Saturday, July 6, 2024

Week in Review: Biden Defiant as Calls to 'Pass the Torch' Mount


Saturday, July 6, 2024

■ The Week in Review

As New Campaign Implores Him to 'Pass the Torch,' Biden Rejects Calls to Drop Out

"I don't think anybody's more qualified to be president or win this race than me," the incumbent declared in a televised interview.

By Jake Johnson • Jul 6, 2024

From a Coup to Assassinations, Just How Much Immunity Does the US President Now Have?

"If Trump, as commander-in-chief, ordered his troops to assassinate somebody or stage a coup, that would seem to fall within the absolute immunity provision of the court's decision," said one legal expert.

By Jake Johnson • Jul 3, 2024

'The Land Theft Continues': Israel Announces Biggest West Bank Seizure in Over 30 Years

The Israel-based activist group Peace Now says "2024 is by far the peak year for Israeli land seizure in the occupied West Bank."

By Brett Wilkins • Jul 3, 2024

Former Officials Say US Has 'Undeniable Complicity' in Israeli Killing, Forced Starvation of Palestinians in Gaza

"The administration’s policy in Gaza is a failure and a threat to U.S. national security," said 12 ex-officials who resigned from the Biden administration over its support for Israel's war on Gaza.

By Edward Carver • Jul 3, 2024

Researchers Warn of Imminent 'Death Spiral' for Rapidly Melting Alaska Ice Field

The Juneau ice field is melting at a rate of 50,000 gallons per second and is possibly heading "beyond a dynamic tipping point," a new study says.

By Brett Wilkins • Jul 2, 2024

'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers

The U.S. Supreme Court's immunity decision has reportedly emboldened the presumptive GOP nominee to pursue his far-right agenda and authoritarian aims "without fear of punishment or restraint."

By Jake Johnson • Jul 2, 2024



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■ Opinion

After Biden's ABC Interview, It's Time to Pull the Emergency Cord

It has become clear that only direct intervention by Democrats in Congress, propelled by grassroots pressure, can avert a Biden 2024 train wreck.

By Norman Solomon, Jeff Cohen • Jul 6, 2024

Trump's Far-Right Army Is Threatening Bloodshed. Believe Them.

We must not only resist, but prevail. If we do not, it will be nearly impossible to reverse the course that America’s right-wing billionaires have set us on.

By Thom Hartmann • Jul 5, 2024

The Six Corporate-Owned US Supreme Court Justices Have Completed Their Assigned Mission

The series of devastating rulings over the last week are the consequence of a corporate strategy launched 53 years ago.

By Robert Reich • Jul 3, 2024

Confronting NATO’s War Summit in Washington

Our fellow citizens and political leaders need to hear from us all about the dangers posed by this unaccountable, nuclear-armed war machine.

By Medea Benjamin,Nicolas J.S. Davies • Jul 2, 2024

A Vicious Right-Wing Supreme Court Helps the Neoliberal Empire Strike Back

"With fear for our democracy," said Justice Sonia Sotomayor, "I dissent."

By Chuck Idelson • Jul 2, 2024


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