Tuesday, September 17, 2024


KELLY AYOTTE based much of her campaign attacking MASSACHUSETTS, failing to 

address what she would do for NEW HAMPSHIRE.....THAT DEFINES A LOSER!

NEW HAMSHIRE residents clog Massachusetts highways for BETTER PAYING JOBS! 

KELLY AYOTTE ignores that!

NEW HAMPSHIRE funds PUBLIC EDUCATION with REAL ESTATE TAXES with predictable results - I've done voter canvassing in NEW HAMPSHIRE - the poor educational quality is STARK!


New Hampshire Attorney General


Clean air emissions standards


Ayotte joined Attorneys General from eight other states to sue federal regulators over a rules change that made clean air emissions standards for power plants less strict and eliminated clean air reporting and monitoring requirements.[17][18]

In 2005, the court agreed with Ayotte and the others that the Environmental Protection Agency must measure changes in the emissions from power plants and could not exempt power plants from reporting their emissions.[18]

Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England


In 2003, the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire found the Parental Notification Prior to Abortion Act, a New Hampshire law requiring parental notification of a minor's abortion, unconstitutional, and enjoined its enforcement. In 2004, New Hampshire Attorney General Peter Heed appealed the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, which affirmed the district court's ruling. In 2004, Ayotte appealed the First Circuit's ruling to the Supreme Court, over the objection of incoming Democratic Governor John Lynch. Ayotte personally argued the case before the Supreme Court.[citation needed] The Supreme Court unanimously vacated the district court's ruling and remanded the case back to the district court, holding that it was improper for the district court to invalidate the statute completely instead of just severing the problematic portions of the statute or enjoining the statute's unconstitutional applications.[22] In 2007, the law was repealed by the New Hampshire legislature, mooting the need for a rehearing by the district court.[23]

In 2008, Planned Parenthood sued to recover its attorney fees and court costs from the New Hampshire Department of Justice.[24] In 2009, Ayotte, as attorney general, authorized a payment of $300,000 to Planned Parenthood to settle the suit.[25]


She has been an outspoken critic of the Iran nuclear deal, saying that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.[51] She proposed strict new sanctions on Iran.[52]



Ayotte sponsored 217 bills, including:[73] 



Post-Senate career


Ayotte has been named to several corporate boards of directors, including Caterpillar Inc.News Corp.BAE SystemsBoston PropertiesBlink HealthBloom Energy, and Blackstone Group.[86]

Minimum wage


Ayotte opposes increasing the minimum wage,[106] and opposes federal legislation to index the minimum wage to inflation, reflecting adjustments in the cost of living.[107] Ayotte said she supports the current federal minimum wage, but that "each state should decide what is best" when it comes to raising it.[108]

Social Security


In 2010, Ayotte said she was open to raising the Social Security retirement age for younger workers in an effort to avoid long-term insolvency, but does not support changes for people at or near retirement.[107][109]

Labor issues


Ayotte opposed passage of the Employee Free Choice Act ("Card Check"), which would have amended the National Labor Relations Act to allow employees to unionize whenever the National Labor Relations Board verified that 50% of the employees had signed authorization cards, therefore bypassing a secret ballot election.[110]

Climate and energy


In 2010, when asked about climate change, Ayotte acknowledged that "there is scientific evidence that demonstrates there is some impact from human activities" but stated that "I don't think the evidence is conclusive."[116][121] She opposed both a cap-and-trade system and a carbon tax to reduce carbon emissions.[116] In 2011, she voted to limit the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.[122] In 2012, Ayotte voted with four other Republican senators to defeat a proposal to block the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating the first federal standards regulating air pollution from power plants.[115] In 2013, she voted for a point of order opposing a carbon tax or a fee on carbon emissions.[123]

Health care


Ayotte favors repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare),[127] and has repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA.[128] She has described the ACA as a "success tax" on successful businesses,[129] and says that the ACA drives up the costs of health care.[130] 

Social issues


Abortion and reproductive rights


In 2024, Ayotte said she supports the current New Hampshire abortion law, which permits abortion on request until 24 weeks of pregnancy.[137] Previously, she said she was pro-life except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother.[138] She said in 2010 that Roe v. Wade should be overturned.[139][140] In 2014, she led a Republican effort to call for a vote on a bill to implement a 20-week nationwide abortion ban.[141]

While in the Senate, Ayotte offered legislation to make birth control available over-the-counter without a prescription, which she argued would increase access and allow flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts to be used to purchase it.[142] She voted to shift federal funding from Planned Parenthood to other community health centers that also serve low- and middle-income women and families, but opposed an attempt to shut down the federal government over the issue.[143][144] Ayotte was given a 100% rating by National Right to Life and an 82% by the pro-life Campaign for Working Families.[98] NARAL Pro-Choice America gave her a 15% rating and pro-choice Planned Parenthood gave her a 6% rating.[98]


NASRCC Endorse Joyce Craig for Governor of New Hampshire

Carpenters for Joyce Craig

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