Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bee Petition: Your signature can get us a step closer to banning bee-killing pesticides



Vulnerable bees are at risk of EXTINCTION. A pesticide so TOXIC it can KILL an adult. Human health is at RISK. Take action now! >> 

Use of one of the DEADLIEST herbicides in the country is on the rise -- paraquat. This pesticide is so toxic, that one sip could kill an adult. And there is no antidote! 

In fact, its use has more than TRIPLED in the past three decades. The profit-driven pesticide industry is set on keeping this toxic pesticide on the market. 

Paraquat should have been banned yesterday. There are plenty of viable alternatives to this toxic pesticide, so what is the EPA waiting for? This is why we need your help NOW more than ever to keep paraquat away from our fields, our food, and our environment. Will you help speak up against the use of this toxic pesticide before it causes more harm to people, pollinators, and the planet? >>


Paraquat is so toxic that it has already been banned in countries throughout the world – 67 to be exact. And these countries understand its lethal consequences. Chronic exposure to paraquat more than DOUBLES the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Plus, it has been linked to kidney, organ and heart failure, and cancer. 

The EPA itself found that there were severe risks to farmers and farmworkers who are exposed to high levels of paraquat on the job -- but the agency continues to approve its use. Putting profit over people’s health. 

Paraquat can also be toxic to bees, even at extremely low levels. This is crucial since our food chains and way of life depend on bees and other pollinators, who bring us 1 in 3 bites of food. 

Bottom line:Paraquat is contaminating our food, poisoning farmworkers, driving pollinator decline, and polluting our environment. We need your help to stop paraquat from continued use in the United States. The EPA won’t act unless it hears from concerned environmentalists like you! Can we count on your help before our 11:59pm deadline TONIGHT?


Demand the EPA protect people from toxic pesticides. Demand they end the use of paraquat. 

Thank you for taking action, 
Friends of the Earth

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