Thursday, June 13, 2024

you are a lab rat


Public Citizen

An $86 billion company is conducting a reckless social experiment and treating humanity itself as unwitting lab rats.

  • OpenAI — perhaps the leading company in the field of so-called artificial intelligence, or AI — recently unveiled what it craftily calls “Voice Mode.”
  • Don’t be fooled by that innocuous-sounding name. By the company’s own accounts, Voice Mode is designed to make people who use OpenAI’s products feel like they are interacting with a real person.
  • And not just some anonymous stranger — but someone with an attractive personality, someone who knows them, someone who likes them.
  • AI systems that mimic humans to that degree can be exploited to impersonate real people, manipulate consumer choices, invade user privacy, induce unearned trust, target insecurities, manufacture emotional dependence, and degrade real-life relationships among actual human beings.

On Monday, Public Citizen sent an open letter to OpenAI calling on the company to immediately suspend the massive social experiment it is poised to inflict on society with its reckless and untested “Voice Mode” technology.

Join Public Citizen in a message for OpenAI CEO Sam Altman:

Everything about “Voice Mode” seems designed to lure users into feeling like they are interacting with a genuine human. Your rush to disseminate this technology is dangerous, unnecessary, and inconsistent with OpenAI’s purported priority in advancing AI safety. We urge you to suspend “Voice Mode” immediately.

Click to add your name now.

Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen

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