barr! What a coincidence!
I suspect Giuliani met Lev and Igor for lunch for appearance sake. Make Lev and Igor feel all warm and fuzzy about their trip to Vienna to help out their buddy Giuliani. Giuliani likely assured them he’d meet them the next day in Vienna.

Psyche, bitches!
“Barr visited with prosecutors in the Manhattan office on Thursday [10/9, the day of Lev and Igor’s arrest], part of what aides said was a routine check-in visit.”

A “routine check-in visit”? Really bro? That’s some fucking cooncidence, no?

We are supposed to believe that SDNY got wind of Lev and Igor “fleeing the country” on 10/9 and swooped in to arrest them before they got away, and Barr was told the day of?

I call bullshit. Lev and Igor *routinely* went to Ukraine and Vienna on one-way tickets.
You know where Lev was on 9/30 when he first got the letter from House Intelligence? He was *IN VIENNA*! (See Maddow interview, Part 2).

Lev was in Vienna all the time. Why all of a sudden did he get popped on *this* trip to Vienna, after the impeachment inquiry came knocking?
Turning back to 10/9, we find Lev and Igor walking down the jetway to board their flight from DC to Vienna, and— Surprise!!!—out pops Bill Barr’s FBI to nab them and take them to jail.
Turning back to Lev, isn’t it convenient he was represented by Dowd, who then visits him in the pokey and tell him to keep his fucking mouth shut and protect Trump? (See Maddow/Parnas Part 2)

They took it too far though. Parnas is no dummy. He figured out he was being silenced.
And Lev told Maddow he was scared of Barr, and for good reason. Lev thought Barr was “on the team,” but Barr allowed his goons to pop him. Lev isn’t that dumb. He knows Barr could have prevented it, and probably suspected Barr had orchestrated it.
Parnas told Dowd to get the fuck out of his face, to the point where Dowd had to hit the emergency button and have the guards come recuse him from this mobbed up lunatic who was about the straight beat his ass.
SDNY fought hard to keep Lev from getting out on bail. And what was their main argument for that? They argued he was a flight risk because he’d been caught fleeing the country when they popped him! Good idea to catch him “fleeing the country” so you can deny him bail!
Judge didn’t buy it though. He let Lev out on bail and Lev sang like a bird. The judge also authorized Parnas to dump documents to the House.

And this may have just saved Lev’s life because Barr has a way of silencing inmates for good...

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